Cemetery 93,43
a cemetery
Starlingtown [93, 43]
Basic Info:
Current Status
You are standing in a cemetery. The grass between the headstones seems smooth and undisturbed.Somebody has spraypainted Revive Point - Aces - tinyurl.com/ybey6hz onto one of the larger gravestones.There is a lone zombie here, see Below. There are five dead bodies here. Three of them smell strange.--Dr Mycroft Chris 19:41, 22 April 2011 (BST)
Name: Skronky Pre-death Class: Civilian Dead Since: unknown Warning: Cortex damaged. Do not attempt to revive.SPECIMEN ALREADY FILED. Specimens in this area have been fully scanned.
Revive Point
South Paynterton Aces
Aces Revive Point! | |
This is a South Paynterton Aces revive point. Request a revive here. |
The South Paynterton Aces maintain the North Starlingtown Cemetery revive point, and you can request aid from the directly right here.
Department of Emergency Management
Revivification Requests | |
Undead? Want to breathe again? Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link) |
Alternately, you can post a request with the DEM.
This page, Cemetery 93,43, is a locations stub. Please help us to improve the wiki by contributing to this page. Be sure the following information is added to the page: coordinates, suburb, 9 block map (or 16 block map for large buildings), description, barricading policy, and history. Please refer to the Location Style Guide. |