Cheap Ass Survivors

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Cheap Ass Survivors
Abbreviation: CAS
Group Numbers: Rebuilding
Leadership: Georox, Assorted Others
Goals: To Serve and Protect
Recruitment Policy: Survivor players from the CAG Forums
Contact: CAG Urban Dead Thread

Group Origins

Cheap Ass Survivors (CAS) is a subsidiary of the Cheap Ass Gamer forums (CAG), from which groups of "CAGs" have opted to create both Survivor and Undead groups, operating independently from one another. However, the status of the zombie group is very much in limbo, as repeated attempts to get it going have all fizzled out.


On October 7th, 2005, CAG member "r1s3n" posted on the forums a quick blurb on Urban Dead, which at the time yielded few replies and quickly died off. As such, the true origins of the Cheap Ass Survivor clan can be attributed to $hady, who at the time had begun playing UD again, and revived the thread on January 1st, 2008.

This time, the thread exploded, and in a 10-day period spawned over 350 replies, a CAS roster of (at the time of this writing) 21 active survivors in addition to a few undead characters played by the same CAS players as well as other CAGs not in the CAS group.

With such a CAG following, the suggestion was eventually brought forth by HotShotX to form CAG Survivor/Undead groups in-game, resulting in the formation of Cheap Ass Survivors and Cheap Ass Corpses, the latter of which has yet to get off the ground due to lack of undead CAGs.

Upon its formation, CAG member The Crotch (AKA, "Timur Leng", or "Crotch of Tamerlane" on Brainstock and Resensitized) suggested that the newly formed clan take up a dedicated location and goals in order to ensure the group's development and community. On the CAG Forums themselves, fellow CAS members began to recognize both HotShotX and The Crotch as the group's leaders. Crotch was chosen for his large amount of experience on Urban Dead; HotShotX for unifying the CAGs as an operational group and taking up a leadership role in helping others with the game.

The group moved to the "Saints Row" region of Darvall Heights and worked to help the area alongside the Crossman Defense Force, now known as the Soldiers of Crossman. The CAS was eventually ousted from the suburb by an overwhelming number of zombies, and they began wandering across Malton. They focused largely on suburb recovery, though they were briefly involved in fighting between Team Zombie Hardcore and the BRRC and did some light bounty hunting.

Some time during these events, HotShotX became inactive and The Crotch became the sole leader. When he left for work, he left Genocidal in charge. The group folded about a month after. It has since been brought back to life by long-time member "Geo".

The CAS are actively recruiting


  1. Aid fellow survivors in any way possible. The CAS is not tied to any area in particular - it goes where it is needed. Combating zombies is its primary reason for existence. We harbour no trenchcoat-ish ideals of "destroying the zombie menace" or "winning the game" - we simply like stopping zombies. Exceptions will be made for the Cheap Ass Corpses, should they ever get off the ground.
  2. Engage any known PKers without warning. While they recognize zombies as the main threat to Malton, the CAS are not above zombifying other humans.
  3. The CAS consider themselves friends and allies of the Soldiers of Crossman and The Saints, a bounty-hunting group that contains a number of former CAS members.


Historically, the CAS has consisted of the following players. While the group is going through an odd transition period at the moment, much of the old list still stands.

CAG Name UD Name Favoured Role Accidental Kills Comments
The Crotch Timur Leng Support --- ---
aTOH jayTOH Support The jury's still out. WILD ABRA?!
doctorfaustus Booknerd Support No ---
Mike23 MikeF3223 Combat Hah. If a Torontonian gets a kill, I can guarantee it was an accident. ---
yukine Jonathan Ingram Combat --- Canada sucks.
IvanHood Ivan Hood Reviver --- ---
ArthurDigbySellers ArthurDigbySellers Support --- "Bulk of the series, dude."
rywateska The Ghost of T Bell --- --- Where to now?!
Technique Morgan Reese --- --- ---
Genocidal Geno Cidal Support Beats me. ---
JolietJake JolietJake Combat --- Fuck, we've got a lot of people.
greydemise greydemise --- --- ---
fullmetalfan720 fullmetalfan720 --- --- ---
JJSP Joey Ryan Medic Who wants a mustache ride!? ---
chuckie88 GoodTimeCharlie Shock Troop None, unless you count generators. I heart Sour Lifesaver Gummies.
Maklershed Maklershed Medic --- ---
Johnny Postman Johnny Postman --- --- ---
ravenbear Ylitka Medic --- ---
Sleepkyng ThatNinja --- --- Inactive 'til further notice - Subotei's Crotch 03:58, 19 June 2008 (BST)
getmeoutofjoliet Dick Weiner Clan Fashion Designer Brain Cells due to my alcoholism. Nothing like a gay drunken firefighter in real life. Well, maybe the drunk part.
halfbent halfbent --- --- ---
sp00ge Antigo Montoya Scout Wan Yao Mingling with the underlings ;)
DarthBudge Darthbudge Support Nope. Resident Evil 5 plz.
fart_bubble necro rump Medic --- ---
PlumeNoir PlumeNoir Combat --- I am aware of the irony.
Modium wajda --- --- ... No.
CSideGamer CSideGamer --- None are accidental! We're gonna need a bigger boat.
suko_32 booko32 --- A few. Sorry, Nurten Mrh Cows. ---
georox Geo Isgod Medic Probably. Cannibalization is good.
WckdDudeMan Ther Lannerman Scout --- ---
Radiosilence257 RadioSilence257 Combat --- Is the Afro Samurai
insertcleverthing Dr Simon Clever Medic --- Remember: Boredom is your #1 enemy in a zombie outbreak.
ThatDamnDave Damn Dave Combat --- ---
Gothic Walrus Gothic Walrus --- --- ---

Cheap Ass Gamer Forums

$50 is a lot of money. That being said, most new games simply aren't worth that much. We all hate feeling ripped off after dropping half a bill on a game, that soon becomes clear, was not worth it. If we avoided paying full price, we probably wouldn't feel as bad and, that's the whole idea behind this site, feeling better about ourselves.

Well, that's part of it, its really about stretching your gaming dollar further so you can play more games for less money. Myself and the rest of the CAG community search the web and try to find quality games at cheap ass prices.

This site is a work in progress (created May 2003), so bear with me while I figure this stuff out.


Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.