Haven Radio

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Haven Group
Haven Radio Logo.png
Abbreviation: HG
Group Numbers: 2
Leadership: Sgt Fenton, Jan Marius
Goals: Primary: To provide residents of Pashenton with information regarding zombie numbers, travel advice, cell service reports for the local area

Secondary: To support the BOW in protecting Pashenton

Recruitment Policy: If you can find us, maybe we'll have a job for you...
Contact: Haven.Radio@gmail.com

Haven Radio Title.png


Thursday, 26 September 2024

The Haven Radio group has grown into Haven and I have created a new group page to reflect this change. This page will remain as a record of previous events, but will not be updated or modified. Please visit the Haven page for further information and news.

Many thanks,

Sgt Fenton

7th, November 2006

Thought I should update the page, since it's been a while. We have recently forged a new alliance with the Pashenton Division of the BOW. Due to this I have updated our group's goals, as well as removing the inactive members from the page for now.

3rd, September 2006

Things are getting hotter around our building. We had a break-in earlier, but there were no human casualties. Jan and Sgt. Fenton will continue to attempt to hold out against this new wave of zombies, and will attempt to provide accurate information from our base. Our new piece of kit, the binoculars, will undoubtedly make Fenton's job of observing the surrounding area easier and allow us to bring you the best zombie forecast in our area.

Current Situation

We have been able to survive the recent troubles faced by both the city and our own stronghold. After a brief mission to retrieve much needed supplies for the Haven stronghold, our home was brought to it's knees by a marauding group of survivors hostile to everything and everyone but themselves.

I am happy to be able to tell you that we are now in control of our building once again. We have also recruited a new member to the team, Jan Marius. With Sam and Bob still missing, the Haven Group's job of reconstruction will be made much easier with the addition of a new crew member. Jan will be providing scientific analysis of the plague that has swept the city as well as conducting his own research at the Haven base.

Unfortunately, the cell mast in our area is currently out of service, a matter which we are currently addressing. We have been able to reconnect ourselves to Malton's air-waves and you can still tune in to us at 28.58 MHz. Service remains patchy in some areas, and our broadcasts are infrequent, but we shall endevour to keep you up to date with any important news and happenings in the city of Malton.

This is Sgt. Fenton, signing off for now... August 2nd 2006

Frequency Change

Ladies and Gentlemen, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have been forced to change our frequency from 27.37MHz to 28.58MHz. Please retune your radios accordingly.

Back Story

We, the Haven Radio Team, are currently broadcasting from an undisclosed location, taking refuge from the chaos which has engulfed the city of Malton. As we dwell amongst our meagre stockpile of weapons, ammunition and supplies, we will endevour to bring you what news we can for as long as possible.

Although we are currently a small team, we use this to our advantage, enabling us to bring you news from the frontlines, and to offer you the best service that can be provided in the city's current state.

Contact Us

If you would like a message broadcast on Haven Radio, or have important information, news or require assistance, please contact us via the above address.


Malton Telephone - Haven Radio helps MalTel maintain cell coverage.

BOW - Haven Radio is currently allied with BOW, dedicated to supporting them in their efforts to rid Pashenton of zombies and restore it to its former safety level.

CDF.jpg Creedy Defense Force
Haven Radio is affiliated with the Creedy Defense Force and fully supports the destruction of all zombie unlife in Malton.