Haygarth Row Railway Station

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Haygarth Row Railway Station
Last Update December 2022
Zashiya (talk) 16:59, 13 June 2023 (UTC)
Haygarth Row Railway Station

Grigg Heights [4, 54]

McGarth Plaza Redfern Boulevard Pople Street
Waugh Road Haygarth Row Railway Station Campain Drive
the MacGilvray Hotel Brower Lane a carpark

Basic Info:

  • Train station. No trains are running.
  • Among the internal descriptions found in Railway Stations:
    • "Its platforms are empty, its departure boards blank, all trains having left the city during the evacuation."
    • "…a fire-damaged white-stone building surrounded by lawns. Behind railings, you can see railway tracks disappearing into the surrounding city."
  • This building can be barricaded normally.


Haygarth Row Railway Station is the only Railway Station of its kind in Grigg Heights. Before the outbreak, it was once a bustling commuter paradise serving as the major transportation hub for the suburb, and lying on the Orange Line. But these days the platforms lay silent, the citizens all gone and the faint moans of zombies can be heard in the distance.

Malton Rail Orange Line
Ellicott | Matcham | Boyer | Haygarth | Mesney | Wakeham | Dye Y | Coleridge | Feltham | Toley | Corbin | Gilling | Turner | Locket-Piegsa G | Crespin | Ainslie | Stroud-Dadson P | Samways | Gass | Pattemore | Norris N | Shearston | Hutchin B | Cording Y | Fifoot | Shillito N | Keeling | Sellwood-Barens R


Additional Information

Barricade Policy

Keep at EHB at all times

Current Status


Currently being used by DoJo as a headquarters DoJo

This empty railroad station was once a part of the city's now extinct Malton Rail system.

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