Stroud Grove Railway Station

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Stroud Grove Railway Station
--VVV RPMBG 03:45, 18 July 2024 (UTC)
Stroud Grove Railway Station

Greentown [38, 78]

a wasteland Staples Road the Febrey Monument
the Cornelius Museum Stroud Grove Railway Station Kerswill Auto Repair
the Francois Arms Dadson Grove Railway Station a factory

Basic Info:

  • Train station. No trains are running.
  • Among the internal descriptions found in Railway Stations:
    • "Its platforms are empty, its departure boards blank, all trains having left the city during the evacuation."
    • "…a fire-damaged white-stone building surrounded by lawns. Behind railings, you can see railway tracks disappearing into the surrounding city."
  • This building can be barricaded normally.
Stroud Grove Railway Station

Stroud Grove Railway Station is a rail station in Greentown. It lies at the junction of the Orange and Purple Lines.

Malton Rail Orange Line
Ellicott | Matcham | Boyer | Haygarth | Mesney | Wakeham | Dye Y | Coleridge | Feltham | Toley | Corbin | Gilling | Turner | Locket-Piegsa G | Crespin | Ainslie | Stroud-Dadson P | Samways | Gass | Pattemore | Norris N | Shearston | Hutchin B | Cording Y | Fifoot | Shillito N | Keeling | Sellwood-Barens R
Malton Rail Purple Line
Meloney | Thomson | Foulkes | Spraggon Y | Voules G | Downing | Morliere | Bowerman | Pollet | Stroud-Dadson O | Cullingford | Whittle-Clark N | Basher | Chalderwood B | Pegg | Lawley R | Sebright | Glenmore | Polgrahan F | Windham | Rawlinson-Mechel Y | Swabey | Corp | Hellear | Kemble | Kitchingman | Youl | Spitter | Muirhead | Heddington | Gibb | Salter | Clipper | Kelloway-Roles Y


"You are inside Stroud Grove Railway Station. Its platforms are empty, its departure boards blank, all trains having left the city during the evacuation."


Unlike it's neighbor, Dadson Grove Railway Station, Stroud Grove Railway Station was a train station designed for the new Malton Subway, which provided express links between suburbs, thus limiting the amount of pollution and the congestion on the roads. Fears of zombies using the tunnels to get out of Malton lead to their demolition just after the outbreak, but these days, the stations are still used as a safehouse.

Barricading Policy

Because Railway Stations in Greentown are considered safehouses, it should be barricaded to Extremely Heavily Barricaded. Survivors who have Free Running can enter next door at an VSB building. --Alice Cuinn 07:24, 4 June 2007 (BST)

Current Status

5/22/2009 You are inside Stroud Grove Railway Station. Its platforms are empty, its departure boards blank, all trains having left the city during the evacuation. The building has been very strongly barricaded. Also here are Seth Question (50HP) and Epee (50HP).A portable generator has been set up here. It is out of fuel. --Dr Mycroft Chris 02:14, 22 May 2009 (BST)