Lexicon:Helicopter Crash

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This page is a part of the Outbreak Lexicon. The information here is fan-created and should not be considered in-game canon. Please do not edit this page unless you are certain that the Lexicon has been completed.

Nothing is simple anymore, is it?

We've done our best, tending to who we can assist and keeping as many buildings secure as we can. But doctors before the outbreak had it easier: when their patients died, that was the end of it. We have to work harder to save lives than ever because every life we don't save turns into an enemy inside our stronghold.

Yesterday, I was taking a smoke break on the roof of the hospital when a helicopter came out of nowhere and slammed into the street a few blocks away. I wish I could tell you more, but I know nothing about military makes and models... only that this was, in fact, a military vehicle. When we reached the crash site, there were only three survivors out of about twelve men. I couldn't tell exactly how many... it was really just a bunch of charred limbs tossed around together. I didn't really think of it as anything other than more mercy killings I wouldn't have to commit.The control panel radio was semi-operational, but I couldn't make out much in the static: something about Ackland Mall, and someone requesting more backup. Guess they never got it.

Christ, that sounds desensitised of me...

Anyway, we took two of the survivors back with us. The third was wedged too tightly into the debris, and he wasn't going to make it. Both of the other survivors died as well, but one of them was lucid for a short while. He told me his name was Walter Kasey, and then he kept trying to say something about an Incident of 3 July... but I can't think of any importance for that date that I know of. And of course, he died before he could do anything more than confuse me.

I checked his wallet. Barrville address, some credit cards, nothing special.

We dismembered him just like the rest of our patients, then separated the limbs and tossed them down onto the street. It's starting to amount to quite a collection out there.

Nár laga Dia do lámh,

- Melanie

Caz 06:46, 4 May 2006 (BST)
References: Ackland Mall, Barrville, Incident of 3 July, Walter Kasey