Mercy Killings (Lexicon)

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This page is a part of the Outbreak Lexicon. The information here is fan-created and should not be considered in-game canon. Please do not edit this page unless you are certain that the Lexicon has been completed.

I know there is some book store owner named Mark or Mathew or maybe Mortimer who seems to be paying cash for all the trinkets and trivia that he can get. I found this scrap of paper in the pocket of a body wearing camouflaged fatigues. It's got a bunch of codes on it...and the memo is a little disturbing. What do you think it might be worth?


POSTED – LIVE 2146 OCT 10th

For immediate dissemination to all MILITARY personnel and contractors ONLY! <MSZR$0133%RT*377U#MM34>



Effective immediately, General Aaron has suspended the "No Fire" orders for all MILITARY personnel in the Malton area.

This order also extends the so called "No-Man's-Land" border to include all of the greater <DELETE> Malton area.

This order means that any and all MILITARY personnel are authorized to use all means, up to and including deadly force, when confronting individuals suspected of being exposed to or under the influence of the unknown agent(s) delivered via <CODED RED – NOT RELEASED>.

This order also means that all MILITARY personnel are <FAILURE CODE ADY8> authorized to use all means, up to and including deadly force, when confronting armed individuals who fail to immediately comply with military orders.

Non-military personal are NOT to interpret this as permission to carry OR use firearms or weapons OF ANY KIND. The "No carry" orders (GA-0024LF01 & GA-0024LF02) remain in effect. ANY NON-MILITARY individual found in possession of any weapon is subject to immediate arrest/detention in the Fort Creedy holding facility.

<CLOSE PORT 8080> Any individual suspected of trafficking in arms is to be detained.

The practice of "Mercy Killings" WILL NOT be tolerated! Military personnel involved in "Mercy Killings" are to be arrested and held on capital murder charges. ANY non-military individual involved in "Mercy Killings" are to be arrested <CZY3%sT*974U#TT17> immediate and moved to the Fort Creedy holding facility.

While the civilian authorities attempt to establish order and isolate the problems areas, the military will be continue to assume the role of policing the city. <CHECKSUM FAIL##HEX089399ADAD> <DELETE><DELETE><DELETE><DELETE><DELETE><DELETE><DELETE><DELETE><DELETE><DELETE><DELETE>

--Nicks 05:03, 21 May 2006 (BST)

References: General Aaron, Authorities Struggle to Bring City Under Control, Fort Creedy, Illegal arms trading, No-Man's-Land, Police Barricades