Journal:chaosvolt/October 2007

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These are the October 2007 entries for the character journal of Doomrunner511 (my character). This is here to save space on the main journal page.

October 2007

Damn cow tippers! (October 1 2007):

While I standing around, waiting for revival, someone named "titus King" came up to us. It looked like he was going to revive me at first, but then he pulled out a pistol and blasted me. Damnit. He did this right in front of the sign saying this was a revive point! As I stood up a while later, head aching from the bullets to my brain, I could feel nothing but rage...maybe it was the headshot doing the thinking, but I was going to hunt him down!

Unwanted lobotomy removed (midnight, October 2 2007):

I woke up to find I was on the floor, necrotech revival serum working it's magic on my putrid organs. Seems someone finally helped me out. I'll get up in morning and go thank him.

The quest to kill Titus King begins. (October 2 2007):

I stood up, and begin looking for a way into the hospital. On the way, I saw an old foe of mine, but I had to get in the building, I'll kill him after I get revenge on this "titus King" dude. I got in, posted a healing request, and reloaded my shotgun...

The quest to kill Titus King is nigh. (later October 2 2007):

Someone healed me while I slept. I thanked the guy, and searched for a few medkits. I sparred with someone, and also practiced my medical skills after the match. I then went into the nearby police station, and saw Titus, not even noticing I was the guy he killed. I was about to off him then and there, but I realized I was low on ammo. So I looked around, and found some shells. I'll find some more ammo tomorrow, then I'll get revenge.

The quest to kill Titus King is over. (early October 3 2007):

I woke up, ready for my revenge. I walked up to him, and he just sat there and smirked. I yelled some random gibberish at him, then pulled out my twin shotguns and pumped him full of buckshot. As the crowd just stared, I threw his body out the window to make sure he doesn't get back up and kill me in my sleep.

The afterquest (early October 4 2007):

Okay, maybe I went a tad overboard on that guy. I went to a docter to learn the tricks of the trade, as some skills with dignosing medical problems could come in handy. After all that, I looked around for some ammo. I found a shell or two, a clip, and a set of flares. I need to get some sleep!

Flare on! (October 5 2007):

I went out to find a zombie sitting there, so I opened fire on it, using up most of my ammo. Then I decided to add insult to injury. So I pulled out my flare gun and opened fire on it! My first three shots veered off course a little bit, but my fourth and last hit burnt a hole in it's torso. I just smirked at my little "statement" and went back inside.

The quest for masks, coats, and...crosses? (the nights of October 5-6 2007):

I felt bored, and decided I wanted stuff for no reason. So I headed north, using the roof-top highway to reach Furneaux Square Fire Station. After grabbing a gas mask (may come in handy some day), I then headed to the nearest necrotech building. I had heard that a zombie group called Lebende Tote had messed the place up badly, but the place was okay for now, and grabbed a lab coat. I was sent in on a military mission, but I was starting to appreciate higher science, and I wasn't going home anytime soon, so I plan to learn some things sooner or later. Knowing that the totes might come back and there was no one to guard the place, I came back and entered st. dorotheus's church. I made a quick thanks for the fact that zombism wasn't the end of life, and grabbed a small cross necklace off a table. I'll go look for ammo later.

Crooketon ammo hunt, day 1 (October 6, 2007):

I decided it was time to take a break from hunting, to find ammo. Lots and lots of ammo. So I immediatly dashed into the ammo locker, and found enough ammo to reload my pistols and one shotgun. I'll take a nice, long nap, and tomorrow I'll look for even more ammo.

Crooketon ammo hunt, day 2 (October 7, 2007):

I looked around for more ammo and I found a few shells. I went over to a fire station, looking for flares, and wasted the whole day for nothing! ARGH! Oh well, I went back to my hiding spot and hoped I'd have better luck tomorrow.

Crooketon ammo hunt, day 3 (October 7.5-8, 2007):

I've been looking around all though the night and into the morning, and I found 7 or so shells and 4 clips. I reloaded my other shotgun and got ready to get a long nap. Tomorrow I'm going on an ammo-hunting fest.

Crooketon ammo hunt, day 4 (October 9, 2007):

I learned that zombies broke in the nearby hospital and cleared the area out while I was asleep. They had took out the zeds, but I could see the lights wre still out. So I went over myself, and found everyone was all right. The barricades were dangerously low, but I didn't know how to repair them. So instead, I found a few medkits and healed a few of the wounded. Then I went back to the police dept, and continued the hunt for ammo. I found a few shells and went to bed.

Crooketon ammo hunt, end (October 10, 2007):

Before I had a chance to look for more ammo, I learned that the hospital was having MORE zombie problems. So I dashed over, and saw Titus, in zombie form, about to finish off a survier. So I opened fire, emptying my shotguns and a pistol into him. Then, I shoved a shell into my shotgun, and blew him away. Again. After dumping the body, I found a few medkits and healed the guy he attacked. Then I reloaded my weapons and prepared for tomorrow. I think now I'm skilled enough to call myself a "zombie hunter".

Moving back to Nixbank (October 11, 2007):

So much for zombie hunting. When I woke up, I looked out the window, and saw that the hospital was ruined. Knowing that going outside to clear the place up would get me killed, I decided it was time to move. I had heard that Nixbank was a uptopia compared to when I last was there. So I packed my bags and took the rooftop highway to Deakin Alley Police Dept. When I got there I told everyone the problems Crooketon was having, then settled down in my old base, ready for tomorrow.

Life in Nixbank, take 2! (October 12, 2007):

As I looked around the police dept, I could tell the place was quite different than when I was here last. After musing about random crap, I hopped out the first-story window to find some zombies to kill. Just my luck, there were two zeds right outside the building. I saw they were attacking an unfortunate young man who had got locked out of the building. I charged them, firing my shotgun point blank into one. After unloading a few shells, I pulled out my pistols and went to work! Emptying a clip and a half into one zed, then applying my new finishing technique, I blew his rotting brains out with my final shot. Then I turned to other one, used up the remainder of my clip, then reloaded both guns. After emptying them both, I shoved my last clip into one of my pistols, and fired them off. Damnit, he was still standing and I was out of ammo! At least he was pretty heavily wounded. After swinging my axe at him a few times, I realized I won't kill him fast enough! So I hacked at his legs and went back inside to inform the others. As I picked a shell off a table, I hoped they would help him before the zombie got to him! I also took the time to learn basic First Aid skills from an instruction manual on the floor. Thought it might come in handy.

Trying to go back to Crooketon (October 13, 2007):

As I woke up, I noticed that I recognized someone there. It was a guy from Crooketon I knew, we all called him Crows. Didn't make much sense, but whatever. So I asked him how things were holding in crooketon, and he said that things weren't going so well, the hospital was still down, so most were either injured or dead. He said that he came here to restock, and suggested that I come help. I told him that I was out of ammo from helping some guy outside. Then I looked around for ammo. Eventually, I found a shell or two and a few clips. After reloading my weapons, I had one unloaded shotgun and one extra clip. I need to find more ammo!

staying in Nixbank a while longer (October 14, 2007):

I noticed the generater was out of fuel. I ran over to a nearby auto shop and grabbed a fuel can, then came back and refueled the generater. after a while, I got bored and went outside to hunt some zombies. A zombie was outside, so I prepared to fire at it, but it ran away before I could attack it! I ran after it, and it went inside a ruined building. I went in, and saw it standing there. So I opened up on it, unloading my shotgun and a pistol. I realized that I needed to take a break, so I climbed the roof, and entered a nearby building. There was some guy there, and I told him about the zed in the ruins, and decided I'll go see if it's still there later. I want to kill it.

hunting zeds, getting stuck in Crooketon (October 15, 2007):

I went back into the building and saw the zombie from yesterday still standing there! After I finished him off, I went back towards the police station, and saw a zombie standing around. I fired a few rounds at it, and it started coming closer! after a bit of trading blows, I decided to retreat back into the building to rest. A few hours after, I decided to go back outside for round two. As I landed on the ground, I turned towards it, and it ran. I followed it all the way to Crooketon, and continued the fight! I used up the last of my ammo, and hacked it a few times with my axe. I realized I was getting tired, and ran into a ruined building and used it to free run into a factory. Seeing a construction manual on a table, I decided to read it to pass the time. Sadly, much of the good info wouldn't be needed these days, but I figured out how to adapt certin techniques to better use, like barricading a building properly. after all, most anyone can shove a desk against a door, but I need REAL skill to actually block zeds from breaking in.

trouble brewing, wish it was only coffee (October 16, 2007):

I managed to return to the police dept. The entire area is under seige. "Crows" told me that zeds that ransacked Crooketon came from Grigg Heights. I decided to go over to the hospital and help out. There were a few zeds there, but I didn't have any ammo to deal with them. So I closed the doors, knocked the zeds down the stairs to slow them down, and reported the situation. It seems we may be forced to retreat soon...

Too bad we can't barricade the building with money (October 17, 2007):

I woke up to the sound of combat. A battle was already raging inside the police station. It seems that the zeds finaly broke in. Crows told us to retreat to Bissell Bank, now being used as a fallback point. I heeded his advice, and jumped out the window, then dashed the seven blocks to the old building. I discovered that the place had few a few people in it, none of whom I knew. I barricaded the doors a good bit and hoped the others would make it here. The rest of the day was spent keeping the barricades up, and checking the nearby buildings for any I knew.

zombies don't take checks (late October 17, 2007):

I got killed again. Ow. As I stood up, I realized there were still a few survivers. I did my best to say something understandable, but I realized that my vocal cords were stiff. I managed to moan a few things that sounded understandable, than went outside to get revenge. After a few slashes, I realized my fetid joints ached from standing up, so I went back inside, sat down, and hoped I didn't get killed for being undead.

from green to red (october 18, 2007):

I was standing around when I noticed there were several zeds attacking my pals, so I shambled over to help the poor guys. Big mistake. Being in the middle of the fray, they were unable to keep track of which one was me, causing them to blow a dozen holes in my head. Standing up a few hours later, I was tired, and went over to a nearby cemetary to rest and maybe get revived.

rotting in the ruins (October 19, 2007):

I had rested for hours, and noticed some guy running into the cemetary. Suddenly, he hit me upside the head with a lead pipe, collapsed from an infection, and stood up as a zombie, clawing me a few times. Annoyed at this little pest, I returned the favor a few dozen times. Realizing I really needed revival, I shambled north, but on the way, I saw Titus King, in zombie form. I was still a little annoyed from when he killed me, so I clawed him a few times, eventually tiring myself out. I'll keep going towards Crooketon tomorrow.

moving to Reganbank (October 20, 2007):

I decide to move to Reganbank to get revived. It should be nice and quiet there. After a few hours, I got revived, went inside, and started looking for ammo.

Better idea, Mornington (October 21, 2007):

I realized the nearest police station was in Mornington, so I said my goodbyes to the NTs and moved to Ashenden Way Police Dept. There I found enough ammo to reload my guns.

the Mornington hunt (October 22, 2007):

I stepped outside to find a few zeds about. I opened up on the group for several minutes, taking out several members. It began to get dark, so I scrambled to a warehouse entry point and returned to base. After a while, I decided to enter the "Necrotech Volunteers Dept", making me an unofficial Necrotech employee. Could be nifty later on.

World's most boring day. (October 23, 2007):

I woke up and decided to look for ammo. After several hours of searching, I found several shells and clips. Yay me.