Knights of the Rose
The Knights of the Rose | |
Abbreviation: | KOTR |
Group Numbers: | 4 |
Leadership: | The Tribunal, The Generals of the three orders |
Goals: | To Protect and provide an example to the common populace |
Recruitment Policy: | Go to We are now accepting new members so sign on up! |
Contact: | Just leave a message on the General Discusion Forum |
Who We Are
We are a small Brotherhood of Knights based out of Dulston. Our Goal is to aid the existing groups and create a safe haven for survivors in the north-east. Our numbers may be small but we are just getting on our feet.
Statement of Purpose: Our Objectives are to fight the ever-present zombies, help wherever possible, and to be an example for the common survivor to follow.
Recruitment Policy
We accept any and all Survivors not currently Enrolled in another Group. We will also accept any survivor enrolled in another group so long as they, a. End their service with the previous group (not necessarily relations just enrollment) and b. The former group was not a Pker or zombie group, and doesn't mind. We may accept persons from PKer and Zed groups under extreme special circumstances but they must adhere to our Laws strictly and shall be monitored.
the link to our forum and our recruitment info is: (This is our forum), or E-mail our recruiter at
How our Hierarchy Works
We are Led by a Tribunal of Generals. Jannick Lorensson, Knight Stone, and Necropolice.
The Orders
The Orders of our Knighthood are as follows:
The Knights of the Thorn, led by Jannick.
The Knights of the Heart, Led by Necropolice.
And the Knights of the Blood, Led by Knight Stone.
When a Survivor Joins the Knighthood he is placed in an order according to his skills, Fighters and Combat Medics in the Order Thorn, Healers and Revivers in the Order Heart and the Barricaders and Defenders in the Order Blood.
What it Means to be a Knight
To be a Knight is to always be Helpful, if there are survivors in trouble help them.
To be a Knight is to be Lawful, do not break any of the Laws of the Knighthood.
To be a Knight is to be Honest.
To be a Knight is To be Honorable.
To be a Knight is to be a good Example for the common folk to follow.
Laws Of the Knighthood
1. Fratricide - The murder of a brother or in this case a fellow Knight. - Is hereby outlawed and reviled, a committer of these deeds shall be forever disgraced and dishonored. The convicted shall be killed and denied revival, as well as be banished from all territories under Knighthood supervision. Should a banished person be found in the Knighthood Realm he shall be Executed and denied revival and thence forth driven from the area.
2. Murder - The killing of an innocent survivor or human being in general - Is here by outlawed and shall not be tolerated by members of the knighthood or members of the community. It shall be met with swift retribution and justice, the convicted shall be executed and denied revival. and in the case of a Knight excommunicated from the knighthood.
3. Vandalism - The willful destruction of a Generator, Radio, or other important commodity - is hereby outlawed and shall be punished by the loss of no less than 4 Ranks for Knights and Execution/DNR Status for Citizens.
More Laws will be created as needed.
Our enemies include the following:
Toben- ie. The Caffin Library Killer- this serial killer has threatened the knighthood and sprayed over our very own HQ messages. He also is a well known Pker and is deemed KOS & DNR for all Knighthood members.
DORIS-This group aims to take over our home here in Dulston. The Knighthood shall not be simply swept aside to make way for this "New Baghdad" We shall fight till the bitter end. All Doris members are hereby labeled as KOS & DNR for all Knighthood members and should be such for all natives of Dulston.
And of course the ever-present Zombies.
This List will probably be expanding in the future.
Ghetto Cow-Our first ally, this small survivor group is led by Dag00 and Lachryma and is preparing to help retake Caiger Mall.
ZoMG-Our second ally, this group is made up of mostly newbies and is led by Joe O'Wood (Wiki), and Brenton the Fireman (Wiki) , and is in the greater Dulston area.
The Survivor Liberation and Retaliation Front aka SLRF a small group that we are sharing our HQ with led by Dandy Motha
the Defenders of Life a small group based out of the bank to our north led by Space General
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Report PKers! |
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery. (Dead Link) |
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Short-wave Radio Info |
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.
Frequency: 27.24 MHz |