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This page is a part of the Infection Lexicon. The information here is fan-created and should not be considered in-game canon. Please do not edit this page unless you are certain that the Lexicon has been completed.

Ever since the quarantine started, there has been no commerce with the outside world. That however, has not stopped supplies from coming into the area.

Military helicopters have been seen over the city for months. There has never been a reported instance of them landing, but they often do parachute crates of supplies into the city. The majority of crate drops contain humanitarian supplies such as medicine, portable generators, emergency rations, and ammunition. I have found a few of these crates myself, as the choppers always seem to mark them by dropping parachute flares to mark the positions.

However, I have recieved confirmed reports that some drops are made covertly. The majority of them seem to be in the area of Grayside. I believe that they may contain heavier weaponry and gear for special forces teams that have been rumored to exist in the area. A picture messaged to my phone seems to confirm this, the crate had military markings, and my informant reported that it exploded when attacked by a small mob of zombies.

Blake Arnold

--Darth Sensitive Talk W! 20:07, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
References: Humanitarian Supplies, Special Forces Teams