List of specialty stores

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This page lists the unique novelty-type stores that can be found in Malton.

The List



  • Halloween (as of October 31, 2007)
  • Candy Stores: (list may be incomplete)
Ackland Mall (NE corner)
Bale Mall (NE corner)
Blesley Mall (NW and SE corners)
Buckley Mall (NW and SE corners)
Caiger Mall (NE corner)
Calvert Mall (NE corner)
Giddings Mall (NE corner)
Hildebrand Mall (NW corner)
Joachim Mall (SE corner)
Marven Mall (SW corner)
Pole Mall (NW and SE corners)
Stickling Mall (SW corner)
Treweeke Mall (NE corner)
Tynte Mall (NW and SE corners)
  • Costume Stores: (list may be incomplete)
Bale Mall (NW and SE corners)
Blesley Mall (SW corner)
Buckley Mall (SW corner)
Caiger Mall (NW and SE corners)
Calvert Mall (NW and SE corners)
Giddings Mall (NW and SE corners)
Hildebrand Mall (SW corner)
Joachim Mall (SW corner)
Lumber Mall (N half)
Nichols Mall (NE corner)
Treweeke Mall (SE corner)
Tynte Mall (SW corner)
  • Christmas
During the Christmas season (December 10, 2007 - early January 2008), Santa costumes were available at all malls.