Malton's Angels

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Malton's Angels
Angels Logo.JPG
Abbreviation: MA
Group Numbers: 15
Leadership: Padre Romero[1], selects promising recruits. However, Members are simply expected to do the right thing.
Goals: Salvation of Malton from the Zombie Menace. Kicking ass, Taking Names.
Recruitment Policy: Those of grace and spirit are recruited via text message from the ineffiable Padre Romero.
Contact: The Angel's Chapel forum.

"Then I saw the sword. Not a blade, a sign, a crimson stamp emblazoned on the skies over Malton, A broadsword, carried by the wings of angels, and over its tip, a burning halo. I knew somehow that this was not a weapon, but a sign, a sign that all of Malton must see." - From the Diary of Padre Romero

General Information:

For the Better Part of Year, the Malton's Angels have been flying from one hot-spot to another in the city of Malton, providing medical aid to the wounded, firepower to the besieged, and hope for the desparing. Through their humble beginnings as a band of noble crusaders under the eccentric jesuit priest Padre Romero, the Angels quickly became one of the most adept organizations in the city at not only countering the zombie menace, but changing the way the battle was fought. An angel or two has been at every major battle in the city of Malton, providing backup at the first and second siege of Caiger Mall, and bravely delievering many of its number to safety when all hope was lost in its final hour. Angels have fought on the side of the Channel 4 News Team and the Malton Rangers in the Battle of the Bear Pit and both battles of the Blackmore Building.

Mysterious and Ubiquitous, the Angels never remain in one location very long, but have been instrumental in tipping the balance during the blackest hours of many of Malton’s long sieges.

Though recently, many members of the old guard within the Angels have been spirited out of the city by means known only to Padre Romero and his cadre of close companions, new recruits have been summoned from every corner of Malton to take their place in the search for a brighter tomorrow.


The Angels are an eclectic lot, hailing from the dregs of societies beer-washed underbelly to the heights of academias highest ivory tower. Many Angels were close friends before the outbreak and are united only by the common camaraderie they share, having no internal leadership. As of January 2007, many of the Former Angels were smuggled across the quarantine line by arcane means yet unreleased to the public, new recruits are en-route to take their place, mostly from the failed medical unit Cadeucus Corps.

Below is a list of all confirmed members of Malton's Angels:

Padre Romero

Padre Romero
Joined: March 8th
Character class: Medic
Favorite equipment: Crucifix
Character profile: 464518
Current status: Elusive

Padre's life seems to have taken him everywhere, from a street gang on the banks of the Thames, to a French prison, to a quiet church in Malton, where he still lives. Romero attributes his uncanny accuracy with a pistol to God, although he has hinted numerous times that he may have abused such a gift in the past. Romero frequents the libraries, schools, and churches of Gibsonton and surrounding areas. Possessing a brilliant anylitical mind and an impossibly keen eye with a pistol, Padre is the driving force behind the Malton's Angels.


Joined: March 26th
Character class: Consumer
Favorite equipment: Book
Character profile: 475677
Current status: Dreaming

A young teen on a mission, Artaxerxes was recruited for the Angels shortly following the Extravaganza. While a teenage mall rat may seem to be the most Down-to-Earth member of the Angels, the fact that he draws his namesake from a Persian king makes us wonder. Arts Idealistic personality epitomizes the Angels quest for a brighter future dispite the horrors to Malton's present state.


Joined: May 2nd
Character class: Firefighter
Favorite equipment: Fire Axe
Character profile: 539940
Current status: Armed and Dangerous

taking particular pride in his reputation as one of the Most Dangerous Men in Malton, Kyndrid has had ties to Padre and the Angels since their pre-zombie days. While his gruff demenor and inability to suffer fools may have prevented him from making many friends in his earlier life, his tendency to bash to bits, or hack apart, anything that stands in his way make him a valuable companion in the post-outbreak world.

Lady Pirate

Lady Pirate
Joined: May-ish
Character class: Doctor
Favorite equipment: Fencing Foil
Character profile: 846486
Current status: Plundering

She could be a drunk partier with a fetish for strange costumes, She could be stark raving mad, or she could be what she claims, the last surviving member of the Bloody Cutlass, a pirate ship that somehow beached in landlocked Malton UK. Regardless, this tricorn adorned beauty is deadly with a fencing foil, and quick with a terrible pirate joke. The streets of Malton will never be the same.

Bossa Nova

Bossa Nova
Joined: April 26th
Character class: Consumer
Favorite equipment: Pistol
Character profile: 514358
Current status: Kicking Ass

Formerly the head of the multi-million dollar "Jocecorp", Bossa Nova is an exorbently wealthy businessman from central Malton. After the outbreak wiped his livelyhood off the face of the earth, he has pledged to execute a hostile takeover on as many of the undead menace as possible. Hopefully the future holds many more successful mergers of his baseball bat with the collective skulls of the walking dead.

Nathan Wild

Nathan Wild
Joined: March 8th
Character class: Scout
Favorite equipment: Bottle of Beer
Character profile: 461427
Current status: Drunk

Perhaps the most dangerous member of the Malton's Angels, Nathan Wild's impulsive and unpredictable nature make him both an asset and a liability to the Angels. A self-proclaimed "Mall Rat", he can almost always be found in one of the liquor stores around the Caiger Mall area. Though nearly always intoxicated, this seems to do nothing but improve his accuracy, and sharpen his otherwise dull wit.

Mira Hart

Mira Hart
Joined: March 23rd
Character class: Necrotech Employee
Favorite equipment: DNA Extractor
Character profile: 472228
Current status: Crazy

Little is known about the youngest Member of the Malton's Angels. Mira rarely speaks, and has never been pressured into disclosing her personal history. She is easily spotted in a crowd due to her bright violet hair, which she manages to maintain, dispite the fact that there are no functioning hair salons in the city of Malton. By all accounts, she is a little bit crazy, but possesses a savant-like understanding of the rapidly growing science of Zombology. The Malton's Angels denies all claims that she is a zombie spy, is Revive-Serum dependant, or has any links to the Church Of New Eden.

Sam Cork

Sam Cork
Joined: March 8th
Character class: Doctor
Favorite equipment: First Aid Kit
Character profile: 461350
Current status: In Love

Much like his kindred spirit, Hec Scrivener, Sam is impossibly idealistic. His slightly confused grin has been cheering survivors up across Malton since late last year. While not on the best of terms with Padre Romero (Don't ask), Sam has been contentedly cleaning up Scarletwood for quite some time now. A marrage to the lovely Mira Hart is approaching like a royal yatch, or, in the opinion of some, a Blimp Named "Hendenburg".


Joined: March 16th
Character class: Necrotech Employee
Favorite equipment: Portable Generator
Character profile: 540706
Current status: On Something Illegal

A diehard fan of "Crrrraaaaazzzzy Science!" Techno Tim has spent his entire life living in the shadows of Bill Nye, Adam Smith, and Jamie Heinamen. As the zombie horde descended upon Malton, TechnoTim decided that it was time to put his 5 engeneering degrees to good use. He is usually seen carrying a briefcase loaded with Improvised fireworks, dismembered cell phones, and the head of his former employer.

Kristy Spring

Kristy Spring
Joined: Febuary 1st
Character class: Medic
Favorite equipment: First Aid Kit
Character profile: 758338
Current status: Scared

Airlifted into Malton with the medical unit Cadeucus Corps., Kristi Spring was immediately traumatized with the horrors she witnessed at the fall of Fort Perryn in late January, and only escaped due to some last minute heroics by the Angels own Mira Hart. She has joined the Angels with the belief that she can re-assemble her decimated medical team and use it to help the Angels in their daring mission to save the city.

Samuel Summers

Samuel Summers
Joined: Feburary 1st
Character class: Private
Favorite equipment: Pistol
Character profile: ?
Current status: Toughing it out

Airlifted into Malton with the medical unit Cadeucus Corps., Samuel Summers was quickly seperated from the rest of his medical unit. He's not the brightest guy in the world, but he's big, fluffy, and loveable all the same.


Joined: Early February?
Character class: Private
Favorite equipment: His watch, of course
Character profile: 763807
Current status: Looking for his watch

This shaky, slightly dazed mess was found, by Sam Cork, in the southern suburbs of Malton (quite possibly having escaped from the local mental institution). MyWatch spends a lot of time in the south western corner of Malton, mugging zombies and inquiring to the whereabouts of "my watch" to anyone who will listen.

Prisonner of Today

Prisonner of Today
Joined: March 27th 2006
Character class:
Favorite equipment: Bottle of Wine
Character profile: 477164
Current status: Off Killing Zombies

Known for his love of freedom and a good bottle of vodka, Priz is seldom seen in any one place for too long. After exploring the city for a while, he was approched by Padre and offered a place in the Angels. He still spends most of his time off on his own adventures, but he knows that should the need arise, he can find a safe berth among in the Angell Building.

Allies and Enemies

Established as an independant group, the Angels have fallen in with the New Malton Colossus, embracing their treble ideals of rugged humanity, angelic hair, and devilish good looks. The Angels have also made numerous allies in their home suburb of Scarletwood, among them, the illustrious heroes of the Garniss Border Patrol. Though their nonconfrontational stance has helped maintain many friendships, the angels are nevertheless dogged by some of the most able PKers in the city, most of who now lie vanqished or on the run themselves. Among those who have crossed knives and traded bullets with the Angells are the notorious PKers Cypher Zero and Pathetic Bill.

Trident.jpg Channel 4 News Team Affiliate
This user or group entered Glorious Battle beside the Channel 4 News Team. There were horses and a man on fire and this user or group killed a guy with a trident. Afterward, we could barely lift our arms because we killed so many zombies. I don't know if you heard us counting. We killed over 1,000.

MRangers.gif Friend of the Malton Rangers

This User or Group fought beside the Malton Rangers in their quest to aid the people of Malton.

Rhodes2.JPG A Colossus Of Class
This user or group is part of the New Malton Colossus.
Bringing Glorious Battle to you since 2006.

Blackmore Bastard Brigade.JPG Blackmore Bastard
The RRF has had to lay siege to its own NecroTech and this group sent the Bastards inside some reinforcements.

8/18/06 -

Flare.720.jpg The Second Extravaganza
This user is wholly dedicating to making the 3rd of July the most absolutely kickass night ever..

The Extravaganza!

And so it has come again! In keeping with the true esoteric secret of the universe, that time moves in circles, it is time once again to pour forth our light upon the world. The Malton's Angels invite you to join them in a spectical of sight and sound this July the third as we commence The Second Extravaganza


We now have a template of our own. Why? Because everybody loves templates! Just type {{Angels}} to show the world that you, too, have seen the fiery sword, and share in the vision of a Malton free, peaceful, and basking in the light of a new dawn!

Angels Logo.JPG Orbes mei gloriam viderunt!
This user or group stands on the side of righteousness shoulder-to-shoulder with the Malton's Angels.

Current News

September 18th 2007 With survivors once again regaining control of the north, Angels have been sighted in the derelict computer labs of some of Malton's most secure necrotech facilities. They're planning something...