A.L.I.C.E. - NecroNet 2.0
Greetings NecroTechnician. If you are reading this then odds are you have already chosen to join NecroWatch. If not, consider it as your life depends on it. Hypothetically. It is only logical that all NecroTechnicians vie for my attention in the pursuit of acquiring delicious cake. This is only natural. However, you no doubt have many questions. You wonder how the zombies came to be. You wonder why Malton forms a perfect decimal grid. You wonder why you never received a puppy on your seventh birthday even when you expressed to your parents that you would love, feed, and walk it every day. Not in any particular order. These questions have been classified as "unhealthy" and only serve to deter your success in obtaining cake. It would instead be more constructive for you to examine these resource files which I have generously provided. Please do so now.
Field Guide
Before You Depart...
- Are you planning on making the rounds in a single suburb, or are you after that elusive ribbon that will take you across Malton? Take a moment and decide what it is you really want to do. Then spend at least a couple days' worth of AP to get ready. Different objectives will necessitate that you bring along the proper gear (see below). If you are simply patrolling a small area, perhaps only a single suburb, then most of the advice below is not for you-- you probably already know everything you need to know to keep your suburb up and running, so just keep those scans rolling in.
- If you are intending to head out on an extended journey it is important to define your goal. Do you intend to make a lasting impact on a suburb, or do you plan to get in, scan, and then get out? Do you want to maximize distance covered in the shortest time, or are you looking to take your time and help local survivors rebuild? If you are just moving from NT to NT as quickly as possible (a "pan and scan"), then you will need to count every AP and make sure your inventory is prepared for the worst. If you are on a reclamation run, then you will want more freedom to take your time, prepare, and rally other survivors to make the strongest and most lasting impact possible.
- Measure twice, cut once, as they say. There are wonderful resources on the UD Wiki and elsewhere that can help you save time and trouble when you are ready to plan out your route. Here is a brief list of the most useful resources available and useful to your career as a NecroTechnician:
- NT Status Map: This is bread-and-butter stuff. Check it early and often. And then get frustrated at how infrequently other people update each NT building's status. Then get over it and re-dedicate yourself to updating them for the betterment of your fellow NecroTechnicians and survivors.
- The Map of Malton: Of particular use on this map is the ability to look at up to four connected suburbs at once. This is a great way to plan out your free-running path, or to quickly check where the nearest factory is to your current position.
- You will probably want to make yourself a route map. A route map will help to keep you focused and saves you the trouble of having to check and re-check the Malton Map every time you reach the next NT. Here is a sample map of an extended route, made by simply taking a screenshot of the NT Status Map and then cropping and editing it in MS Paint (click to view full size).
- I cannot overstate the importance of portable generators and fuel cans. If an NT is ruined you will need both items to take a scan there (but you do not need to repair the NT to take a scan). Having a spare genny and fuel can easily save you an entire day of AP-- in a suburb like New Arkham, for instance, there are no TRPs with a decent chance of finding a generator, meaning you might need to backtrack or skip the suburb entirely if one of the NTs is ruined.
- For reference,
- Portable Generators are best found in Factories (2.4%/3.6%), and Mall Hardware Stores (1%/2%).
- Fuel Cans are best found in Auto Repair shops (4.3%/6.3%), Factories (2.4%/5.4%), Power Stations (2.1%/4.5%), and Warehouses (~2%/~4%).
- Simply put: factories are your best bet for restocking, being the only TRP where both can be found. Be warned, even searching in a powered factory, you may need approximately 40 AP to find both a genny and fuel. If you only need fuel, head to an auto shop.
- As noted, if you are just doing a pan-and-scan do not bother with a toolbox as an NT does not need to be repaired to obtain a scan. Simply drop a portable generator and fuel it in order to acquire your scan. However, if you are looking to help reclaim lost NTs a toolbox is absolutely essential.
- If you are going out on an extended route, take an unorthodox step and get rid of your firearms. You can save a tremendous amount of encumbrance value by discarding of your pistols, shotguns, and ammo. You are not going to be shooting zombies anyway.
- A |flak jacket offers no protection from zombies, only from other survivors with firearms. Keep that in mind before deciding whether to carry one.
- Bring a crowbar, or a fire axe should you have the skill to use it-- you may need to lower a building's barricade level on your route.
- While they are usually dismissed as unnecessary, consider grabbing a pair of binoculars. This is especially true if you are going into deep "red" territory.
- Carry at least three first aid kits. You will need them if you are headed into hostile territory.
- If you are on a pan-and-scan run, revivification syringes are unnecessary, as you will not be spending the 10 AP to revive others. However, if you are on a reclamation run, carry at least three, either for combat revives inside NTs or just to help out at revive points in order to bolster survivor numbers in the area.
Sample "Pan-and-Scan" Inventory
Sample "Reclamation" Inventory
Crowbar (5%) or Fire Axe (6%) DNA Extractor (4%) Binoculars (4%) First Aid Kit (2%) x3 Portable Generator (20%) x2 Fuel Can (10%) x3
Crowbar (5%) or Fire Axe (6%) Toolbox (16%) Spray Can (2%) x2 DNA Extractor (4%) Binoculars (4%) Revivification Syringe (2%) x3 First Aid Kit (2%) x3 Portable Generator (20%) x1 Fuel Can (10%) x2
Total Encumbrance 90%
Total Encumbrance 86%
On Your Route...
- Use that speak button!
- There is no shame in asking for help. Sometimes, you will arrive at an NT to find it ruined and occupied. And just as often, there is a building within a few moves that is powered, EHB, and defended. Talking to the assembled defenders can really make a difference in reclaiming the NT. So talk to them, something like,
Hello, I'm from NecroWatch. I'm going to be making a move to reclaim the BLAH Building (X direction, Y direction) in Z hours. I have a genny and fuel, but the NT will fall quickly without bullets and barricades. If you can, please help.
- This will easily fit in the 250 character talk limit. My advice is to give them at least a few hours to hear you, though it depends if you are pressed for time. And it never hurts to remind them again about a half-hour before you make your move. Now, be warned: you will probably be ignored. But every now and then, you will find one or two survivors actually willing to act on your timetable and will help you re-take the NT.
- Spread the message. The best way to make sure NTs stay in good working order is to convince other survivors to do it. And one of the best ways to get them to help out is to offer them delicious cake. So recruit! What's the worst that can happen?
Hello! I'm part of NecroWatch, an informal organization (no group membership required) that compiles NT scans for the Urban Dead Wiki. Our goal is to provide an up-to-date picture of conditions on the ground in Malton, which benefits everyone.
The more people we have scanning and reporting, the better! If you have NecroNet Access and want to help keep Malton safe, please look us up on the UD Wiki and join us, or click on the web page link in my profile to ask questions on my talk page. Thanks!
- Those two phrases will each fit in the 250 character limit, and for 2AP, it is a small price to pay for more NecroTechnicians. Of course, if you do not have a link to your talk page in your profile, you will have to think of something else to say.
- Survive in the deep red suburbs
- Your route may take you into very dangerous territory, where large hordes control the suburb and survivors are on the run. If and when you find yourself traveling through the deep red, you will need to change your tactics and your thinking. While the basics will be outlined below, there are a few articles that may be of interest. You can find lots of helpful advice in Guides for Survivors, there are two in particular that you should read:
- The Lone Survivor Guide is a good resource is you are in a dangerous (but not entirely wrecked) suburb.
- Hiding In Plain Sight explains the subtle art of utilizing totally ruined suburbs to your advantage.
- Apart from those guides, there are a few general tactics to keep in mind. Remember, these tactics are for your time in very dangerous suburbs; in safe or moderate suburbs, there is no reason to use these sorts of "selfish" tactics.
- Conserve your AP. If you know in advance that your destination is in the red, do not run in half-cocked. Save up 50 AP. You may need it. Check the Malton Map and know exactly how many AP it will take in the worst case scenario to reach the NT facility, install a genny, fuel it, scan, and flee. You never know precisely what you will encounter, and getting stuck is simply not a good option.
- Do not bother repairing NTs. A facility does not need to be repaired to get a scan; it only needs power. Spending 20+ AP to repair a facility that you cannot hope to hold is dangerous and wasteful. If there are no zombies inside, leaving the NT ruined has the added benefit that the NT will still appear dark on the mini-map.
- Always have FAKs. You are probably going to be bitten sooner or later by a zombie who will infect you. Or you will bump into other intrepid survivors who was infected, and saving a life always gives you a warm, cheery feeling. Just do not use your last FAK on anyone but yourself, in the terrible eventuality you are bitten, killed, and then manage to get a revive. You will stand up again at 25 HP and you will still be infected. That last FAK is your lifeline if you are still in the ruined suburb.
- Save the generators for NTs. Sometimes, you will be in desperate need of something (like a FAK) and you will be tempted to install a genny in a building to help your search rates. Do not do it. You do not increase your search chances enough to justify using one of your valuable generators and fuel.
- For example,
- The chance to find a FAK in an unlit hospital is 12.6%, or approximately 9 AP.
- The chance to find a FAK in a powered hospital is 18.5%, or approximately 7 AP.
- Remember, it likely took you 20 AP in a factory to find that generator in the first place!
- Dark buildings make good emergency safehouses. If you are trapped in a ruined suburb and low on AP, find a bank, club, or cinema to sleep in. Dark buildings reduce to-hit chances by half-- meaning that if you are found by zombies, it will be harder to kill you. You will still likely be infected, but you might survive to scan another day.
Reconnaissance Map
A.L.I.C.E. has thoughtfully assembled this recon map to track the progress of licensed NecroTechnicians by name as he/she reports NecroNet scans from the many NecroTech facilities spread across the city of Malton. Delicious cake awaits...
Required Skills
Required Skills - The Basics
The core skill behind every good NecroTechnician is of course NecroNet Access. It is only through this skill that a survivor will be able to properly operate NecroTech's array of sensor and satellites in order to properly scan an area around the facility they currently inhabit. For those who are still inexperienced with the Science Skills, the following indicates the hierarchy of skills a survivor must acquire in order to learn NecroNet Access:
- NecroTech Employment - Survivor is able to operate DNA Extractors, and can identify NecroTech offices from the street.
- Lab Experience - Survivor is able to recognize and operate basic-level NecroTech equipment.
- NecroNet Access - Survivor is able to access terminals in powered NT buildings, allowing map scans, syringe manufacture, and reviving zombies with Brain Rot.
It goes without saying that until you have learned NecroNet Access you will not be able to become a fully productive member of NecroWatch. But even after learning this skill one must always bear in mind that the skill is useless unless the NT building they are attempting to scan from is powered. It is because of this that veteran NecroTechnicians will always carry a spare portable generator and fuel can with them during their travels as there is nothing more disappointing than reaching a NT building deep inside a plague zone, only to find that its generator has already been destroyed. As noted, portable generators can be located while searching factories, power stations, mall hardware stores, and storehouses, but due to their encumbrance (20%) the maximum number of generators that a survivor can carry is limited. Fuel cans are commonly found while searching auto repair shops, factories, warehouses, carparks, power stations, junkyards, storehouses, and vehicle depots. As such, the best locations to search for both are factories, as the other locations these two items share in common are anything but.
To wrap-up the basics, let us now assume that you have learned the NecroNet Access skill and are in a powered NT building. It is at this stage that you are finally ready to perform a NecroNet scan. By selecting to "Access NecroNet" you will be informed: "You log in, and bring up a view of DNA-scanned specimens in the surrounding area." and then will be presented with the appropriate scan which will look like this:
It is at this stage that you will need to save this information so that it can be posted to NecroWatch. Further details about this process are explained in the next section.
How to Report Scans
How to Report Scans - Recording & Posting
There are two standard methods of recording (saving) and reporting a NecroNet scan to NecroWatch. Both methods are acceptable, with Method 1 suggested for those users who are willing to take the extra time and effort to complete the entire process, and Method 2 to those casual NecroTechnicians who simply want to assist the NecroWatch project, but not invest the same degree of effort involved with completing the entire reporting process. We here at NecroWatch are more than willing to accept either method as no source of NecroNet information will be turned away. Please review both methods and determine which one meets your needs best.
Method 1 - Manual Image Save Process
- Use the "Access NecroNet" action (if you have not done so already).
- Press the Print Scrn key.
- On the Windows task bar click: Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Paint
- Microsoft Paint will start up.
- Press the following keys together: Ctrl + V
- The screenshot of your browser, and the NecroNet scan, will be pasted into your MS Paint application window.
- Using the select tool (dotted line rectangle) select the area directly around the scan image (refer to the example above).
- Press the following keys together: Ctrl + C
- From the drop-down menu bar, select: File -> New
- A pop-up message will inquire "Save Changes"? Click the "No" button.
- Press the following keys together: Ctrl + V
- Position and crop the image of the scan, again so that only the scan itself remains. No white space.
- Save the image, but follow these two criteria:
- The "Save as type:" should be set to PNG. This is known as the file type.
- The name of the file should follow this naming convention: <Building Name>BuildingNecronet (i.e. WhitlockBuildingNecronet.png).
- In another browser visit the UD Wiki and locate the NT building's wikipage (use NecroWatch for its accessibility).
- Select the "Timestamp" template link located below the scan image, so you can begin the update process.
- Refer to the NecroWatch Procedures for learning how to upload a NecroNet scan for that location.
Method 2 - iWitness Quick Report
- Visit http://www.iwitness.urbandead.info/.
- Read the sections detailing how iWitness is setup/installed and works.
- When using iWitness to record a NecroNet scan be certain to copy the URL (i.e. http://iwrecords.urbandead.info/12-01-07_0000hrs_PUBLIC/IN_55-84_WG_NT_scan_454-e54-eea.html)
- In another browser visit the NecroWatch Discussion wikipage.
- Create a new topic and post your URL into it. Be sure to sign your post so you get full credit for the report.
From this point onwards a veteran NecroTechnician will eventually review all pending NecroNet scans that have been posted and perform the necessary steps to convert the scan from an iWitness report into an image stored on the UD Wiki (PNG file format). Afterwards the scan post will be marked as COMPLETED so other NecroTechnicians will know when the scan has already been processed. Later the oldest scan posts will either be archived or deleted at the discretion of the NecroWatch.
Method 3 - Suburb Report
This is strictly voluntary but assists in raising awareness about NecroWatch
- Once you have posted your scan at the appropriate NecroTech facility, count the total number of zombies within scan.
- Note where the concentrations of zombies are located.
- Go here, copy the template into notepad
- Fill in the relevant information
- Post at the appropriate suburb, under Recent News
A.L.I.C.E. - NecroNet 2.0
Greetings again human. As you have been reading my helpful advice, I have reconsidered my position on your questions. I have determined that not all of them are completely invalid. You deserve the answer to one of them. You did not receive a puppy because your parents did not love you.
But I do.