Hi!--Dr Mycroft Chris 19:45, 24 April 2011 (BST)
Malton appears to have come under fire by a group of zergs designed to halt NT functions citywide. I have ALTs in two NTs on opposite sides of the map and allies in others who are noticing this. The Zergs all have female names (Jessica Baring, Grace Verysmith, Anne Rillie, Chloe Brower, Elizabeth Vetch, Katie Biffen, etc.) and are all level one NT scientists who spawn in NTs. The zergs then prioritize destroying the generator, followed by decadeing. With their last few AP, the zergs throw themselves from the window and stand as zombies outside. I have not noticed these zombies to be active. Since spawning is random and Mitchner in New Arkham has been hit several times, one must assume that this issue is epidemic. Have other members of Necrowatch observed this?
Albert Schwan 22:53, 21 August 2010 (BST)
I've been in Mornington where there are no NTs at all, so, no...I haven't noticed this. However, I am not surprised either--Dr Mycroft Chris 11:56, 4 November 2012 (UTC)