PR Buildings: Multiple Types
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Buildings: Multiple Types
Alarm Systems
Timestamp: | 06:22, 23 Nov 2005 (GMT) |
Type: | New feature? |
Scope: | Survivors and zombies indirectly. |
Description: | In the real world, almost any given building in a city would have an alarm system already installed. When a generator is running in a building and the doors are wide open, the alarm would go off. A short edit would be made to the room description reading: "The doors are wide open, and the alarm is blaring." If the doors are suddenly PULLED OPENED while the alarm is on, it will also put a 'since your last turn' message in ONCE stating: "The alarm system begins blaring." in bold text. - The purpose of this addition would be to alert Survivors to a breach in security in a more noticable way.
For the player, this requires nothing but a running generator. |
Notes: | 17/22 Keep/Total.
Left Queue: | 15:46, 8 Dec 2005 (GMT) |
Auditorium Effect
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | Building Feature ~ Addition |
Scope: | Some buildings speaking is heard by up to 75 people! |
Description: | Auditorium Rules
Hardly relevant or even needed, but it makes some buildings interesting defense-wise and RP-wise. In the following buildings spoken messages are received by up to 75 listeners: Church, Cathedral, Arena, Cinema, Museum, Library
Why? Ahhh... well you say "I'm infected" chances are everyone in the overpacked safehouse hears you. Or if you just got zombified you say "Mrh?" and manybe someone revived you before you get blown to bits.. and of course churches and cathedrals now you can really, really preach! The rationale for this added building feature is, well, better acoustics! (For libraries, well actually they have good acoustics too.. but they don't want better acoustics but it just works out that way "Shhhh...") These are generally not good resource buildings, so what the hell? |
Notes: | 12/17 Keep/Total. (71%) Concerns were twofold: server stress, and some voters thought it should require a skill. |
Left Queue: | 11:05, 31 December 2006 (UTC) |
Timestamp: | Grigori 03:33, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Room Flavor |
Scope: | Everyone |
Description: | I propose a new flavor addition to rooms. If a person or zombie has been killed in a building recently, it leaves a marker in the form of a bloodstain. Both zombies and humans would be able to see it. The age of the stain is also shown, as well as the number of people killed.
Cleaning up a ransack would get rid of the blood. The stain itself doesn't affect players, all it does is add flavor and possibly give players an idea of the recent history of a building. Whenever a new person dies, it is added to the "body count", and the age of the blood goes down 1 tier. Zombie blood does not affect the age of the stain, only the amount, and if a zombie was the first thing to die and create a stain, it automatically appears 2-5 hours old (due to the zombie being dead). The outside of the building would reflect the inside, although not the amount, just the age, and only if more than 5 people died.. 1-2 died, 0-2 hours ago There is a small pool of blood here. It is bright red and fresh. 3-5 died, 0-2 hours ago There are a couple small pools of blood here. The blood is bright red and fresh. 6-10 died, 0-2 hours ago There is a large pool of blood here, as well as some smaller ones. The blood is bright red and fresh. 11-20 died, 0-2 hours ago There are a couple of large pools of blood here, as well as a number of smaller ones. The blood is bright red and fresh. 21-40 died, 0-2 hours ago There are a multitude of large pools of blood here, as well as many smaller ones. The blood is bright red and fresh. 41+ died, 0-2 hours ago There is a massive amount of blood here. It is bright red and fresh. 1-2 died, 2-5 hours ago There is a small pool of blood here. It is red and congealed. 1-2 died, 5-10 hours ago There is a small pool of blood here. It is a dull red and sticky. 1-2 died, 10-24 hours ago There is a small bloodstain here. It is dull red and not yet completely dry. 1-2 died, 24-48 hours ago There is a small bloodstain here. It is dry and flaky. 1-2 died, 48-72 hours ago There is a small bloodstain here. It is barely noticable. Example of the outside appearance: 0-2 hours ago There is some blood dripping under the door. It is bright red and fresh. After 72 hours the bloodstain goes away. Feedback would be nice. |
Notes: | 18/20 Keep/Total. (90%) Well accepted as is. |
Left Queue: | 12:18, 26 October 2006 (BST) |
Church/Cathedral Changes
Timestamp: | Lord of the Pies 19:08, 10 November 2006 (UTC) |
Type: | A Report on the Dreadful Moral and Religious State of the Lower and Middle Classes in the fine city of Malton! [Item Addition/Change, Building Changes] |
Scope: | Righteous and Upstanding Gentlemen! [Survivors (but also Zombies)] |
Description: | Why, Malton is truly a fine city...a jewel, a diamond amongst dirty coals (like a fine gentlemen such as myself surrounded by dirty lower-class labourers! Ahawhawhawhaw!). Its sunlit, blood-spattered boulevards, its glorious, corpse-covered monuments; such beauty is all too often distressingly ignored, hmhm! One has performed a most rigorous and necessary investigation into the reasons for such disrespect regarding the exaltation of the most excellent examples of Malton's pride, hmhm! For, my noble companions, there is a most disturbing and unrighteous reason for this distinct and foul lack of religious thought...I say, one was out driving one of those new-fangled motorised carriages (this is, of course, utter myth; gentlemen have no hands, you see, ahawhawhawhaw!), or that is to say, my manservant Johnson was driving oneself through the spotless streets around my humble abode - three floors, seventy one rooms, nothing too grand, you see - and one was shocked the incredible state of disrepair that the local religious establishment for the worship of our fine Lord by worthy and noble gentlemen such as myself! Shocked, and one does not hesitate to use such strong language, shocked and disgusted! [Churches need several improvements]
1) For who does one bow to save for the good Lord himself, who has bestowed such riches with such righteousness upon fine, hard working fellows such as oneself? Why, no-one, of course! Such an idea is preposterous, that a gentlemen should kneel before a commoner! Therefore, Churches should be treated with the same veneration, hmhm? Yet why are some of our finest buildings not afforded the same level of importance as lesser buildings of simple commercial delight, such as shopping arcades and sports venues? Truly shocking, one finds this to be! [St. Telesphorus' Church (73,05 / 74,05) in Earletown should be made into a large building; St. Irenaeus' Church (60,13 / 61,13) in Raines Hills should be made into a large building; no, this is not about graffiti, because we all know that the end is fucking nigh and therefore it doesn't matter whether churches are tagged, really] 2) Such sights one can see from the noble steeple of tower of a church, reaching to heaven itself...truly a noble aspiration. Yet, despite these holy buildings striving ever upwards, one cannot see a single thing when one uses a telescope or a monocular to observe the fine city of Malton from such a height! This is, one believes (and quite rightly it would appear, considering that the Lord himself feels it fit that one be gifted with riches! Ahawhawhawhaw!), ridiculous! [Churches and Cathedrals should be tall buildings; a possible variation would be to include Churches with and without towers or steeples, with those with a tower or steeple being tall buildings and those without being ordinary] 3) A Bible is a fine book indeed! Golden finery; the purest inks; the smoothest paper; truly a sight to behold (and truly a useful tool to discipline unruly children with, ahawhawhawhaw!)! Yet, curiously, one cannot procure such a fine book no matter how hard one strives to search amongst the holiest buildings of Malton! Such a revelation (ahawhawhawhaw!) is the focal point of my report and is perhaps the most disturbing find of the century! [Bibles should be able to be found in Churchs at a search rate of 6-8%; Bibles should be able to be found in Cathedrals at a search rate of 9-12%; Bibles give no XP when read; Bibles, similarly to Poetry Books, give a short passage, in this case a Bible verse from Revelations of a suitably apocalyptic nature (approximately 15-20 Bible verses would be used); Bibles are removed from the inventory when read]
Ahawhawhawhaw! [...] |
Notes: | 14/15 Keep/Total (93%).
Left Queue: | 11:48, 26 November 2006 (UTC) |
Clubs/Pubs: Selectable Music
Timestamp: | Lord of the Pies 16:34, 5 December 2006 (UTC) |
Type: | Flavour |
Scope: | People, Clubs, People in Clubs |
Description: | Survivors should be able to change the music in Clubs. A minor flavour addition, it would work like the 'Cinema Management' suggestion (in Peer Reviewed); a Survivor would be able to spend 1AP changing the music by selecting an option from a drop-down menu of five or six types of music you would expect to hear in clubs (i.e. no folk music). The description would change from the current one of Coloured spotlights highlight an empty stage, and distorted music echoes over the speakers to Coloured spotlights highlight an empty stage, and distorted [music type] music echoes over the speakers. Of course, this would only work in powered Clubs and if the Generator is destroyed then the message reverts to the original one until someone changes the music again.
Yonder pubbes would also be able to play music if powered in much the same way: the current description is You are standing in an abandoned pub but if it's powered and a survivor has chosen a music type (of appropriate types, e.g. folk, jazz, classic rock, 60s, 70s, 80s) the description would change to You are standing in an abandoned pub, [music type] music echoing from a dented jukebox. If the Generator is destroyed or unpowered the description reverts back to the ordinary one until the music is changed again. |
Notes: | 17/20 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is, although additional music types were suggested: heavy metal, darkwave, EBM, techno, that sort of thing.
Left Queue: | 12:21, 23 December 2006 (UTC) |
Cycling Signs
Timestamp: | Jon Pyre 02:52, 28 December 2006 (UTC) |
Type: | Improvement/Skill |
Scope: | Survivors |
Description: | Many places have electronic signs that steadily change their message. Sometimes it's an LED billboard, a projector and screen, or just a flat screen television used for advertising. I suggest adding these to the game where appropriate; good candidates are inside stadiums, malls, railway stations, hotels, hospitals, cinemas, and perhaps some parts of the zoo. When the building is powered those with a new currently untitled civilian skill (that allows them to operate the computer controlling the sign) may add messages to the sign's cycle. The sign would remember many messages (as many as possible without taking up excessive memory, hopefully in the 10-20 range but the higher the better) and would only forget the oldest one as a new one was added.
If the building is powered one (and only one) stored message would be displayed at random. For instance one at a stadium might look like this: "A giant LED sign above the field displays 'Revive Point At Nancy Street'". The message would randomly switch each second so if someone spent multiple AP in the building they'd likely see a new message after each click. If the power was cut the sign would go blank but the saved messages would not be deleted. To prevent spam and stop people from hogging up the signs if someone tries to add more than one message to a sign they'll end up replacing the one they themselves put in. This gives these signs a different purpose than spray cans. The spray can has the advantage of being highly visible. Everyone in the room is guaranteed to see it. However if someone else wants to advertise they have to delete your message. These signs let several people share the same space, your message will only be visible once in a while but it'll take longer to get deleted. Sprayed messages also do not require power to be visible. This would prove useful in crowded places where a painted message is likely to get deleted within a few nanoseconds and generators are frequently replaced. It'd also be fun and flavorful, what's a stadium without its big screen or a mall missing advertisements? |
Notes: | 15/18 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is. One voter disliked the idea of someone automatically overwriting their own message. "If a player wants to spend all 50 AP making that LED board their personal diary, more power to 'em." |
Left Queue: | 00:48, 18 January 2007 (UTC) |
Fences: New Rules
Timestamp: | Funt Solo |
Type: | New Skills |
Scope: | Survivors, Zombies, Junkyards, some Zoo buildings |
Description: | Survivors have started repairing fencing in an attempt to hold off the zombie horde - but the zombies are adapting their tactics to compensate.
Notes: | 21/28 Keep/Total (75%). The key worry seemed to be that junkyards are a good location for new zombies to gain XP, as there are no doors to stop them.
Left Queue: | 11:05, 31 December 2006 (UTC) |
Fencing To Block Zombie Movement
Timestamp: | 07:26, 25 Jan 2006 (GMT) |
Type: | Improvement |
Scope: | Survivors |
Description: | This idea is to implement fences as a way of A) Increasing defense at appropriate locations, like forts. AND B) Aiding new players without Free Running.
Fences: What they are
Perimeter Fences
Block Fences
Destroying and Repairing Fences
The Purpose of Fencing
Notes: | 17/21 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is. Some people killed because the belived it was over powered and complicated to implement. However people liked it as it adds depth into the game.
Left Queue: | 08:06, 26 May 2006 (BST) |
Knives in more places
Timestamp: | Mark 17:39, 27 January 2007 (UTC) |
Type: | Improvement. |
Scope: | New survivors. |
Description: | Newbies currently have a hard time getting to the knife, which is now the newbie weapon. I propose that the knife be added to the following places at a 4% chance:
Arms. (Tough places.) Clubs. (More tough places.) Museums. (Antique weapons.) The following will have a 3% chance: Schools. (Confiscated or in cafeteria.) Hotels. (Someone left behind pocket knives in drawers, or in the breakfast kitchen.)
Simple and straight-forward. |
Notes: | 16/17 Keep/Total (94%)
Left Queue: | 19:48, 19 March 2007 (UTC) |
Look Out Window If Cades Low
Timestamp: | 16:38, 26 Nov 2005 (GMT) |
Type: | Game Mechanics |
Scope: | Humans |
Description: | There's always a HUGE controversy over whether to barricade heavily or past that. This balances it. When a building is less than heavily barricaded, you will be able to "see outside" and you would be able to see if anyone is outside your specific building. The names would be grayed out or transparent or something to differentiate from the people inside. Maybe it could be text in the building's description (i.e. a person, two people, a zombie, two zombies are outside). if it is barricaded too heavily to get into, then this ability would not happen. so if you want to see enemies outside, then you barricade lighter and vice versa. |
Notes: | 21/22 Keep/Total
Left Queue: | 23:47, 11 Dec 2005 (GMT) |
Look Out Window Of Tall Building
Timestamp: | 00:57, 14 May 2006 (BST) |
Type: | improvement |
Scope: | Survivors in Tall buildings |
Description: | This suggestion is limited to large buildings that have windows you can jump out of. Because you are able to jump out the window, It is clearly not barricaded nor does it have to be. This suggestion allows someone to look out the window for 1 AP and see things outside.
When you do look out the window, you will not know exactly how many zombies are out there. The message you get however will give you an idea. The reason for the lone zombie not being noticed could be any one of a hundred reasons ranging from "It was dark out and you didn't see it" to "It was behind the abandoned car and out of your field of view" In the event that survivors are outside additional text will show up in the message because you would see them as well 0-1 Survivor: <No Additional Message> I can't imagine there being lots of Survivors outside. Regardless, it can still happen and would suggest that there is something going on out there. Also the standing Zombies will be able to see you as you look at them, they will get a message along the lines of. Because if you were to try to look at things in the building next to you, it would require you lean dangerously far out the window. Therefore when you look out a window, you can only see what is directly outside the building you are in
For everyone who would say that I could just go outside to look, note the pros and cons of both methods. Going outside will require more AP. However you can see much more and the zombies never know unless they are active. Looking out the window requires just 1 AP as well as a tall building with a window you can jump out of. However you don't get a clear idea of what you're up against and you have no idea how many dead bodies are waiting to become Zombies. You also don't get to find out how many zombies are around the buildings next to you. I feel this would help both Zombies as well as Survivors out at the same time because the Zombie gets just as much information as the survivor does when they look out the window. |
Notes: | 20/26 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is. Some people disliked the idea of "X-ray vision" however it was pointed out that the Zombies would be alerted to when a survivor looks at them and thus is not the one sided style of X-ray vision that most people are against.
Left Queue: | 06:08, 29 June 2006 (BST) |
Pathogenic Liquid
Timestamp: | ShadowScope 21:29, 13 February 2007 (UTC) |
Type: | Zombie Tactical Resource Point |
Scope: | Zombies |
Description: | This is a revision of "Air-Borne Pathogen"...
NecroTech has been studying aspects of the Zombie outbreak. In fact, there are some containers out there that has just been discovered that contains some of the Zombie virus itself, in a liquid form. This liquids contain very important experimenations on the zombie outbreak, helping NecroTech to learn how to cure it. At least, that what NecroTech claims. But there lies a problem...if zombies are exposed to this virus, they can become more powerful...and more deadly. In every suburb, there is an Pathogenic Liquid Container. It is located in a building with a door. It will not be located in NecroTech buildings or in malls (to get away from a mall-centric and NT-centric gameplay). I prefer it to be placed in buildings that are not TRPs, to provide use for those buildings...but they don't have to be. You see a small container that is attached to the walls of the building. It is not activated. It has the NecroTech logo on it. When zombies ransack the building, the descirption of the building changes to: You see a small but damaged container that is attached to the walls of the building. It is releasing a purple liquid onto the floor, making a mess, and you do feel some sickness from breathing some of its vapours. It has the NecroTech logo on it. If you repair the building, the container is repaired. While the building is ransacked, zombies can spend 1 AP to "Drink the Purple Liquid". This is a 100% success rate, but this is due to the fact that zombies are mobile, and have to go and come back to drink the Purple Liquid over and over again. This also takes into account that zombies have to spend lots of AP to take over and secure the building with the Pathogeonic Liquid Container... If one drink the "Purple Liquid", he get this message: You drink the purple liquid, to sastify your thirst. You feel that your reflexes has been amplified, and that you can now seem to bite more effectively. The zombie receives a new Item: "Purple Liquid Mutagen", with a quanity of 20 "ammo". This will take up 2 spaces for a Zombie character, but since Zombies don't care much about items (most carrying only a Flak Jacket), this would be fine. This is to represent the effectiveness of the mutagen and how long it last. Basically, you now have access to Advanced Bite, which works the same as a normal Bite...however, it has a 10% higher accuracy. When you do one Advanced Bite, you use up one "ammo" of the Purple Liquid Mutagen. Once you run out of ammo, you can no longer do Advanced Bite. If one already have drunk the "Purple Liquid" and currently have the "Purple Liquid Mutagen" item, he get this message, and loses no AP: You feel full after drinking the Purple Liquid. Maybe you should return once the Liquid's effects wear off to drink this liquid once more. If one already have 51 items, they get this message and lose 1 AP: You try to drink the purple liquid, but you fail miserably, because you are carrying far too many stuff to effectively crouch and lap up the liqiud. It would be best if you drop some of those items so that you can become more free and able to you can drink the purple liquid. If you get revived, then it can be assumed that the "Purple Liquid Mutagen" virus goes into remission, along with the zombie virus. You still have the item, and can decide to drop it, just like you can drop any item. However, you cannot use the Purple Liquid Mutagen item until you are a Zombie. (This is similar to a zombie not being able to use Guns even so they can carry them). Once you get killed, you can then use the Purple Liqiud Mutagen item as normal. The reason I choosen items is because it seems to be the most simplest way Kevan can implement this. Since he can implement guns, he can surely implement this as well. This new addition make it easier for zombies to destroy the suburb, making the zombies want to play the game. It's fun basically. It give zombies some way to encourge them to hold buildings. |
Notes: | 15/19 Keep/Total. |
Left Queue: | 15:53, 23 March 2007 (UTC) |
Pop Of Corners Of Large Buildings
Timestamp: | 00:11, 17 July 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Interface update |
Scope: | All players |
Description: | Consider the following:
This makes no in-game sense, is unrealistic and harms survivors. From now on, when you are inside a large building, below the visual tag that says "28 zombies" in a corner of the mall, there would also appear a tag showing the exact number of survivors. For example: "82 survivors," etc. |
Notes: | 21/22 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is.
Left Queue: | 10:42, 6 August 2006 (BST) |
Random Building Fire
Timestamp: | Rolo Tomasi 01:13, 20 February 2007 (UTC) |
Type: | Improvement |
Scope: | Buildings |
Description: | Malton has an abundence of Firemen, and fire stations, but no fire trucks or running water. Trash is most likely piled up, papers from abandoned and ransacked buildings blow through the streets. Survivors are often syphoning gasoline to run their generators, and those same gennys are running 24/7 until they get destroyed. Also,as no taxes are being collected from the dead the infrastructure is probably the worse for wear. I propose that each week in each suburb a building at random 'catches fire'. This is done in every suburb each week. A building is 'on fire' for 24 hours, and 'burned out' buildings stay that way until repaired.
After a building catches fire is is temporarily unenterable, un-barricadable, and unsearchable. To 'repair' a 'burned out' building is like repairing and Ransacked building, but a bit harder. Instead of 1 AP to fix, a building that has burnt requires 10 AP. Any number of survivors can use AP to repair a burned building. 10 peeps can use 1 AP each, 2 people can use 5 each, or 10 folks 1 AP each. All people repairing a building must have the Construction skill. Wastelands can not burn, but parks can (wildfire). Multiple block buildings(malls, churches, forts) can only have 1 square affected. The other locations function normally. Buildings that are 'on fire' or 'burned out' may not be entered or exited with Free Running. Only 1 building per suburb each week can burn. A building's chance to to burn each week starts with a base percentage of 1% The chance of catching 'on fire' goes up by the following factors:* Unpopulated(No active survivors) + 0%; *Occupied +1% (for every 10 survivors or zombies inside); *Ransacked +4% (Zombies might have damaged wiring, maybe knocked a oillamp over, etc.); *Active Generator +2% (Re-fueling accident, overheating, improper installation...). Anyone (human or zombie) may stay in an 'on fire' building if the desire, but each action costs 1 additional AP than usual due to smoke, heat, blocked passageways ,etc. (Most actions 2 AP, combat 2AP, reviving 11AP, standing from Headshot 16 AP w/o Ankle Grab)and any action other than leaving a burning building will do 2 HP damage (FAK CAN heal this damage). When a building catches fire, the first time a character logs on or refreshes a page they see a message like "You see smoke drifting though the air X blocks north/south and X blocks east/west"... or "The building you are trying to enter is on fire, it is too hot to enter or pass through, you must go another way." Any barricades or equipment (generators, Christmas trees, lights, or radios) would be destroyed during the fire, but could be replaced after the building is repaired. |
Notes: | 21/30 Keep/Total.
Left Queue: | 13:58, 26 March 2007 (BST) |
Barricades / Doors
Atmospheric Barricade Rattling
Timestamp: | 19:13, 5 Feb 2006 (GMT) |
Type: | Atmospheric Effect/Warning |
Scope: | Survivors inside buildings |
Description: | To add a frisson of fear to the survivors inside buildings, let's let the rattling of barricades be heard - but not necessarily for any reason. Maybe they were stacked badly and wind blew things off-balance. Maybe zombies are attacking. The survivors can't know, and will get that extra bit nervous.
To avoid spam, the message should only be shown once, even if it happened several times whilst the user was away. "A crashing noise comes from the barricades." or "The barricades shake - was it the wind, or is there something out there?" or suchlike. To be clear, it should happen if zombies attack - but also randomly at other times. That's the key: It may be important or it might not - and they have no way of knowing without going outside and putting themselves at risk. |
Notes: | 11/14 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is. It was suggested that it should only occur on average once every five days. |
Left Queue: | 06:29, 1 June 2006 (BST) |
Cade Attacks Reported
Timestamp: | 20:27, 10 Jan 2006 (GMT) |
Type: | Innate survivor ability |
Scope: | Survivors inside barricaded buildings |
Description: | As an innate ability, survivors are able to see other survivors inside their safehouses attacking the barricades. This would be displayed on screen as "_____ tears the barricade down to _____". This would not show each successful attack on the barricades from the insides, only when the barricade is brought down a full level (i.e. from VSB to QSB, etc.), and by whom. This would not show attacks on the barricade from outside of the safehouse, only those made from inside.
Does not show for attacks made to barricades at levels EH or higher. Only dropping from VSB to QSB, QSB to Lightly, Lightly to Loosely, Loosely to Open - so as not to make targets of players adjusting barricade levels on entry points. |
Notes: | 25/30 Keep/Total
Left Queue: | 22:02, 6 March 2006 (GMT) |
Cading Puts You Top Of Queue
Timestamp: | 18:00 30 Nov 2005 GMT |
Type: | improvement |
Scope: | barricades |
Description: | Barricading moves you to the top of the room list. Why? So zombies can eat you first when attacking. Think about it you?re the closest. Could work with dismantling them too. As a further indication of a saboteur; but really Im just pandering to the survivor vote with that bit. REQUEST CLARIFICATION on room listing system (author assumes entering is the only placement method) Please visit Talk:Suggestions/30th-Nov-2005 |
Notes: | 21/24 Keep/Total.
Left Queue: | 16:40, 15 Dec 2005 (GMT)
Less Effective Barricades
Timestamp: | 07:29, 15 March 2006 (GMT) |
Type: | Balance Changes |
Scope: | Zombies and Humans |
Description: | As identified above, the problems with barricading are :
(1) Barricading with Zombies inside (no humans) : If a zombie is the most inactive character in the building (Similar to Survivors being at the top of the list), all Human actions except Attacking, Movement, Dropping and Speech will take 2 more AP. This will solve the Freerun Barricade sniping problem and give a way for zombies to "hold" buildings. Of course, if humans want to reclaim the building, it'd be a matter of evicting the resident zombie and then barricading up. (2) Zombies inside buildings : If a zombie happens to be inside a building, his chance to crumble barricades is 1.5 times normal. This is in essence, a way for zombies to dent the ridiculous "Barricade, Heal then Shoot" used at sieges, and to reward the zombies who did make it through to help them let others join. (it also makes sense from the RP point of view ... Human puts a cabinet in front of a door, Zombie smashes the cabinet) (3) Barricading and leaving the building empty (or with zombies inside) : If a building does not have any humans in it (dummy barricades), the chance to collapse the barricades for everybody doubles (This will allow newbies trapped outside an EHB empty building to make it to safety). This stacks with the Zombies inside buildings bonus. |
Notes: | 25/30 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is.
Left Queue: | 13:02, 18 June 2006 (BST) |
Max Cades Varies by Building Type
Timestamp: | 20:04, 28 July 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Fundamental |
Scope: | Everyone attacking/using barricades |
Description: | Whereas this game has become focused on hoarding inside shopping malls, and
In compiling this list, the primary factors considered were flavour and realism of a building's defensibility, and the ratios of the levels of defensible buildings. In the interests of gameplay, ratios were the deciding factor. To this extent, I wrote a script to compile the information on building distributions across Malton, the detailed breakdown of which is on my user page. Since there is nothing in the text distinguishing NTs from normal buildings, this uses the estimate of approximately 250 NT buildings.
Finally finally, thanks to everyone on the talk page, in particular pesatyel and raystanwick, for coming up with lists and the idea of building type distribution. Sorry for taking so long |
Notes: | 29/37 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is.
Left Queue: | 12:52, 21 August 2006 (BST) |
No Cading Till Door Closed
Timestamp: | 15:56, 18 Dec 2005 (GMT) |
Type: | Skill tweak |
Scope: | Humans |
Description: | As the game stands humans during any siege can simply spam the barricade button and any breach caused by zombies will be plugged before even half a dozen get inside. This is because of the fact that humans can barricade with the doors open (Which closes the doors, effectively a free action for the humans). I propose that people should have to close the doors before they can barricade a building to give zombies a chance at getting in when a person is online. |
Notes: | 38/39 Keep/Total. Well accepted, another variation that came up was to have a check wether or not the doors were opened or closed when the barricades were erected. When they are taken down the door would return to it's pre-barricaded state. Also a message "You can not erect barricades, as the door is open." was suggested to let the user know.
Left Queue: | 10:53, 6 May 2006 (BST) |
No Cading Till Zombies Removed
Timestamp: | Gage 02:26, 31 January 2007 (UTC) |
Type: | balance change |
Scope: | Everyone |
Description: | Survivors can no longer barricade a building while zombies are present.
The purpose of this is to create more fun for zombies, and more danger (and therefore more fun) for survivors. Because really, how fun is it for your survivor character when he has been alive for the last 2 months holed up in Caiger? Not very IMO. It also isn't very realistic that a survivor would have the presence of mind during a zombie attack to barricade a building instead of shooting the thing that is trying eat him and his buddies. This suggestion is going to be wildly unpopular. I know it. It will have fervent support from my zanbah brothers though. You might dig through the archives and pull up a "dupe" from somewhere. It has been pointed out on the talk page that times change and so I think you should give it a chance. |
Notes: | 52/77 Keep/Total. (68%) Controversial, but just edged through.
Left Queue: | 15:25, 20 March 2007 (UTC) |
Zerg-Flag Disallows Cading
Timestamp: | 00:25, 19 June 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Balance Change |
Scope: | Survivors/Barricades |
Description: | For too long the Survivors of UD have had a distinct advantage when zerging. Barricades. If a zombie has a 'Zerg Flag' on them it's near impossible to take down barricades, yet Survivors can just as easily put them up.
My suggestion is simple. If a Survivor is zerging, they have a 0% chance to build barricades. I've seen this with both my Survivor and my Zombie, and it's annoying both ways. This is just something to help curb cheating and make the game a little bit more fair for the Zombies. |
Notes: | 31/31 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is.
Left Queue: | 08:53, 3 July 2006 (BST) |
Zombie Leaving Auto-Opens Door
Timestamp: | 04:01, 4 Feb 2006 (GMT) |
Type: | Minor addition that should already be in the game |
Scope: | Zombies who open doors |
Description: | I just realized that zombies don't leave doors open when they exit buildings. It only makes sense that they should leave them open when they both enter and leave, y'know?
This is a simple suggestion: zombies exiting a barricade-free building with the "Leave Building" button will leave the doors open, just as they would ("fumble the door open, and leaving it ajar...") if they entered. |
Notes: | 25/25 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is, some people suggested for there to also be a button saying "Open Doors" when the Zombie is insided and the doors are closed. Other things to consider is to allow Zombies to open doors if there are no barricades up. Some people also wanted for surviviors to also be able to close the doors from the outside.
Left Queue: | 05:58, 1 June 2006 (BST) |
Zombie Can Break Down Door
Timestamp: | 16:40, 14 Dec 2005 (GMT) |
Type: | Altered Mechanic |
Scope: | Low level zombies |
Description: | Allows any zombie to smash open any door at cost of a pre-defined amount of ap (5?). It is listed as "wide open" as though it had been left that way by a zombie with Memories Of Life, and can be closed by any survivor in the exact same way.
As it is, getting xp as a low level zombie is a major pain in the ass. Your best chance currently is to find your self some other, higher level zombies to hang out with, preferably a nice big hoard. They can draw fire, and more importantly, open your doors for you. But what if you happen to spawn in an area with few other zombies? Then you have to wander the streets at a cost of two ap per move, hoping to come across some poor newb who doesn?t get how the game work yet. Or you can resort to zk?ing whatever other poor roters you may come across, which ends up making you vary unpopular among your fellow stinking corpses. Either way, whatever little xp you gain during the day could easily be lost by getting headshot while you sleep (or whatever zombies do). My solution to this is quite simply that zombies should be able to spend some ap "smashing open" doors. In this way, low level zombies would have at least some degree of independence, in that they would be able to access buildings on their own to get at the tasty human filling inside, or even hide in vacant ones while they sleep. This would have the secondary effect of reducing the indispensability of Memories Of Life, but it would still be useful in that it would save a good amount of valuable ap. Options:
Notes: | 17/19 Keeps
Left Queue: | 00:46, 8 Jan 2006 (GMT) |