Pellatt Auto Repair
Pellatt Auto Repair |
Pellatt Auto Repair
Edgecombe [77, 58]
Basic Info:
Pellatt Auto Repair [77,58] is an auto repair shop in the suburb of Edgecombe. It is one of three auto repair shops in the suburb.
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Located in southeast Edgecombe, Pellatt Auto Repair is one of three auto repair shops in the suburb, with Frye Auto Repair to the northwest being the closest. Also in the vicinity are Crowbank's Dinwoodie Auto Repair to the south-by-southwest, and Pullinger Auto Repair to the south .
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Barricade Plan
There is no specified barricade level designated for Pellatt Auto Repair in any publicly known barricade plan. However, M.E.R.C.Y. requests that the 'caids be maintained at EHB. --Morgan Blair 22:49, 4 October 2007 (BST)
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October 4, 2007: Installed and fueled a genny today, and raised the barricades. Power provide by M.E.R.C.Y. 'Caids at EHB, please. --Morgan Blair 22:50, 4 October 2007 (BST)
History and Significance
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