Playing God/Manifesto

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The Manifesto of God
The Manifesto of God
How does one Play God?

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The Reasoning Behind Playing God

A PKer is worth around Three(3) survivors. Why is this? How is one(1) PKer, perhaps only at level 15, better than one(1) Survivor at level 41?

An example is required, I think. Take this: a safe-house is occupied by ten(10) survivors. They are all dedicated survivors, some at level 41, and none lower than level 5. All have barricading, first aid, and at least one combat skill. This Safe-house is under attack, however, by a horde of zombies. Two(2) of these survivors are wounded. Perhaps their wounds are small, only leaving them(with or without bodybuilding) at 47 HP. Perhaps these wounds are very bad, leaving them at 27 HP. Nobody who has been active lately has healed them.

Into this scene steps the psychotic murderer, carrying a full encumbrance of fully loaded weapons, insanity shining out of each eye, bloodstains in clear evidence on his/her hands. S/He has two(2) choices. S/He can kill those two(2) wounded people, and book it out of the suburb, leaving the safe-house at only eight(8) survivors. Or, s/he can sleep there, and help out, his/her presence raising the safe-house’s number to eleven(11) living humans for the zombies outside to kill in order to keep the building in the undeads' hands.

If the Pker kills the two(2) survivors, and either dumps them or leaves them lying inside, and leaving, s/he has just reduced the chances of the safe-houses survival by a fifth. The safe-house very likely will fall. If s/he remains inside, and raises the barricades, or even heals the two(2) wounded, then the safe-houses chances are increase considerably.

This power to tip the balance is what makes the PKer so powerful. The PKer, if s/he wishes to, can make or break a safe-house. The PKer, if in a civic-minded spirit, can help out at a safe-house, until another survivor comes along who knows of the PKers murderous deeds, and kills him/her. Then, in a fit of rage or just as an act of retribution, the PKer can come back, kill as many people as possible, and wound the rest, contributing to the fall of the safe-house. If the PKer is especially vengeful, s/he can kill all the survivors with revival abilities, preventing revives from continuing. Or s/he can kill all the people with barricading abilities, dooming the safe-house. If the PKer is uninterrupted, however, s/he may stay there for weeks, even months, before moving on, or growing bored and killing people.

The common survivor does not have this power. S/He lives in order to help him/herself and his/her companions live. S/He does not have the option of depleting the population, and can only increase it. The power of the survivor is taken for granted, because the survivor only has one option.

This illustrates why a PKer is worth three(3) survivors, and has the ability to prove his/her worth wherever he/she goes. PKers have recently come into the spotlight as powerful forces, destroying malls and forts, breaking the spirits of survivor groups, and ravaging entire suburbs. This power is beyond that of the zombies which crawl the streets and gnaw on doors. It is the power that only humans hold, only humans wield. It is the power of a god.

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