Playing God/Playing

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How to Play God
The Manifesto of God
How does one Play God?

Who are the Players?
Our Statistics
Our Wonderful Miracles

The Rules of Play

Those of us who know this game travel around, in search of hard-hit areas, lending aid to - or disposing of - survivors at our pleasure. Those people to whom we provide aid are thankful; those to whom we bring death are disgusted. It's all in the fun of the game, though. The rules of Play are loose, and how a Player moves is up to him or her. Survivor or killer? Whatever you feel is going to help you at that moment.

However, there are times when all players must move in a defined way. At these times(known as Miracles), all players work toward a common goal(such as defending or destroying the population of a building), and put all their work towards that goal until it is achieved, or the Miracle is canceled due to bad weather.

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