Playing God/Miracles

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The Miracles, both Great and Terrible
The Manifesto of God
How does one Play God?

Who are the Players?
Our Statistics
Our Wonderful Miracles



Some Miracles occur in a split second - turning a river into blood, creating a river of blood, killing every first born son in one night, curing hundreds of people of all manner of diseases - that sort of thing. Others take time, and are long and last for a while - don’t rush people who Play God. Miracles may be spectacles of punishment, or acts of salvation, depending upon what the Players decide is most interesting to themselves personally. All miracles include multiple members of Playing God, though some may be behind the scenes, back-up, or merely morale support.
Targets of Miracles may include buildings, organized groups, people who abuse the games systems, or add content which is not suitable for the public(read: textual rapists), entire suburbs, or agents of a certain cause. Because each Miracle is something unique and beautiful, each Miracle has been set apart from its fellows.
Note: Sometimes, in the midst of a Miracle, things may be changed, and individuals may be given salvation or struck down, depending upon the situation.

Miracle - Vanquish the Faithless:
This is a long-term, on-going Miracle, in which those who dare to interfere with our methods of Play by hunting us, are hunted down in turn and shown Death's Door.
Bounty Hunters Vanquished: 21

Miracle - Bloody Bridgewater:
This was a very brief Miracle, in which the Bridgewater Place Police Department in Lockettside was wiped out by a fast-spreading and deadly pandemic. Afterwards, when the victims of the disease dared to step back into the quarentined station, several more were cut down by a rain of fire.
Victims of the Plagues: 8

Miracle - A Not-So Random Murder Spree:
We decided we had had enough of such specific targets, and thus decided to go after whomever blocked our sun, gave us a squinty-eyed look, or wore hats that didn't agree with us. We stayed in Buttonville, killing Randoms randomly, in random ways. This Miracle, however, gave way to another, because we suddenly decided to be good neighbors.
The Random Dead: 18

Miracle - Gore Corpse:
Yes, we know the name is clichè, and likely exists in many other places, but hey, we didn't plan on this Miracle happening. It sort of...crept up on us, as we were murdering Randoms. We switched from our old, evil, nasty state of existing as psychotic killers intent on ruining life for every citizen of Malton to a refreshing state of acting like evil, nasty, psychotic killers intent upon ruining the pantless plans of the RRF's elite Death-Cult - the Gore Corps.
Corps Corpses: 13

Miracle - Fertile Ground in Tollyton:
As soon as we learned of the Necrotechs falling down all over Malton, and the Earth Being Salted so that new life could not arise again, we decided to renew the soil with nothing but our divine will. The task proved to be less difficult that we believed, and we descended upon the besieged Rayfield Building with needles and bullets, bringing life back to the suburb, and having a roaring good time while doing it. Zombies were split, buildings barricaded, and mrh-cows made living again.
Rayfield Revives: 40
Salters Slaughtered: 9

NOTE: These catagories are updated around every two to three weeks, though this time-frame may vary due to lazyness.
Also worth noting is that new catagories may appear from time to time, should circumstances demand such a thing.
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