Playing God/Members

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The Players
The Manifesto of God
How does one Play God?

Who are the Players?
Our Statistics
Our Wonderful Miracles

Who Plays God?

We accept pro-survivors and PKers, though most members are expected to be prepared to PK on occasion. In the same vein, no member should be so pro-PKing that they refuse to defend a location against zombies, clear zombies out of a building, or engage in activities which are benficial to survivors. We are not - yet - death-cultists. However, nothing is really set in stone. We are, by nature, a group based on free-will and fun, and if a member decides to devote most of his or her time acting as a pro-survivor in Riddlybank, or PKing the sheep at Caiger Mall, that is entirely their decision.

As for specific members...Well, you'll know one when you meet one.

Hard Facts:

At present, there are three(3) members of Playing God. They are the same three(3) who introduced the concept "Playing God" to Malton.
They are all KOS on the Rogues Gallery, and feeling good about it.

Playgod.jpg Godliness
{{{user}}} enjoys Playing God in order to achieve his/her true potential.

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