Pullinger Auto Repair (Crowbank)
Pullinger Auto Repair
Crowbank [76, 61]
Basic Info:
Pullinger Auto Repair [78,60] is an auto repair shop in the suburb of Crowbank. It is one of four auto repair shops in the suburb.
Outdoors You are standing outside Pullinger Auto Repair, a large yellow-stone building, its doorway flanked by statues.
Indoors: You are inside Pullinger Auto Repair.
Located in northeast Crowbank, Pullinger Auto Repair is one of four auto repair shops in the suburb, with Dinwoodie Auto Repair to the east-by-northeast being the closest. Also in the vicinity are Edgecombe's Pellatt Auto Repair and Frye Auto Repair to the north.
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Barricade Plan
There is no specified barricade level designated for Pullinger Auto Repair in any publicly known barricade plan.
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History and Significance
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