Quartly Lecture Group seven
Feb 5th
There is a lone zombie here. It's Randomdead.
There is a dead body here. It's pink unicorns.
Since your last turn:
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
A zombie gestured at itself.
A zombie said "Zhah Gahb.z arh gahn bab. Mah h.az ra.h.b. Ba.h!n b.ah zb!gh ahh. Za.!rh grahrh!ahz b.!!b.z"
A zombie said "Gahahb. Na!b. Mah h.rh!hra.nb.z"
A zombie gestured at SweetIrony.
A zombie gestured at darwins beagle.
A zombie gestured at Charles Darwin.
A zombie gestured at the Hobo King.
A flare was fired 10 blocks to the west and 9 blocks to the south.
xryanx1 said "Grumblecake, I'm afraid your not welcome here."
xryanx1 killed a zombie.
Charles Darwin said "Yes Mr. Random Dead, I did get your apology. Thank you kindly for that. You are most welcome here now. Perhaps you can help us with some theoretical evolution questions."
26.17 MHz: "Ro-Gan, if you're listening -- we miss ya."
A flare was fired 3 blocks to the east and 4 blocks to the north.
26.17 MHz: "Gall lane at [68, 55] your new favorite revive point!"
John Haggard killed a zombie.
26.17 MHz: "LCD salutes everyone with Anathema - Fragile Dreams ;)"
A flare was fired 10 blocks to the west and 3 blocks to the north.
26.17 MHz: "2 zeds left inside Mayo Row PD, with survivors."
A flare was fired 11 blocks to the east and 14 blocks to the north.
26.17 MHz: "1Z w/ 52HP left in Mayo PD."
26.17 MHz: "MalTel's SnB on 27.10: Tollyton tower down. Request armed"
26.17 MHz: "assistance, 3 zombies inside. SnB out."
ignoti said "Stupid vandals."
A flare was fired 6 blocks to the east and 1 block to the north.
A flare was fired 7 blocks to the east and 13 blocks to the south.
Chevy Chase's Career killed a zombie.
Leon Silverblood said "I have 20 FAKs and couldn't find anyone to heal even at Eligius. *sniffle* It's beautiful. So, where were we, Mr. Darwin? Parasite-carrying bacteria? Considering we have syringes which counter it's effects and restore life (quite the biotechnical"
Leon Silverblood said "achievement there, I'm inclined to agree with Vanderghast. Someone else knows precisely what we're dealing with. And has left us in the dark. Conspiracy theory? No, this is self-evidence. However, our speculation can only help us, or perhaps it's our"
Leon Silverblood said "Purpose as an ant farm to show the capabilies of an isolated system (BioDome experiment, anyone?)/society in the face of such a plage as not seen since the [less intentional] Bubonic. At any rate, cooking seems to kill it, and this Cookies for Dummies"
Leon Silverblood said "book has made quite the stew. Would anyone like some? And no, I didn't cook it in the library, that would a fire hazard and I'd hate some axe-weilding marshall to sever my...appetite. Nor is it a library book, I found it in the bookstore :-D"
26.17 MHz: "check out goodbadqueen.com for some great music!"
26.17 MHz: "multiple break-ins at eligius"
26.17 MHz: "dozens of bodies outside,may we proceed with EH barricades?"
26.17 MHz: "if the zeds get exp we should get a new skill"
A flare was fired 11 blocks to the west and 9 blocks to the south.
A flare was fired 1 block to the west and 8 blocks to the south.
26.17 MHz: "SnB to MalTel: Tollyton restored, thx to armed assistance"
HelloTher said "your no-kill zone is costing hildebrand lives, the end is near..."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Quite the interesting points, for an antivirus would protect you indefinately. Whereas even in the absense of zeds if I die I rise a corpse, so there must be an infection dormant in my system. I have seen zombie animals so it must be quite devious to hop "
Sir Fred of Etruria said "species indescriminantly. This makes me suspect Mr.Darwin may be correct with his prions hypothesis, because the only other way to contaminate several species genetic information is with environmental contaminents. And as we've seen in the wild, the"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "amphibians are the first to show signs of genetic mutations. In other words, if it were only a pollutant, we'd have had zombie frogs years ago."
Charles Darwin said "Why Mr. of Etruria, I think you've hit the nail on the head! The only other possibility would be a bacteria and/or virus so general as to be able to infect all mammalian or animal life-forms. Perhaps a virus that evolved side-by side with the first"
Charles Darwin said "single-celled life forms and lay dorment in our history as germ became worm became us! A fascinating topic indeed. We need more study subjects. Perhaps we should convene a scientific conference in Malton!"
glen18 said "Well everyone, I believe I'm going to head out for a bit, if it is a while before I return, I look forward to seeing everyone again. Thanks for the rousing conversations."
darwins beagle said "Where's Willie when you need him... 27061"
Wolf Stoutpecs the zombie said "Rm ba!!!!!!!!!"
One Angry Zed said "greetings, Wolf--welcome back"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
GrumbleCake the zombie destroyed the generator.
GrumbleCake the zombie destroyed the radio transmitter.
darwins beagle killed a zombie.
darwins beagle said "Sorry Mr. GrumbleCake had to go..."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Welcome to our humble home Wolf (id=427605) ... Along to some unhappy news, turpin crescent is being hunted by the RoftwoodAsshats. We need a new revive point, although the library has ears..."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "To be fair Mr.Stoutpecs, only one out of three survivors cares about baricade, I won't shoot you, but please get a rotters-revive and return to contribute to the lecture series."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Cares about barricade ? I meant graffitti ... teehee.."
Feb 6th
A flare was fired 2 blocks to the south.
One Angry Zed said "So is there any kind of GrumbleCake anti-literacy award on offer? Because otherwise I just can't imagine the motivation..."
Leon Silverblood said "Excuse me, Sir Fred and Mr. Darwin, but regarding rezombification absent reinfection, and regarding antiviruses,I think it necessary to revisit basic Immunological and virological behavior. A virus, having infected a cell, takes over that cell (RNA or DNA"
Leon Silverblood said " notwithstanding) and forces it to replicate viruses. Proteins are released during this process which lie on the cell membrane and trigger the responses of antibodies. After initial infection and reproduction stages, many viruses have a latent stage"
Leon Silverblood said " during which they are inherited to all child cells of an infected parent, but are undetected because, not being active, they do not produce the proteins which cause the immune system to destroy the infected cells. A latent virus is undetectable and is"
Leon Silverblood said " never removed from the body, often to become active again in a few months, years or even several decades. Hence the infamous Herpes is forever quote and the Shingles of David Letterman."
Leon Silverblood said "All this to say that antiviral/antibacterial medication would not necessarily prevent (only upon death, which is noteworthy) the re-usurpation of the body by a zombie virus IF it was not administered before the original infection. Also, how quickly does"
Leon Silverblood said "it evolve? What if (this is a frightening one) it evolves so quickly that a new strain is present in every new bite? Finally, and on that note, even the World Health Organization, watchers of the influenza virus worldwide and producers of it's counter-"
Leon Silverblood said "measure, is not capable of manufacturing vaccines on such an efficient level as to include more than three strains in the antivirus."
Leon Silverblood said ".............Oh my. Pardon me, I am prone to rants, sirs, and fear I've overstepped the length of my speaking stick, if anyone even passed it to me. Please do consider my arguments, and I'll make reservations for [mere] reiterations like that in the"
Leon Silverblood said " future. My apologies. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_pox (Later in life, [measles] viruses remaining dormant in the nerves can reactivate causing localised eruptions of shingles...)"
Larz the Bastard said "~grabs a copy of radical evolution and begins to flip thru it~"
Leon Silverblood said "Correction, my last line should have added chicken pox and not measles"
Leon Silverblood said "Hi Larz, Bianca, Gore Girl, Proto someone in Hildebrand mall commented 2 days ago that they were after your head...Wish I could remember who. Hi all."
darwins beagle said "NIce to see you too Leon."
darwins beagle said "...Mr. Stoutpecs, playing for a whole year and still no description?..."
Vanderghast said "*scribbles frantically, trying to keep up with the pace of Leon*"
Larz the Bastard said "After MY head Leon? I hope so, recignition always makes me feel a little fuzzy inside...."
bagbob pat killed a zombie.
MoreThanDork said "only 18 bodies left outside. One of 'ems Snarfo"
demondim said "are the cades supost to be at VS"
ignoti said "The problem with the prion idea, is that they wouldn't be able to cross the blood-brain barrier from just a bite. If we're already infected with corrupted prions, then we would already have turned."
Unloved Citizen said "There's a lot of zombies out there."
ignoti said "According to Necronet, and my own scouting from the Tower, I only noticed four Zombies in the entire suburb. I was really looking forward to the Q-Zombie/KiZombie language debate."
Vanderghast said "The thing with it all is, as I keep coming back to, is that death could very well be a triggering factor somehow. As the good master ignoti said, we'd all have turned by now if death did not figure into it somehow."
Vanderghast said "Binoculars and a walk around the block reveal only one or two zombies - however, there are no less than 44 bodies outside Elsewhere H., and sixteen outside our own. We're in for a treat in day's time, I reckon."
A flare was fired 3 blocks to the east and 7 blocks to the north.
Melani said "Are we still a No KIll Zone?"
Leon Silverblood said "No, Larz, that's not what I said. The only people after your head are Whore Corps. *attacks a can of corn with a fireaxe* soooo hungry..."
Vanderghast said "Melani, dear, we are almost ALWAYS a No Kill Zone. Unless you can see people being dragged out and murdered in their proverbial beds, we are a No Kill Zone. This of course does not include people who return their books damaged."
Vanderghast said "Such people are always fair game. *hefts axe over shoulder, lovingly*"
Vanderghast said "I hope that clarifies things. *looks 'pon spraypaint with the satisfied look of a librarian with a fireaxe*"
Melani said "Thank you.... I saw the Graffiti and was curious"
Melani said "i was going to change it but I thought I'd ask first"
Larz the Bastard said "Damn, that just means I'm gonna havta try harder....been coolin my heels here for too long, people out there are gonna start forgetting about me..."
Vanderghast said "Melani; no worry. I just spraypainted that. You could not POSSIBLY have seen it before we spoke, for it was not there then."
private bubbles said "fire cheez, you are accused of PKing and zerging."
private bubbles said "now DIE"
private bubbles killed fire cheez.
Vanderghast said "Oh gods damn it ! it's going to takes WEEKS to clean the blood off the carpet."
ignoti said "For a moment there, I thought private bubbles had left with the last copy of John Locke's A Treatise Concerning Human Understanding. Then I realised, that he can't read, and I found it hidden under my chair. My mistake."
ignoti said "Err... Essay. I think bubbles might have infected me with something while he was here. Is anyone else missing words?"
Leon Silverblood said "Ignoti, he stole a few letters from my alphabet soup. Mostly vowels. Damn him. - Melani, I saw your name graffitid on Eligius Hospital. Larz,, don't take it so hard. :)"
One Angry Zed said "ignoti, you didn't happen to find the missing copy of Mill's System of Logic under your chair, by chance? can't seem to find it on the shelves as of late..."
ignoti said "One Angry Zed, no I've only got J.S. Mill's 'On Liberty'..."
Gore Girl said "Private Bubbles? Nice to know Michael Jackson put his chimp into active duty. Too bad he wasn't here when the Gore Corps was visiting. His head might have exploded from the possibilities."
Gore Girl said "OAZ, I still say you need to buy some human skills. Get body building at least, if for no other reason than to shut me up."
Gore Girl said "Too bad Sexual Harrison stole all the Danielle Steele books. The ladies room is out of toilet paper. Oh wait...there's a copy of Fran Drescher's autobiography. That'll work nicely."
ignoti said "LRRP5: There you go, try not to bleed on the books in the future."
WoOtZoR the zombie dragged LRRP5 out into the street.
Larz the Bastard said "~cracks knuckles~ alright, bubbles just made himself a target for when I hunt tonight"
One Angry Zed said "Larz, I can't see HP... can you name anyone who needs a heal just now?"
Larz the Bastard said "everyone looks good to go angry zed" ...and again.
One Angry Zed said "thx Larz, and if it means anything, you're a credit to bastards everywhere"
A flare was fired 11 blocks to the east and 6 blocks to the north.
Stella Artois said "I know this is non sequitur to your edifying and elucidating discussion vis a vis the bacterial versus viral nature of the zombie state, but I wish to raise this question; if a zombie is indistinguishable from a person in both looks and actions..."
Stella Artois said "is it still a zombie?"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "So if a player was named 'A zombie' and he growled and groaned, would the zombies still feel the need to eat them ? Or from blocks away they see 'a survivor' but upon stepping into the square and see the name 'A zombie' would they be fooled ? I guess the "
Sir Fred of Etruria said "distinguishing factor is if the zombies fall for our decoy-zed. A human can act bestial, but only when he is accepted by the beasts is he truly feral..."
Feb 7th
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
drodro5 the zombie destroyed the generator.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
A zombie attacked you for 4 damage.
The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.)
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again. ...and again.
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
A flare was fired 1 block to the west and 13 blocks to the north. (16 hours and 41 minutes ago)
Jarper healed you for 10 HP. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
darwins beagle said "now Mr. 645123 that wasn't very nice..."
Larz the Bastard said "Alrighty folks, it's time for me to get back out there and continue my murder spree. I'd like to thank the QSG for thier hospitality. Mr. Darwin, your lecture has been insightful and informative. I'll be back for more and to return this copy of American"
Larz the Bastard said "Gods. Have fun ya'll. Leon, I'll be keepin an eye out for you ~g~ Later!"
Charles Darwin said "Take care Mr. the Bastard. May you fare well on your journeys. Thank you for helping along the hand of natural selection."
Svetlana76 killed a zombie.
elgala said "free generator, now I can see what im doing!"
Jarper said "Thanks much, elgala."
Vanderghast said "Everyone is in good health, barricades are up, lights are on. Life is good. Ah. *settles down with Pushkin again*"
Vanderghast said "You know, all things considered, do we ever use our dedicated radio frequency for anything ? Would it not be better to instead use the Zone Defense frequency ( 26.17) ? That way, we can also stay abreast of our neighbors."
26.17 MHz: "Yeah, and Caiger Mall fell. Once again."
ignoti said "I think we should leave it on 26.17, and transmit daily book readings, QZombie/KiZombie speech lessons, and the lecture series!"
fire cheez said "hi folks...once again i got killed without getting my bounty reduced...phucktards :-o"
fire cheez said "if anyone here feels like sending my regards to private bubbles [id=389007], knock yourself out... i am too tired right now to look for him"
Melani said "Leon, What did this graffiti say?"
26.17 MHz: "Okay, so I'm getting pretty damned sick of having to..."
26.17 MHz: "break into clearly labeled entry points around Stanbury."
26.17 MHz: "People, please - read. VSB+2 means exactly that."
Vanderghast broadcast "Maybe the Zone should task a unit (or several) with keeping" from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Vanderghast broadcast "entry points at VSB++ ? It'd cut down on people getting" from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Vanderghast broadcast "caught outside at inoppertune times." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Rockby Quickfoot said "Alrighty, I'm going to wander off, see what I can see. If anyone wants to stay in touch, call me on one of those mobile phone thingies!"
Charles Darwin said "Take care all, I'm making a trip to the old stomping grounds of The Elite - Stanbury Village. Wish me luck. Be back soon."
A flare was fired 12 blocks to the west and 5 blocks to the north.
A flare was fired 2 blocks to the east and 13 blocks to the south.
Vanderghast said "It was very nice to meet you, mr. Darwin ! Take care, and be back soon !"
Vanderghast broadcast "calling everyone, this is an All-points bulletin !" from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Vanderghast broadcast "The father of modern evolution, Charles Darwin, is at large" from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Vanderghast broadcast "And armed with very dangerous knowledge ! Exercise caution !" from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Vanderghast broadcast "He can be passified using milk and cookies." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
26.17 MHz: "Well-known PKer Amanda Wenks is in Forward Cinema."
26.17 MHz: "Go give her a hearty Hildebrand-SSZ welcome."
26.17 MHz: "Where are all the zombies? I'm getting bored!!!"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Welcome to Unsunghero11, a member of the Alner Reading Group. They are librarians from Wykes hills and we seem to be having an exchange program."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "At least two, maybe three, librarians of the QSG are wandering down to visit."
Cracky McSparechange said "Get off my block, I ask for the change around here."
Cracky McSparechange killed the Hobo King.
Dale McGillicuddy said "We appear to have a representative from the Alner Reading Group here, hello, fellow Literate, how goes the good fight?"
26.17 MHz: "Caiger Mall has fallen again, a new mall tour may be formed."
26.17 MHz: "Bring 'em on!!"
Jarper said "Greets, Unsunghero11!"
26.17 MHz: "NW 112, NE 47, SW 16, SE 45 spread out ppl"
kaiulani said "MoreThanDork and fire cheez are wanted pkers ; chek the Rouges Gallery @ http://www.ud-malton.info/Rogues_Gallery "
Artaxerxes said "*yawns and stretches* I seem to have passed out in the children's section... I didn't even say hello when I came in. I honestly haven't been able to rest so well since I left Santlerville so long ago... there is just something about this library."
Artaxerxes said "*grabs a Homer Price book off the nearest shelf and starts to read, looking slightly embarrased that he, a teenage boy, likes to read kids books*"
Vanderghast said "Cracky, mind it that this IS a no-kill zone. We are reluctant to reinforce it (after all, no kill zone is not worth much if we don't not kill in it), but please respect it nonetheless. You are free to take your scuffles outside, though."
Vanderghast said "*sigh* They always leave so swiftly. Stress, stress, stress. You'd think the dead rising would give people a warning sign that they need to slow down, but ooh no ..."
Feb 8th
Bob the Angry Zombie said "Huh, looks like wootzor and grumblecake finally got the hint and moved on. Maybe I'll finally have the chance to finish Mobey Dick now..."
fire cheez said "any bounty hunter *in here*? maybe we could arrange to get that bounty of my head..."
demondim broadcast "if anyone see osyras anywhere please broarcast his location." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
demondim broadcast "osyras:your ass is mine :D ~demondim~" from here, on 26.17 MHz.
unsunghero11 said "Hello From the Alner reading group! I just traveled all the way from Wyke Hills to see you guys. by the way, gore girl, there is a shower in the upstairs of Alner if you ever wish to stop smelling funny....."
unsunghero11 said "ahh zed!"
elgala said "there were a lot of infections in here, did the zombie get bitey or does someone have AIDS?"
KyosukeY killed a zombie.
26.17 MHz: "Blackmore Building [54,47] under attack, 8 zeds, send FAKs."
26.17 MHz: "NW corner Nichols Mall attacked, 2/4 power, need barricades."
Ramboid said "Two zeds in Philpotts (1 east), The zed BearSir is a rotter and was down to 8 HP for easy killing. Other zed unknown. Doors were locked, but might not be that way for long. good Hunting!"
Gore Girl broadcast "Philpotts is clear of zeds, needs more cades though." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Vanderghast broadcast "Blackmore, I copy, coming with FAKs ASAP, over." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Vanderghast said "Well, I'm going. Anyone wanna come ? It's sure to be a riot."
ignoti said "I've only got a single FAK, but I'm game."
Von Luthius said "Ha! Harmanz Haz Zag?"
MoreThanDork said "Von Luthius, last I saw you alive you were unloading your guns on my only love, Marte the Moocher. I realize you're QSG and a rotter but you must realize how i feel. Explain yourself!"
Lexus Nexus the zombie gestured at the survivors.
Lexus Nexus the zombie said "BRA!NZ?"
Dale McGillicuddy said "Dammit, not you again Lexus Nexus [671348], and me without any AP."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "By Ayn Rand's typewriter, it is VonLuthius ! Welcome back you magnificent beast you. **embraces VonLuthius like a returning champion** How hard was it to get the revive, did you learn anything out there, there've been times when I would've traded my best "
Sir Fred of Etruria said "highlighter for a literate I could trust. It is so great to have you here. **hands him a book** This is a book by Haruki Murakami, it is one of my favorites... please treat it gently."
ignoti said "Blackmore was rather dull."
Randomdead the zombie gestured at the ceiling.
Randomdead the zombie gestured down at the ground.
Randomdead the zombie gestured at itself.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
GrumbleCake the zombie said "HAMBARGARZ!"
GrumbleCake the zombie destroyed the generator.
GrumbleCake the zombie destroyed the radio transmitter.
GrumbleCake the zombie said "GRAB MA AHZZ GAHZ!!"
A zombie attacked you for 4 damage.
The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.)
Jarper healed you for 10 HP.
Tactical Grace said "you know, I never realized how fixated zombies are on sex. but it's really all bananas and ass grabbing, it seems."
BAPBAP said "Hi, Biagio"
BAPBAP said "Any lectures today?"
Ropes McGurk said "Thanks Jarper for the revive."
Gore Girl said "Who let that dumbass GrumbleCake back in here? I don't want to grab his rotting, maggot-infested ass. Ew."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Of course we have lectures, Bapbap. Grumblecakes was just debating with Randomdead. RandomDead expressed his opinions through interpretive dance, while Grumblecakes expressed his dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "in Malton by calling me a hamburger, then biting me. I believe Randomdead(id=53399) finds wonder and beauty in unlife because he is looking for it, unlike Grumblecake(id=556299) who only enjoys his unlife when he/she gets a taste of Brainz, fair or not"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "the thirst for 'Bra!nz' (as the zombies call them) overwhelms Mr./Mz.Cakes to such an extent that anyone who should try to live in peace is a threat to the Bra!nz he/she will eat in the future."
A flare was fired 6 blocks to the west and 10 blocks to the south.
Tarin the Terrible said "can charactors be in the same area and not working togeather, it is still zerging?"
GrumbleCake the zombie said "HARMANZ ARGH BANANAZ! HAR HAR HAR!!"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
GrumbleCake the zombie gestured at Cap'n Kirk.
Feb 9th
demondim said "leve off the transmiter and gererator please!!!!"
Raven Nyx Raynes healed you for 10 HP.
Von Luthius said "Sir Fred, and Other members of the QSG and our good friends especially Rotters!"
Flickman666 said "Hi there Von Luthius nice to see you again."
Von Luthius said "I have an announcement to make on reliable Rotter revives!"
Von Luthius said "Hey Flickman666! Yeah, fantastic to be back amongst the living at least for a short whiles anyways! but the announcement:"
Von Luthius said "In Houldenbank, in The Gretorix Building, it's a Necrotech Building that is run by Rotters Relief. It is a permanent revive point for brain rotters, just walk in and wait for a powered revive! it's brilliant and reliable!"
Von Luthius said "I didn't learn too much outside, other then the fact that most people will kill you without a thought if they see that you are a rotter, which means nothing because we of Quartly, zombie or survivor rotter or not are completely capable of all things"
Von Luthius said "indellibly intellectually indisposably intelligent! In fact, the very presance of so many of us intellectuals in one spot presents a unique question:"
Von Luthius said "In this wasteland of a zombie apocalypse, where man has turned upon man and zombie alike in his ultimate and ceaselessly selfish quest for his own survival, the nature of life and death being all hazy as we get killed and brought back to life again and"
Randomdead the zombie gestured to the north.
Von Luthius said "again, I mean I've seen a bloke who was tied to a flag pole and set on fire with a fuel can before the rope cut out and he fell to a sickening and explosive end in a pile of full fuel cans below, regenerate over the course of a week, stand up and then get"
Randomdead the zombie gestured to the south.
Randomdead the zombie gestured to the east.
Randomdead the zombie gestured to the west.
Von Luthius said "brought back to life again! Oh, hello RandomDead! Yes, The Many are cool, I remember them fondly, but anyways, the question is an intriguing one and I invite all attendees of the library to take part in a discussion on:"
Von Luthius said "Life, the Universe and Everything."
Von Luthius said "And yes the number 42 is quite a good answer to the question of what is 6 times 9 but is it true in this bizarre life that has developed thanks to mans ingenuity?"
Von Luthius said "*Passes Sir Fred of Eturia the novel Eragon by Christopher Paolini, a novel that is fantastic and well worth a read, despite the complete waste of time the movie was!*"
Von Luthius said "Oh by the way! An Announcement, a Party is going on at the zoo!"
Von Luthius said "The Malton Zookeepers are Hosting The 2nd Annual Gingerbread Men Zombie Fishbake in the Aquarium and ALL are invited for an open house, no barricades, no kill zone (though eating gingerbread men is not out of the question and openly encouraged by Ram!)BBQ"
Von Luthius said "It's quite the gathering, like 10 Survivors and 27 Zombies, many survivor deaths at the hands of uncouth ferals who can't wait for the giraffe leg to be cooked properly (a la la la!) but no Survivors are retaliating as that is the wrong message of peace"
Flickman666 said "Party at the zoo... sounds fun."
Von Luthius said "and good fun being proclaimed! But the GBM Invite anybody who wants to have abit of fun to go down and join in the awesomeness at The Aquarium over the next week or two, till the 2nd Annual Candyland Party takes place in Ridleybnak - The Candyland - this"
Von Luthius said "time with basically the same rules as The Aquarium and every other party the Gingers have been to in the past 2 months straight! Yeah Flickman666 look out for my alt, uuuhhh, good friend, ram Rock Ed First the master Gingerbread Man!"
unsunghero11 said "sorry i nearly killed one of you zeds earlier, I forgot to read the guest speakers page. :("
unsunghero11 said "as a peace offering from the Alner Reading Group in Wyke Hills I bring you a vintage, antique, still working, radio transmitter!"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again. ...and again. ( http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=285889 )
The zombie grabbed hold of you! ...and again.
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
The zombie lost its grip.
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. ...and again.
The zombie grabbed hold of you!
A zombie attacked you for 3 damage.
fire cheez killed a zombie. ...and another.
fire cheez said "one more left to go at 28HP. sorry for disrespecting the no kill zone, but these zeds are not friendly."
Biagio healed you for 10 HP. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
Ropes McGurk said "Thanks Sir Fred and Flickman for The heals. Also Grumblecakes please refrain from biting me."
snotmonster the zombie destroyed the generator.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Gore Girl said "Snotmonster, you're an asshole. Buh bye!"
Gore Girl killed a zombie.
Gore Girl said "Oh but you're a fast asshole. Kudos to you for the ?rise. *tips my hat* That's a favorite trick of mine as well."
Marte the Moocher said "I'm home!! How are you my friends? ¤drinks a glass of wine to celebrate¤"
Marte the Moocher said "¤and another¤" ...and again. ...and again.
Marte the Moocher said "¤drinks a small bottle of cognac¤"
Marte the Moocher said "Don't tell More Than Dork where I've bean"
Marte the Moocher said "I've NOT stolen food from anyone"
Marte the Moocher said "¤drinks more wine¤"
Marte the Moocher said "Certainly not"
Marte the Moocher said "Not me, noooo"
Marte the Moocher said "¤burps in Von Luthius's face¤"
Marte the Moocher said "Sorry 'bout that, VL, but you killed me when I was a zombie in here. I tried to be nice, but I understand there were to many uneducated zeds mooching around."
Marte the Moocher said "¤gives Von Luthius a hug¤"
Marte the Moocher said "I'm happy here. I'm happy eere..¤passes out¤"
A flare was fired 11 blocks to the west and 5 blocks to the north.
GrumbleCake the zombie killed a zombie.
A flare was fired 11 blocks to the west and 5 blocks to the north.
A flare was fired 13 blocks to the east and 4 blocks to the north.
fire cheez said "who fucking killed that zombie and DIDNT FUCKING DUMP IT? I got it down to 8HP so someone could finish it off...STOOPID!"
xryanx1 said "Farewell again, Grumblecake."
xryanx1 killed a zombie.
A flare was fired 3 blocks to the west and 12 blocks to the north.
unsunghero11 said "alright, i returned all the books of quartly origin, from alner, and gave you copys of: dilbert comics, maltons history, A.P. biology, H.P. biology, suslix history, and a book on the art of Halo= an award winning xbox game."
unsunghero11 said "So long you slap happy librarians you. :)"
unsunghero11 said "weres the running route? oh, heres a map!"
A flare was fired 6 blocks to the east and 14 blocks to the south. ...and again.
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Marte ! Where've you been ? How's life on the other side of the 'cades ? What do the 'locals' think of us ? Have you seen Pink Unicorns ? And most importantly ..."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "do you want your tea sweetened with some sugar packets I looted from Eligius, I guess the ruskies are sweet after all..."
demondim said "who the fuck killed the generator :o. it took ages to find one and now i gotta go out and find another"
demondim said "O_o"
demondim said "i think i may have to set this one up elswhere"
Feb 10th and 11th
26.17 MHz: "Eligius General Hospital (65,54) breached, open, 3 zombies"
26.17 MHz: "help needed, over"
26.17 MHz: "Blackmore secure for now, more backup requested ASAP."
A flare was fired 13 blocks to the east and 12 blocks to the south.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
GrumbleCake the zombie destroyed the generator.
GrumbleCake the zombie said "HAR HAR HAR!!!"
sarah tonin said "oh grumbles..."
Flickman666 said "Grumblecakes just doesn't give up. I like your spirit."
Flickman666 said "Okay got a genny. Someone please fuel it. And grumblecakes please dont destroy this one."
Flickman666 said "Stop bitting people Mr/Ms. Cakes."
Flickman666 said "There we go lights back on."
Flickman666 said "Hey Hobo King Didn't Someone tell you to Get off my block Nice to see you again. *Hands Hobo King a Quarter*"
fire cheez killed a zombie.
fire cheez said "*sigh*...i am tired now...cading, killing zombies...live in this library really isnt as quiet as it used to be"
fire cheez said "Am I correct in assuming the no kill zone does not apply to attacking zombies?"
26.17 MHz: "Hallo, Marcus FallRoom here. I lost my group, the USSR."
26.17 MHz: "Where are them?"
26.17 MHz: "Marcus, try to ask at fallout.ru and stop doing silly things"
26.17 MHz: "bainton arms full of zombies"
26.17 MHz: "LOADS of Z's (100+) 4N2W of Nichols Mall."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Mr.Cheez, that particular zombie(id=556299) keeps using siege tactics against the Literates and Librarians. Not killing anyone, but Mr./Mz. Cakes is trying... just not competant enough. If that zed could organize with anybody, the tactics would "
Sir Fred of Etruria said "double, nay... they would triple in effectancy. It is more frustrating that we need to 'cade all the way up to keep the violent little bibliophile out of our halls. I sure do miss our dancing friend Mr.Unicorns."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "**fetches podium from the barricades** somebody must stop barricading with this... vsb++ won't somebody think of the newbs ?"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Travelling all across this fine city, I have seen massive necrotech sieges in the north and aggressive murders running rampant in supposed 'very safe' suburbs. The new and inexperienced avoid central malton, or downtown, and the humans in the zoo seldom "
A flare was fired 3 blocks to the west and 12 blocks to the north.
Sir Fred of Etruria said "battle, mainly interested in personal missions and goals. And where I go in Malton affects the type of battles I encounter. Almost as if the suburb of Roftwood has very different warfare styles than the suburb of Wykes Hills. We in the Downtown region are"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "a days march from almost anywhere in the city, while people in Dulston or the other corners can only be reached by one quarter of the city in the same period. I would like to debate the regional warfare hypothesis, hoping to lable different regions and "
Sir Fred of Etruria said "discuss the local combat preferrences and whether the area is dangerous because of humans or zombies... Who has noticed differences in regional warfare ?"
sarah tonin said "i'm confident that the group of individuals dictates the style of warfare as much if not more than the location. That is, unless you find yourself in a fort or near the extreem border of the board where attacks are directional."
sarah tonin said "A group that enters battle with FAKs and barricades squares off quite differently than that of pistols and fire axes."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Mz.Tonin you know quite well that Mall combat in Roftwood is different than stansbury village. You've fought next door, they slowly creep forward into their mall. Once we have the Herbert secured, there are nonstop suicide missions. It isn't just the QSG"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "either, I've seen other groups showing such maniacal devotion to the mall. Speaking of maniacal devotion, we have a new recruit... AssholeDoctor, he says we are the one non-asshat group ! Let's keep his hopes up till the 'l33t 5p34k contest'"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "But our mall has relatively close neighbors in StanburyVillage, what about the lone outpost in Pitneybank ? Whereas the burb of Ridleybank has no malls and only one necrotech ! Suicidal for sheer lack of resources... except for the seven hospitals"
A flare was fired 14 blocks to the east and 2 blocks to the north.
Gore Girl broadcast "Three zeds in Eligius. Cades at QSB. They need some support." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
26.17 MHz: "Three revives needed outside."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "I got to one of those revives, but imagine this, there is a rotter on turpin crescent (id=574344)"
26.17 MHz: "hey, anybody know where the action is"
26.17 MHz: "also, where is the new stronghold of malton?"
26.17 MHz: "i mean, now that caiger has fallen again"
sarah tonin said "Horay! Maniacal Devotion all around !!"
26.17 MHz: "the entire SSZ is the new stronghold of malton, check wiki"
26.17 MHz: "Blackmore secure, always could use more help though."
26.17 MHz: "Blackmore currently needs a generator and fuel."
26.17 MHz: "Hildebrand Mall is good to as a stronghold"
26.17 MHz: "What's the latest news from Nichols???"
26.17 MHz: "This is Blackmore, we have 70+ Survivors, 100+ zeds outside,"
26.17 MHz: "everybody in the SSZ, this is a wonderfull plan"
26.17 MHz: "but, it will fail if we do not work together"
26.17 MHz: "so, i propose that a concil of all of the leaders of groups"
26.17 MHz: "that are helping to hold the SSZ"
26.17 MHz: "that way, we can dircet efforts much more effiecently"
26.17 MHz: "this area can turn the tide in malton"
26.17 MHz: "but only in the long term"
26.17 MHz: "so leaders of groups holding the SSZ"
26.17 MHz: "add me to msn and we can all talk"
26.17 MHz: "its liamspence2000@yahoo.com.au"
26.17 MHz: "i hope to speak to you all soon"
26.17 MHz: "and to everybody else"
26.17 MHz: "if all four malls get captured"
26.17 MHz: "there is no way we can be as safe as this again"
26.17 MHz: "Meep!"
A flare was fired 13 blocks to the east and 2 blocks to the north.
Vanderghast said "*comes tearing back in, looking worse for wear and completely exhausted* ye gods ... they, they overcame the barricades while we were sleeping ... the Blackmore building ! All dead ..."
Vanderghast said "They got me, too. I don't remember much after that, it's all so vague, like seen through a badly-done Bela Lugosi sequence ..."
Vanderghast said "Where ... where's ignoti ? He came after me, after I left !"
26.17 MHz: "Brothers in arms! Blackmore needs you! Battle have begun!"
26.17 MHz: "liamspence2000@yahoo.com.au, check the SSZ wiki and join our"
26.17 MHz: "forums for communication"
ignoti said "I came back here when you disappeared, I thought perhaps you'd made it out. I'm amazed you could sleep... the groaned rendition of Ride of the Valkyries kept me up all night."
Vanderghast said "Made it and made it ... most of me got out, regardless. Mmh ... I do remember being shot several times after that, though. Amazing what these syringes can do for you."
Vanderghast said "Thank you, however ... I still cannot sit idly by while the Zone is under attack. *shivers at the prospect of going back* It was feral instinct that walked me back here, but I still need to defend the Zone. I'll rest, stock up on medikits, and head back."
26.17 MHz: "someone please explain to me how 4 PORTABLE (ie: small)"
26.17 MHz: "generators, can power a whole damn shopping centre!?"
26.17 MHz: "they're MAGICAL generators....silly"
26.17 MHz: "Many thanks to Phoenix and restless soul for the revives."
Vanderghast broadcast "magical generators of DOOM." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
26.17 MHz: "www.lost.eu/1944e join the game"
A flare was fired 4 blocks to the east and 5 blocks to the south.
A flare was fired 1 block to the east and 7 blocks to the north.
GrumbleCake the zombie killed Von Luthius.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Scheffler said "Figure it out, Grumbe. You simply aren't welcome, and you haven't got the resources to actually make a play for the library."
Scheffler killed a zombie.
Scheffler said "Von Luthius, my friend, I'm terribly sorry to do this to you, but I'm afraid that in order to remove GrumbleCake's body, it's a necessity. We'll have you revived shortly."
Feb 12th
Protomorph said "Hello there, Sir Fred!"
sarah tonin said "Hello mozzie."
mozzie said "Hello sarah tonin, nice name ..."
Tucker1Mark the zombie said "Ahhhg mah hahg...Harrah! Ah ahm Gagharh ahn Mahg! Nahz ga mahhg hra! Baraghagz ah zmazhrh, rahz baraghagz!"
Tucker1Mark the zombie said "Ah ahm ghaz grahggahn zhrah, bah mah gramma zahz mahg nah agahngazahz! Zah ah gahm hahrh! Rah rah rah!"
Tucker1Mark the zombie said "Nah, ahm gahn raghamahn zhag gah rhaz baraghagz!"
Tucker1Mark the zombie said "Ah! Zah ragh ah Ahgrahrh!ah"
Avram Harwood said "*drops from the roof, staggers in through the doors, and sags against a bookcase, sliding to the floor and panting*"
Avram Harwood said "My, the journey from Richard General in Houldenbank to the famed Quartly Library was longer than it looked on the map. I hope I haven't come to the wrong place... I have some questions in need of answering, though presently"
Avram Harwood said "I'm too weary to speak at length. I've no books in need of returning, but I have three odd back issues of the Malton Herald & Sun to donate to the periodicals section, if you lack them. It was them that led me here, in fact."
Vanderghast said "Hello, dr. Harwood. Do have a seat; we've some coffee somewhere around, if you prefer - otherwise, feel free to take a nap; and do please refrain from killing the locals, including the zombie. We of the QSG appreciate a diversity of opinion."
fire cheez said "Tucker1Mark, are you a friendly one?"
fire cheez said "gesture to yourself if yes"
26.17 MHz: "We are all going to did....."
MoreThanDork said "MARTEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
MoreThanDork said "*HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG* *smooch* :)"
ignoti said "Keep it down! You don't want to wake the Librarian!"
26.17 MHz: "Stribling is wide open, please help."
A flare was fired 12 blocks to the north.
26.17 MHz: "Stribling Library has been secured."
26.17 MHz: "Were can I find the Irish Templars?"
26.17 MHz: "I repeat, were can I find the Irish Templars?"
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Trignum killed a zombie.
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
GrumbleCake the zombie destroyed the generator.
GrumbleCake the zombie said "HARMANZ ARGH BANANAZ!! HAR HAR HAR!!!"
booradley revivified a zombie.
Phucker the zombie killed Nivek Legordia.
26.17 MHz: "Try Yagoton, they usually hang out there..."
ignoti killed a zombie.
ignoti revivified a zombie.
ignoti said "There you are, Stella."
ignoti said "I hope Nivek will forgive me for dumping his body. I'm not sure if he's friendly or not."
You heard a loud groaning from very close by.
Vanderghast said "Oh dear. So many complications. I shall return shortly with a generator."
fire cheez said "cades, vanderghast. i take care of myself later"
Vanderghast said "I am appalled of the necessity by which we add BOOKS to the barricade. I mean, for god"
Vanderghast said "sake, we're trying to protect them !"
Vanderghast said "Anyway, I could not locate a fuel can. I have no idea where to look."
Klaxons killed a zombie.
A flare was fired 13 blocks to the east and 4 blocks to the north.
26.17 MHz: "Blackmore powered, 97 Zeds outside, 83 humans inside"
fire cheez said "thanks for the heals vanderghast and ThothAmon"
Gore Girl said "Jeez Sarah Tonin, that was quite the clip on the jaw you gave me back in the mall. You made me drop the Old Spice I picked up for Sir Fred for Valentine's Day!"
26.17 MHz: "attention everyone on this channel I have found a new means"
26.17 MHz: "of transportation if you have heard of armored transport do"
26.17 MHz: "what I have created at maiden auto repair I have invented"
26.17 MHz: "armored dumpster transport it is very useful as a portable"
26.17 MHz: "home base for groups take my word for it I drove one into a"
26.17 MHz: "rotter horde and came unscathed so listen up if you are sick"
26.17 MHz: "of travel on foot make an ADT armored dumpster transport"
26.17 MHz: "long live Hildebrand mall"
26.17 MHz: "this has been redbolt ."
SweetIrony said "Hello everyone! I'm back from Alner, which was lovely. They really do have an enormous reference section! And Mz. Felicity's cooking was supurb."
Jarper said "Heya all."
26.17 MHz: "1 zombie inside blackmore"
26.17 MHz: "Blackmore stands. We could use more 'caders though."
26.17 MHz: "Got free running and construction? Join up!"
Tom Deat said "Hello, Librarians and Literates! I am DT."
26.17 MHz: "Testing, 1,2,3 Over. Radios working. USMC out."
Darmoth said "Blargh. Much tired. Very tired. Sleep now."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Hullo, to returning old friends... when will you finally join the QSG, we've known you forever Jarper... And Mz.Irony and Vanderghast, I hope you've recovered some literature or at least reports on new zombie predicaments."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "And thank you for identifying yourself, Mr.Deat. *wink* You seem to have an interesting aproach on advancing yourself. Mr.Cheez may find your arguments entertaining. But my dear Gore Girl, all I looted for you was some fresh-naps *tm* in the mall... "
Sir Fred of Etruria said "the nearest flower store is in the Boniface Library's garden, and their librarians are still angry that we lost volumes Q through S of their Encyclopedias. I think they were mistakenly transfered to the Nation Library. Maybe I can loot festive paper."
Gore Girl said "Fresh naps? I'll take em. I seem to haave gotten gunpowder onmy hands last time I went after a rotter blocking the revive point. Bastard rotters."
sarah tonin said "Sorry Gore Girl, i was just tring to say hi, you know like we do."
sarah tonin said "Is Sir Fred really an old spice kind of guy? i would have guessed more of an Old English."
Charles Darwin said "Happy DARWIN DAY everyone! This Feb 12th is my 198th birthday!!!"
Charles Darwin said "*passes out the brandy and party hats*"
Charles Darwin said "By the way, did anyone post my zed evolution speech on the wiki? I'd love to see all of it together."
sarah tonin said "Welcome back Charles!"
26.17 MHz: "ok, we got a PKer in the SSZ, zombie cheez"
26.17 MHz: "anyone who see's him should dispatch him straight away"
26.17 MHz: "Break in at Drewe Bldg, 1zach"
Tom Deat said "Oh, I nearly forgot, here's the copy of Doctor Zhivago which I discovered way up Coate School in West Boundwood. How it got there, I don't know."
26.17 MHz: "bow chika wow WOW!"
Protomorph broadcast "This is radio Quartly and here is a song to cheer up the" from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "Survivor Security Zone." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
26.17 MHz: "zombie cheez has an alt in the SSZ: fire cheez"
Protomorph broadcast "Give me a kiss to build a dream on," from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "And my imagination will thrive upon that kiss." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "Sweetheart, I ask no more than this:" from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "A kiss to build a dream on." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "Give me a kiss before you leave me," from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "And my imagination will feed my hungry heart." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "Leave me one thing before we part," from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "A kiss to build a dream on." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "When I'm alone with my fancies, I'll be with you," from here, on 26.17
Protomorph broadcast "Weaving romances, making believe they're true." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "Give me your lips for just a moment," from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "And my imagination will make that moment live." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "Give me what you alone can give," from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "A kiss to build a dream on." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "..." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "Good morning, good day and good night, Malton. This was DJ" from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "Protomorph, broadcasting live from Quartly Library." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph said "... That was refreshing..."
Protomorph broadcast "Oh, one more thing. The song was A Kiss to Build a Dream On" from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Protomorph broadcast "by Louis Armstrong. Thanks." from here, on 26.17 MHz.
Tom Deat said "Hear that cheez? They're onto you...The Man knows you're here! Big Brother Is Watching You."
Sir Fred of Etruria said "Oh Happy evolution day Mr.Darwin ! It is an honor to share it with you. **puts on his fine party hat** I would like to apologize for the whole Intelligent design thing. Silly humans aren't ready to accept the elegance of your theory. Oh, and as with all "
Sir Fred of Etruria said "theories it must be tested by gruelling experimentation, although the entire science of genetics grew from the seed of your wisdom. Is that not proof enough ? Bah, I'm getting all philosophical. **sips his brandy, coughs**"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "And what a fine song Protomorph. Darwin was only handing out brandy, I thought russians only sang when they had vodka. **drinks more** But is a day for festivities, more dancing !"
Sir Fred of Etruria said "**lowers his head and shuffles feet** One two three, one two three. **shuffles to the left and then to the right** and a one and a two **spins in a circle** Huzzah, happy birthday Darwin !"
Index | |