Red Rum/Cricket

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The object in Cricket is for a team to kill all members of the opposing team with the killing blows using cricket bats during the game's duration at a specified cricket pitch.

Event Rules

To submit for this competition you will need:

  • Killing blows must be made with cricket bats. There are no other requirements as to how you weaken your targets prior to the killing blow.
  • A Team that kills a target with a blow other than that from a cricket bat forfeit the game.
  • The game's duration will be three days (72 Hours from the start).
  • The team with the most confirmed kills after three days, wins.
  • Within the competition window, teams must agree on a set time to play.
  • Teams must agree on a cricket pitch. A pitch is comprised of a single suburb. Movement around the pitch once the game has begun is unrestricted. Movement outside the pitch is also unrestricted, but would be a silly waste of AP.
  • There are 9 players to a team.
  • Once a player has been killed, he may be revived at any time during the game window, but only by an active player.
  • At the start of the game, each suburb must have at least 2 players from each team. It is up to each team where to locate the 9th player.
  • The Urban Dead ID of each participant on your team in advance, and made available to the opposing team.
  • Only official members of the team may engage the other team. Any outside interference will result in forfeiture.
  • Individual iWitness reports of each kill and each revive you make within the specified time range.
  • You must notify an official PKO Observer about the start time of your match.
  • You must submit your entry within 24 hours of the close of the competition window you started by notifying the PKO Observer.
