Reganbank Health Service

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Reganbank Health Service
Your life; our hands
Abbreviation: RHS
Group Numbers: 1
Leadership: Carina Bennett
Goals: Getting Reganbank health care back on track
Recruitment Policy: Open to everyone willing to come to Reganbank
Contact: RHS Website
Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.

About the RHS

'Your life, our hands' - Reganbank Health Service slogan

The Reganbank Health Service is pro-survivor group of survivors trying to get Reganbank Medical Care back on track and making the suburb a safe haven for the wounded. The RHS is formed on the 1st of September, 2007, and supports the Malton Hospital Group. Our most important goal is, of course, having fun while playing Urban Dead, but we're also trying to, like stated above, getting the St. Maximillian's Hospital in Reganbank fully operational.

RHS Website

The Website of the Reganbank Health Service, is focused on group communication, chatter, and all sorts of things that make the Reganbank Health Service a group that's hopefully worthy of the name 'group'.

Aside from the normal chatter and communication we also support Roleplaying on our forums for the members that would like to do so. It isn't forced, but if you'd like to Roleplay as a member you have all the opportunity to do so.

Joining the Reganbank Health Service

We can always use more members, and we actually accept everyone with every level. The only small bump in the road is our dislike towards PK'ers. We want Medical Staff we can trust, no maniacs that blast our patience into zombiness.

We offer various things to our members in return. We cannot guarantee your safety at the moment, but once our numbers grow we will be able to offer protection to the Medical Personnel in our ranks. We already offer a secured forum though, and with that forum we also offer a safe, nice place to Roleplay whenever, whatever you want.

Another thing we can offer is a steady flow of Experience Points. Our Hospital and Safe Houses need to be manned properly, and with the current shortage of personnel we have more patients than we can actually cure.

If you're willing to join, please drop off a message at my talk page, or register at the Forums


Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Ubpicon1.gif UBP Supporter
This User supports the Uniform Barricading Policy.


September 1, 2007: Reganbank Health Service opens it's doors for anyone wishing to join their ranks.


Not sure yet. Defensive at the moment but willing to ally with groups trying to ensure health care in other suburbs of Malton.