South Shuttlebank City Council
South Shuttlebank City Council | |
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Abbreviation: | SSCC |
Group Numbers: | unknown |
Leadership: | Barbecue Barbecue, Yorba, Cichonuke |
Goals: | Provide critical civil administrative services to the South Shuttlebank Community |
Recruitment Policy: | The Council membership remains open; if you have associated with us for a bit and have great interest in paperwork and zoning regulations, contact a current member in-game or stop by our forum (link below) |
Contact: | Barbecue Barbecue, |
South Shuttlebank City Council consists of those dedicated survivors who try to maintain order as best they can in the Shuttlebank area. Their operations vary depending on the most immediate need of survivors that grace its freshly mown lawns and manicured gardens. A fairly old and grizzled Council, they still exude plenty of zest at doing the best they can for the citizens of their town.
Those seeking relaxing hobbies can find a wealth of opportunities in healing the sick, restoring Shuttlebank's historical buildings, and performing cutting edge surgery on those whom normal medicine cannot help. For partygoers, there is no better venue than Club Brookeman, where on Fridays (when open) it plays host to zombies and humans alike, proving that comedy knows no barriers. For those that enjoy the great outdoors, a picnic is held seasonally at Look Road, where both humans and zombies enjoy vodka and Spam cocktails.

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Cpt Masterson, Elpelco Gecko, LeeMoor, Nagisaki, Pazzz, roguechalupa, wallyhackenslacker7, Thari, Doctor Carl Caveman, Bulfrog |
to view older Council news, feel free to visit the news archives, where all historical documents are kept in triplicate.

Sunday 30 September, 2012 The residents and VIPS Voluminous Initiate Picnickers of Shuttlebank of Shuttlebank have once again retired from the joyful picnic. (Read: hiding or eaten) Much vodka was drunk, many revelers eaten, more vodka was drunk, a few not-olives accidentally ingested, vodka was drunk, booze fort was used and abused, and vodka was drunk.
Sunday 23 September, 2012 It has been nearly a year since the last picnic, and Shuttlebank residents have forgotten the joys of picnicking in the great outdoors. We shall pick up where we left off with booze forts, kegs of Windex, not-quite-olives, and of course vodka.
Monday 20 December, 2011 Let not the absence of recent updates over the last couple of months suggest nothing has been going on that the Council does not know about, and likely is responsible for, except those things outside of its control, or those things it is not willing to admit responsibility for. The picnic at Look Road continues largely unabated, paperwork is largely up to date thanks to Doc Rotten, and the temporary group of which the SSCC is a part, the Voluminous Initiate Picnickers of Shuttlebank, remains on the stats list. What's not to love?
Friday 30 September, 2011 And the Council welcomes its newest member, the upstanding and most historical Bulfrog! (note: he carries wirecutters)
Thursday 22 September, 2011 In another shocking development amidst a shocking month, the most estimable and congenial Chumbles the Dragon has joined the ranks of the Council. May much bureaucratic glory lie in Chumbles' future with the Council!
Wednesday 21 September, 2011 In what can only be described as a glorious day for the Council, two of Shuttlebank's very finest fellow citizens, the indefatigable dancer and official document stapler Doc Rotten, and the wise, noble, fuel-can wielding ruijormar8 have volunteered to join the Council! Vodka and spam sandwiches for everyone!
Tuesday 20 September, 2011 What started out as a vigil to watch over the body of a fallen Council member, Mr. Hunter Schwartz (who died in the noble pursuit of advancing parachute science), has turned into a picnic at Look Road, as proposed by Council member Cichonuke, with non-Council members also attending. Council member Barbecue Barbecue is serving spam sandwiches as Cichonuke contemplates an artistic money-making scheme based on the event.
Friday 16 September, 2011 Life in Shuttlebank remains peaceful. As such, the Council has engaged in community outreach efforts, aiding nearby suburbs and preparing for an upcoming poetry barbecue. One Council member has also been engaged in a curious parachute development project, to aid those who may need to jump out windows in the case of a zombie incursion. No word yet as to its success.
Saturday 27 August, 2011 In a shocking development that will change life in Shuttlebank forever, the most esteemed and semi-famous Hunter Schwartz has joined the ranks of the Council. If you're young enough to know Shuttlebank before this development, you'll have a story to tell your children, and your children's children. Or at least one more story to tell them.
Monday 22 August, 2011 Following the RRF's effective and highly unhygenic assault that left Shuttlebank in ruins, the Council retired to Yagoton to contemplate the situation. Unfortunately, the zombies apparently also had the same idea, forcing the Council to return to Shuttlebank to contemplate the (now) deteriorating situation in Yagoton. Oh, and Yorba misplaced the Council's travel documents, meaning that while the Council is back in Shuttlebank, officially they are still in Yagoton.
Monday 15 August, 2011 Heavens to Betsey! The RRF has attacked Shuttlebank, taking out Fabian General Hospital and occupying the queue at Look Road. The Council's response has been swift, with Council members Barbecue Barbecue and Cichonuke inspecting Look Road from a lying-on-the-ground-level perspective, and Council member Yorba passing out FAKs to those who have opted to remain indoors and alive.
Thursday 11 August, 2011 Boldly striking out for fresh air and to survey the northern and western halves of Shuttlebank, Council members Barbecue Barbecue and Cichonuke determined that the few remaining zombies in town are fascinated by the movies.
Wednesday 10 August, 2011 As South Shuttlebank remains quiet, the Council's current efforts are focused on maintaining appropriate barricade levels for entry points and certain resources as well as dealing with one particular GKing miscreant who appears determined to continue to harrass Shuttlebank citizens. More notably, the Council is pleased to confirm that Yorba has officially returned to active status, and the citizens of South Shuttlebank may be confident that their satisfaction with the state of affairs in South Shuttlebank will only continue to rise as a result.

Sunday 24 July, 2011 The Council continues its work to restore South Shuttlebank, with one Council member emphatically escorting a miscreant from a public service building and another (well, perhaps the only other) de-piñataing the once-beloved Darknell Museum.
Tuesday 19 July, 2011 Having put together a cleverly laid plot, Council member Cichonuke lit up Garmston Bank in order to stage a robbery with Council member Barbecue Barbecue. Unfortunately, a wayward member of LUE appeared on the scene, causing much grief to the Council (and directly to Cichonuke) and undermining plans for what would have been a truly dramatic moment in Shuttlebank history. Vodka will be drunk in mourning.
Saturday 17 July, 2011 With a new Pax Shuttlebankia having arrived, the Council has had time to catch up on paperwork and perform some restoration work on many buildings (with some work contracted out, as appropriate, i.e. Tikhon Medical). One Council member even took the opportunity to repaper the billboard at Sampson Lane with the Council slogan, to remind residents that the Council is here for them, at least when it isn't not.
Wednesday 13 July, 2011 Though they fought long and hard to support their Eastonwood comrades, even the Council's massive onslaught of paperwork was not enough to hold out against the zombie horde they faced. Undaunted, they struggle to recover from the glorious bureaucratic battle, with plans to fight again another day (after rinsing their wounds in vodka).
Sunday 10 July, 2011 And so the Council marches into glorious bureaucratic battle with the undead in support of its neighbors in Eastonwood. Bearing all the vodka they could carry (and one or two FAKs), they are ready for as many long and unproductive meetings with Eastonwood's zombies as necessary to aid their comrades to the south.
Monday 4 July, 2011 Could this be two new eras in just the span of a month? Yorba, one of the founding members of the Council, has appeared in Shuttlebank!
Sunday 3 July, 2011 Demonstrating the amazing coordination that can only come from careful filing and the extensive use of post-it notes, two Council members (who shall remain nameless, to avoid being chased by zombie paparazzi) made a daring attack on a single zombie sentry in The Frappell Building and de-ruined the building. Celebration followed, and much vodka was drunk.