Siege Defense Tactics

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Survivor Tactics
The information on this page or section discusses a survivor strategy.

OK this is a open page

I want your tips and links on how we counter a siege.

This is my counter for week zombie siege. --The1doctor 11:34, 13 November 2007 (UTC) On Medium / strong sieges with only 10 human holding them of it's a good idea to bring some zombie back to a human providing they don't have free run. This will effectively make sure the zeps will lose Ap by slowing their ability to bring down the blockade. Zombie are offective being we humans are defense but the best offense is defense. The only down fall of this if they have a 100 exp walk in and bring down then the barricades but should be use as a last resort.

Sorry, I, Zuton completely disagree with this above tactic. Reviving a zed costs 10AP, plus the AP it takes to search for a syringe, normally around 12AP. Those 22AP are better put to use in cading, or reviving your dead comrades. Also, if there are only 10 survivors left, and more than this number of zombies outside then the siege is probably lost. Time to throw FAKs on your comrades to hopefully keep them alive long enough to wake up, then bail out and find a new safe-house.--Zuton 23:58, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

Actually, This site proves that it is about 8 AP on average per syringe whether or not the NT is lit. So it's 18AP per zed kill, and finding bullets, loading, and using them costs a lot more. Combat reving low level zeds, or zeds with no human skills and no exp can be effective if done carefully. -Kaboose117 17:49 18 January 2008

How_To_Win_A_Mall_Siege is maybe a little out of date, but it makes some very good points, even for non mall sieges -- boxytalk • 12:48 13 November 2007 (BST)

Lesson 6 of the AngelWitch files, Siege Conditions

Written by Zuton, Chief Assault Officer, Team Battlehawk, The Fortress

(Now Commander, Team Excalibur, The Fortress)

Most of us will have heard the mantras for sieges: “Cade, Heal, Dump, Kill” and “Cade, Kill, Dump, Heal” but these contradicting mantras can be confusing, and are overly simplistic. In siege conditions vigilance is vitally important. When you log on you need to check the following things.

1) Am I infected? What’s my HP?

2) What are the cade levels?

3) Are there any dead bodies?

4) What is the health level of people around me?

5) Is there a generator? Is it fuelled? Is it damaged?

6) Are there any zombies in the building?

Once you have gathered this picture then you can work out how best to use your APs.

1) If infected, your first AP should be to use a FAK, now you’re not going to lose HP whilst doing all your other tasks.

2) Are the cades low (QSB or lower?) If so cade up to VSB++, they can be increased further later, if needed.

3) Next dump any dead bodies. Last thing you need is a zombie which has just been killed to stand back up again, wasting survivor’s precious ammo and APs.

4) Then check health levels of people around you, and consider who needs to be healed. People classed as dying (HP less than 13) should be high priority, followed by team-mates and active survivors.

5) If the generator is damaged and you have a tool-kit then repair it, a fully working generator is too useful a resource. If it is unfueled you can always fuel it, although if there are several zombies in the building then I’d urge caution and save fuel for when the generator is less likely to get destroyed.

6) Now you can focus on killing zombies. Remember to dump their bodies as soon as you kill them.

Check the cades again, do you have enough AP to increase them closer to EHB? Remember that the closer to EHB, the more AP you waste trying to raise it one more level. Cade wisely. Now you can try to re-equip, this is when fuelled generators are useful. Priority items: FAKs, ammo (bullets are more useful than shotgun shells for AP conservation), generators, fuel and syringes.

Also remember to check the revive queues, reviving team-mates and other defenders. Combat teams will often have dedicated revivers. Although it is important to try to save 20AP, “just in case”, it’s no good saving AP for a rainy day if today it is bucketing it down. If necessary use the AP to ensure your survival and the building’s survival.

Following each action you take: You should be checking the 6 points, and react accordingly. If the cades start to fall, they become priority again, stop what you are doing and re-barricade. If you spot a new dead body, dump it. If you or another active survivor is infected, throw a FAK. If the generator becomes damaged, repair it.

Finally If the building falls, tactically retreat. There is no point in being a martyr, it’s a waste of AP for other survivors getting you back on your feet. This is an AP war, living to fight another day is the best conservation of AP.

'Other tips:

 Join a Group

The best way to survive a siege and indeed to survive in the game is to join a group. This gives the additional advantage of making the game more fun to play, you can get more involved and gain additional objectives, rather than the simple “defend the building” or “attack the zombie stronghold” My personal favourite group is The Fortress, but there are many great groups to join. Check the Groups page for information on groups to join.


Sieges require co-ordination between survivors and groups, an internet forum is a useful way of co-ordinating and better than relying on in-game talking and radio broadcasts, which can be missed. Although there can be problems of spying and misinformation on an open forum, it still offers a greater degree of co-ordination than in-game communication offers.


The main role in a siege is to maintain the barricades. If you are uncoordinated then that is pretty much all you can do, but in highly co-ordinated groups, where there are lots of other survivors to carry out the cading, people can develop different roles. All survivors have a duty of ensuring that the cades are at-least VSB++, and that bodies are dumped.

Caders Follow the tactical points above, cade to EHB

Revivers Once cades are at VSB++, and bodies dumped, check revive requests and go to the revive points, revive your team-mates and fellow survivors. Never combat revive! If you do not know the zombie, I don’t care how many times they say Mrh, if they are inside during a siege then they are not to be revived! Remember to search for syringes

Medics Heal survivors in your locality, ensure that no survivor is infected (No survivor should have more than 3HP missing), search for FAKs

Maintenance Ensure key resource buildings have fuelled generators, search for fuel and generators.

Combat Teams Kill zeds, both the zeds in the current building, and co-ordinate combat strikes to take back ruined buildings. Search for ammo, always carry two FAKs. (Zeds can bite you more than once whilst you strike)

Intelligence Officers Use necronet, binoculars, scouting and UD Tools, as well as go through group-members reports, to ensure that the group / assembly of survivors have an accurate picture of numbers and locations of zeds, and building states.


When a horde attacks a suburb they will normally strike the resource buildings first. A mega-horde, such as The Big Bash, will instead attack any non-ruined building. There are three main strategies for dealing with a horde.

1) Stand firm, try to hold all the buildings. This can force the horde to spread out, but also means that the defenders are spread out, resource buildings could fall easily.

2) Identify key resource buildings and defend them. This ensures that the defenders congregate allowing for better defence, but also means that the horde concentrate their attack. Ideally groups would have already identified these, so can co-ordinate survival plans quickly.

3) River Tactics. Leave as the horde arrives, flow round them, and when the horde leave the suburb return, revive and rebuild.

One idea is to utilise components of all three strategies. The main defenders focus on the key resource buildings, seeking to hold them. A few defenders spread out, barricading all the other buildings in the suburb, thus forcing the horde to waste HP. Early on in the siege, whilst generators are easily available, these can be sacrifised by putting a fuelled generator in an empty, EHB building, which can draw some zombies away from the main horde, allowing them to waste AP. A small group of defenders, made up of revivers and engineers can leave the suburb, staying in a neighbouring suburb, coming in to support with repairing and reviving during the siege but never sleeping in besieged buildings. Their role is to ensure that there are enough survivors left, should the suburb fall, to rebuild the suburb as fast as possible.

Remember it is rare for a horde to be defeated, these sieges go down in folklore, that is why we remember the sieges of Caiger Mall. If we can not defeat them, we can at least reduce the effects of their victory, this is done by rebuilding quickly and efficiently. I have seen suburbs ripped asunder, taking weeks before they are truly inhabitable again, and other suburbs back on their feet within a week of a mega-horde passing through. The difference was how prepared the rebuilders were.--Zuton 21:46, 11 January 2008 (UTC)