South West Anarchists
The South West Anarchists are the most wretched hive of anarchist scum and death-cultist villainy in all the south-west corner of Malton.
South West Anarchists
Anarchistic free-for-all
Group Numbers:
To turn the south-west into a 24/7 anti-survivor riot and hear the local survivors cry about it.
Tiny-URL for this page:
Talk page or Forum.
Who are you?
We are a loose band of anti-survivors who have three things in common:
- We hate how the south-west stays green all of the time, as if it inhabitants' actions had anything to do with it.
- We love to shake their little world. Pinatas, GKing, PKing, feeding groans... Everything that weakens the area is a good thing in our books.
- As anarchists and free spirits, there's no way in hell we'll accept anyone's leashes or orders.
As you'd expect, we are more of a "group" than a group. We aren't here to organize things, lead strike-teams, create silly chains of command, hand out imaginary medals or any such nonsense. Rather, we just provide you with the rope to hang the survivors with. We work together when it suits us but never place requirements on anyone. This is about getting the most reward for the least work.
We supply the newest reports about cracked buildings for all you zombies and PKer crack hunters, give you an area to request infections or revives (or both) from like-minded souls, and set you in touch with each other if you want some more organized action every now and then. Since we aren't a group, we welcome members of like-minded groups to stop by when visiting the Southwest. We are happy to have local loners stop by and let us know about the safe house they cracked or to point them to one recently cracked. We don't oppose cooperation. We oppose arbitrary rules and fake 'commands'.
Are you a death-cult?
Some members may death-cult, some may be PKers, some may be quiet survivors over-cading EPs and tagging nonsense in your buildings, since there is no 'authority' each member is welcome to share their vision in their own way. We do promote, embrace and encourage anti-survivor action in all its shapes and forms. Share intelligence, PK people, revive each other - do what you want, and play it as dirty as you like.
We recognize ALL kinds of anti-survivors, respect their morals and accommodate to them.
Where can I find you?
Take a wild guess.
We are currently focussing on New Arkham, where for once a sizeable horde cracks open buildings. Especially Wreford NT and Mitchener NT make for fine targets due to being uncaded rot revives.
Any actual rules for members?
Not many, and they should all be common sense. But as some need to have them spelled out:
- Don't zerg, text-rape or forum-spy.
- You can forget all other rules but this one. Zergers will be put on the Zerg Liste by ourselves, text-rapists on the Ignore List, and forum spies publicly exposed on our wiki. Either will grant you a swift booting from the group.
- You may only have one alt in South West Anarchists.
- While we don't have a centralized command (or any "command" at all), we are regionally restricted and thus don't provide the room to safely run multiple alts. Plus, we think it's better to be safe than sorry in regards to potential multi-abuse.
- You must be some kind of anti-survivor who is active in the south-west corner.
- Why else would you want to join us in the first place, eh?
Yes. That's all.
Oh, and it would be awesome if you would put {{SWAnarch|User=YourName}} on your wiki:
South West Anarchists
Every cool kid riots with the SWA.
The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new. This user or group espouses Tidal Tactics
Death Cultist
If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Feral Movement
This "group" is a supporter of the Feral Movement and promotes feral unity through communication and coordination.
Lame Nazi Punks who falsely wear South West Anarchists tags without deserving them: