St. Cyril's Church

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St. Cyril's Church
VSB but dark inside.
Stahl (talk) 02:20, 14 March 2025 (UTC)
St. Cyril's Church

Starlingtown [93, 48]

Club Sweeney the Rivers Monument a cemetery
the Leofric Monument St. Cyril's Church Maskell Park
Bastick Walk the Geyskens Hotel Tolson Row

Basic Info:

  • Churches have no internal descriptions.
  • Church doors do not close but can be barricaded shut.

St. Cyril's Church


Humans and zombies alike will see the following (permanent) description when standing outside the building:

"You are standing outside St. Cyril's Church, a derelict grey-stone building surrounded by lawns."

Such a description is always followed by a report of the building's condition (e.g. the level of its barricades), but since that report is never permanent and always subject to change, it is redundant to include it here as well.


The church were named after St. Cyril, a christian saint and brother of St. Methodius, whom St. Methodius's Church in Brooke Hills were named after. St. Cyril, along with his brother, were greek missionaries who spread the word of Christ among the slavs in Great Moravia and Pannonia. They are credited for inventing the Glagolitic alphabet, the first slavic alphabet, and translating the Bible to it. After their deaths, their disciples created the Cyrillic alphabet, which were based on the Glagolitic alphabet and named after st. Cyril.

Barricade Policy

Current Status

January 25, 2009 - Very Heavily barricaded. No generator. Surrounding buildings intact. No zombie activity for at least a few blocks. Almost no survivor activity. AG JJ LC 09:54, 25 January 2009 (UTC)

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