St. Matheos's Hospital (Tapton)

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St. Matheos's Hospital
unlit, unknown barricade status
Samitefan1 (talk) 04:51, 8 February 2025 (UTC)
St. Matheos's Hospital

Tapton [40,73]

the Colyer Monument
the Bruford Building the Honeybone Building
Morle Row
St. Matheos's Hospital Rhodes Park
Cassell Way
Millbanks Way the Boobyer Building

Basic Info:

  • Excellent place to find first aid kits. Zombies frequently check inside.
  • Portable Generators have a use other than powering the lights and increasing search probability in hospitals. Players with the Surgery Skill can heal for 15 HP if the Hospital has a fueled up Generator.
  • Hospitals can be barricaded normally.
  • Among the internal descriptions found in Hospitals:
    • "...its wards and corridors blackened with the soot of a recent fire"
    • "...its empty wards criss-crossed with snapped quarantine tape."
    • " of the city's psychiatric hospitals."
    • "...dark corridors leading through abandoned wards."
    • "...its emergency room in disarray."
    • "...its lobby covered with quarantine posters."
    • "...a children's hospital with bright murals across the walls. "
    • "The main lobby is riddled with bullet holes."
    • "It was one of the last to be evacuated, and seems to have been cleared out in a hurry."
    • "...a derelict hospital that was closed down years ago."
Malton Hospitals
Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This hospital is currently not registered with MHG. If you want to run it, go ahead, but please register.

There are four hospitals bearing the name St. Matheos's Hospital in the city of Malton. This article is about St. Matheos's Hospital [40,73] in the suburb of Tapton, in the southern section of the city.


Saint Matt's


Saint Matt's is a former children's hospital in the north east of Tapton. While the city is grey, this building is still very colourful.

The hospital is right next to Rhodes Park and a cemetery, which are revive points.

Barricading Policy

This building is kept at EHB during dangerous times, but is otherwise VSB. If over-barricaded, enter through the Bruford building one space north.



You are inside St Matheos's Hospital, a children's hospital with bright murals across the walls.


You are standing outside St Matheos's Hospital, a four-storey metal-and-glass building surrounded by burnt-out cars.

Tactical Resource Points

The nearest of each type of tactical resource point to St. Matheos's Hospital:

Safety Standards from the Malton Hospitals Group

  • Try to keep this hospital powered at all times.
  • Keep this hospital at VS+2. Those without Free Running need FAKs too. If the hospital is a key building in a battle, and it's a complete emergency, barricade to EHB. Don't try to say you didn't need FAKs at lvl 1.
  • Keep this hospital zombie-free. They're nothing but trouble.
  • Repair damage when possible.
  • Keep at least one doctor at this hospital.
  • Nobody is low priority. We're all in this together; the level one you save today could be the one to headshot the zombie chewing on your arm a few months down the road.
  • If you have some people to spare, set up an ambulance service to support survivors outside the hospital.
  • Keep a radio inside the building, and please transmit on the hospital frequency, 28.26 MHz.

History and Significance


At the moment, St. Matheos's Hospital is occupied by Jon Favreua, a low level doctor who quietly resides by himself, spare the many hospital patients who run in and out because of it's proximity to the local revive cemetery. It's a lonely life, but the doctor works tirelessly to keep the place in working order.

Malton Department of Emergency Management Information

Tapton is in District Three of the Southwest Division of the Department of Emergency Management.

DoEM SW Division Three