St. Bruno's Church

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St. Bruno's Church
--VVV RPMBG 03:16, 27 May 2024 (UTC)
St. Bruno's Church

Pegton [81, 51]

Hamlen Auto Repair Promel Towers Osbert Street
a warehouse St. Bruno's Church a cemetery
Fowles Plaza Police Department Eeles Avenue the Linney Museum

Basic Info:

  • Churches have no internal descriptions.
  • Church doors do not close but can be barricaded shut.
St Bruno's

St. Bruno's Church


An austere, Lutheran church with a somewhat gloomy atmosphere.


St Bruno of Pegton

Dedicated to the 20th century Saint Bruno, the patron saint of pipe-smokers, this church stands on the site of the home of Bruno MacPuff. MacPuff was a local eccentric who had smoked a pipe for as long as anyone could remember, and as a result had a remarkable halo of yellow, greasy hair, miraculously brown teeth, and holey clothes (where embers had burnt his tweed jacket).

Bruno suffered martyrdom when he fell asleep in his armchair and his trusty pipe fell into his lap, causing spontaneous combustion of his brown tartan kilt.

After much debate, the Church of Malton accepted that Bruno MacPuff had indeed been a holy man, as he had 1) never married; 2) lived the secluded life of a hermit, and 3) performed many miracles, viz. blowing smoke rings, blowing smoke out of his ears, and regularly disappearing in clouds of smoke.

Barricade Policy

Listed as an Entry Point and as a charitable location, St. Bruno's is to be kept at VSB...

Current Status

Dec 26, 2019 - The recent fall of Fort Creedy has left many former residents homeless and likely taking shelter here... MR2Di4 (talk) 18:23, 26 December 2019 (UTC)

Jan 4, 2008 - Found at Ransacked and Ruined

Entry Point. Keep at VSB++!