Cemetery 82,51

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a cemetery

Pegton [82,51]

Promel Towers Osbert Street a warehouse
St Bruno's Church a cemetery Spridell Walk
Eeles Avenue The Linney Museum The Pargiter Monument

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Pegton Cemetery, seen here in full colour.

A sombre Victorian cemetery with its own crematorium, notable for its campanile. The cemetery is a bleak place, even on sunny days.


Pegton's northern cemetery was one of the first in Malton to introduce an automated crematorium, designed by local engineer Walfrid Warburton.

As a result of childhood tuberculosis (contracted from infected gruel), Warburton was in poor health at the time of the incinerator's construction on the site. He assured concerned Pegtonian Christians (in his thick Pegtonian accent), "A wuidnae ask ye tae dae anythin a've no' tried mesel', so ah'm happy tae be tha furrst tae gie it a wee go." True to his word, when he died three days later his will stipulated that he should be cremated and his ashes interred in the cemetery. His brain was donated to St. Siricius's Hospital for study.

Warburton's grave is marked by a Celtic cross (seen in the photo above, centre); to its left can be seen the tall cross marking the final resting place of his boyhood friend, William Whitehead. The smaller grave to the right is that of Warburton's child-wife and cousin, Dorothea, who died at the age of 19 while giving birth to their seventh child, Humphrey.

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3 zeds waiting --Louis Vernon 16:28 26 May 2011 (BST)

1 zombie waiting for a revive and 5 dead bodies. User:Pyxzer/sig06:50, 4 August 2009 (BST)

11 zombies waiting for a revive and 25 dead bodies. 24 May 2008, 15.01 (GMT + 2) Status -Janus Abernathy

Status currently unknown -- goebi oo ooooooo 11:45, 24 July 2007 (BST)