Suggestion:20120724 Relay Race Baton

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20120724 Relay Race Baton

A Big F'ing Dog 17:36, 24 July 2012 (BST)

Suggestion type

Suggestion scope
Zombies & Survivors

Suggestion description
This is an idea for a fun mini-game item that can exist within the overall game of Urban Dead.

The relay race baton would be a new item that is fixed in quantity. A small number of them (around 20-30ish) would be placed on the ground in random schools, parks, and stadiums across the city. Each baton would be unique, having its own distinct color, no two the same. The baton would look like this in room description:

A yellow baton is on the ground.

Survivors and zombies in the room would have the option to pick up the baton for 1 AP and add it to their own inventory (with 4% encumbrance). Holding a baton would place you in the room description, as part of the paragraph listing decorations like artwork, like so:

A Big F'ing Dog is holding an ochre baton.

A zombie is holding a violet baton.

Killing someone holding a baton would cause them to drop it, returning it to the ground and allowing someone else to pick it up. People would also be able to discard batons, returning them to the ground rather than destroying it. Idling out would cause you to drop any batons you're holding, rather than removing them from play. Batons would be fixed in number, and they cannot be created or destroyed, just moved around.

Now there's no specified point to batons. Players can decide what to do with them. Groups and individuals can have fun battling to gather and hold onto them. You can fight to keep them out of zombie hands, or in zombie hands. They could be used in limited time challenges and events, like a hypothetical 2012 Race For The Gold Baton, that honors whoever finds the gold baton and brings it to Caiger Mall first.

Or if you find batons silly you can just ignore them. There wouldn't be that many of them, so you're unlikely to see them too often if you don't go looking for one. But I think adding fun mini-games to the real game of survival/killing can make Urban Dead more interesting. Look at how much fun it can be to collect decorative art for your safehouse, defend notable but not really practical structures like the forts, spray paint silly messages, and find unique clothing. Adding a bit of light hearted spice to the meat of the serious survival game keeps things interesting.

And in case anyone is wondering, yes you could bash people to death with the baton. But it would have the same impractical combat stats as the Length of Pipe. So killing someone with a baton would be mostly for laughs.

Voting Section

Voting Rules
Votes must be numbered, justified, signed, and timestamped.
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Votes that do not conform to the above may be struck by any user.

The only valid votes are Keep, Kill, Spam or Dupe. If you wish to abstain from voting, do not vote.

Keep Votes

  1. Keep - I kind of like there being exactly 25 batons, so one person theoretically can collect all of them in their inventory, however unlikely that is. Each baton has 4% encumbrance, so 25 batons is exactly the maximum one person can possibly hold. But I think a smaller or greater number could also work. I think anywhere from 10-30 would be fine, although I'm more partial to the higher end of that range, since a higher number means more simultaneous events can occur without stepping on each other's toes. --A Big F'ing Dog 17:45, 24 July 2012 (BST)
  2. Keep - LOVE the idea of having collectible, limited items that mark you as a target. I also love that you can kill people with it. Plus, the timing couldn't be better, what with the Olympics coming up soon. Aichon 18:18, 24 July 2012 (BST)
  3. Keep - IF I STILL PLAYED I'D MURDER PEOPLE AND GET ALL THE BATONS --Karloth Vois ¯\(°_o)/¯ 18:59, 24 July 2012 (BST)
  4. Keep - Sounds like a great idea. ~THOROAEBORUS 20:12, 24 July 2012 (BST)
  5. Make it so. When I fall, I'll weep for happiness 22:55, 24 July 2012 (BST)
  6. Keep - I want to find out which 25 (or so) colors will be picked! Bob Moncrief EBDW! 23:13, 24 July 2012 (BST)
  7. Keep - Best idea I've seen EVAH! --Akbar 23:54, 24 July 2012 (BST)
  8. Keep not bad. will never happen. fun if it did tho.--User:Sexualharrison00:13, 25 July 2012
  9. Keep sounds fun. I'm assuming it would not show in dark building descriptions, correct? ~Vsig.png 02:32, 25 July 2012 (UTC)
    Reply I moved our conversation to the discussion page. --A Big F'ing Dog 18:26, 25 July 2012 (BST)
  10. Keep/Change - There should only be one - sort of like the conch in Shartak but less meaningful.--Shortround }.{ My Contributions 18:58, 25 July 2012 (BST)
  11. Keep - Find something that solves the problem of a dissappearing batton when someone goes inactive and fixed ;) -- Johnny Twotoes 19:10, 25 July 2012 (BST)
    • Reply Idling out while holding a baton would cause you to drop it, and let someone else pick it up. The baton would never leave gameplay. --A Big F'ing Dog 20:05, 25 July 2012 (BST)
  12. Keep Although a torch could be seen more easily in the Dark --RossWHO????ness 19:13, 25 July 2012 (BST)
  13. Keep -New toys are always good. -- Spiderzed 22:46, 4 August 2012 (BST)

Kill Votes

  1. C-c-c-c-c-combo breaker! - I just wanted to do that. :P --Axe Hack Talk 02:09, 25 July 2012 (BST)

Spam/Dupe Votes