This page is for the storage of Suggestions that have failed Peer Review and have been considered Poor and Unworthy Suggestions. This is not the place to put new Suggestions. The Suggestions Page is the queue for new Suggestions to be voted on and suggested. Any Suggestions that have not been voted on will be removed from this page.
Notes for Editors
Those who are placing Suggestions on this page should do so under the following procedure:
- Take the entire template and paste it into this section.
- Remove the entire suggest_votes field.
- Note: There is discussion of this on the talk page.
- Add the field suggest_moved, and then timestamp it with ~~~~~.
- Replace "suggestion" with "prejection."
So, the new template should look like:
===Suggestion Name=== {{prejection| suggest_time=Old Timestamp| suggest_type=Original type| suggest_scope=Original scope| suggest_description=Original description| suggest_moved= ~~~~~ }} ---- |
Peer Rejected Suggestions
1st August 2006
Timestamp: | 01:44, 1 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | New Game Mechanic |
Scope: | Healing |
Description: | Anesthesia
When healing survivors with an First Aid Kit, there is 20% chance that the patient enters shock. When the patient enters shock, the healer will have to use 5 more AP to heal them. This can be overcomed by finding anesthesia in a hospital or any place First aid kits can be found. |
Left Queue: | 06:07, 1 August 2006 (BST) |
Looter (Improved version by Canu)
Timestamp: | 14:44, 1 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | New Skill. |
Scope: | People who don't like mall rats. |
Description: | After reading both my suggestion and MrAushvitz's improvememnt (Thanks to him, I found my problem) I have improved it. This would be a 100XP Civilian Skill called Looter. This skill grants a 10% bonus to all non-mall buildings (Except NT buildings, which get no bonus and no penalty) and malls suffer a 5% penalty. After Bargain Hunting that would be a 20% bonus without the hassle of junk objects for malls. Thank you to everyone who told me of the NT issue! |
Left Queue: | 07:52, 23 August 2006 (BST) |
2nd August 2006
Returning the Bodies
Timestamp: | 16:46, 2 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Definitely an improvement. |
Scope: | Survivors / Bodies. |
Description: | You ever get tired for the fact, that after zombies get inside the building, they are just given a cold axe or shotgun barrel and then thrown out? Why can't they be thrown in for a change?
What I'm suggesting, is that when you see one or more bodies outside a building, you can press "Throw bodies inside" -button and all those bodies are instantly put inside the building. For balance reasons this could only be done outside those buildings that are less than heavily barricaded. If you can't enter yourself, it's highly unlikely that you can get that corpse inside. I think that this would make the game much more fun for all of us and add a completely new tactical picture in it. Also I'm pretty sure that death cultists would love it. Vote! |
Left Queue: | 18:47, 2 August 2006 (BST) |
Slow down the bots
Timestamp: | 17:41, 2 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Improvement |
Scope: | Survivor bots |
Description: | I don't have any good ideas for banning bots, but one of the major zombie complaints seems to be that bots rebarricade too fast for them to get in and cause damage. As Sonny described it on resens, he's seen 'cades go from open to EHB in the time it takes him to click once.
Therefore, I suggest that Kevan limit the number of times a character can access the UD map page to once or, at most, twice per second. That should reduce the speed of bots, enabling zombies to create and exploit barricade holes more effectively. What do you think? |
Left Queue: | 04:46, 3 August 2006 (BST) |
3rd August 2006
Grenades (or other High Explosive weapon)
Timestamp: | 12:45, 3 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | improvement |
Scope: | Applies to human players. |
Description: | Basically, as a growing number of people finally 'max out' as a human player, i find it increasinly frustrating to find groups of Z's, and just attack one at a time, and then when i have killed one, to move onto the next. Maybe the introduction of a grenade type weapon, or rocket launcher type weapon (high explosive) that could infact potentially harm more than 1 Z at a time. I'm not suggesting that it wipes them out. But im suggesting that if you throw a grenade at a group of say 7 Z's, then you are going to damage atleast 2 of them, maybe some more severely than others. The flip side of hitting the group, could be that you miss throw it, and miss the Z's altogether. I'm suggesting this as it seems that the balance in UD is shifted very strongly towards the Zombies, and im suggesting this to maybe balance up the scales a bit, as there seems to be an ever increasing number of Z's, and significantly less survuvors. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks |
Left Queue: | 14:09, 3 August 2006 (BST) |
Limit Feeding Groan
Timestamp: | 03:32, 3 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Skill Change |
Scope: | Zombies |
Description: | Simply put, there's alot of feeding groan spam. I propose that feeding groan be limited to one groan every 30 minutes per zombie per square
Left Queue: | 16:09, 3 August 2006 (BST) |
Limit on Communication
Timestamp: | 16:29, 3 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Spam Limiter. |
Scope: | all characters. |
Description: | alright, my last suggestion went down in a blaze of spam votes, most of them suggesting i add restrictions on suvivor speech.
So, these are the changes: 3 speech submits allowed every 15 minutes. That means you can speak 3 times, and still be able to use the radio 3 times. THE LIMIT DOESN'T STACK. If you move to another square, you may speak again, but you can only use all of the modes of communication 3 times each in a square every 15 minutes. This Applies to: Regular Speech Death Rattle The Radio/Spambox pre death rattle zombie groans (I.E. Mrh? and GRAHH!) Feeding Groan |
Left Queue: | 16:45, 3 August 2006 (BST) |
Timestamp: | 18:23, 3 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Skill. |
Scope: | Survivors (and zombies). |
Description: | Basically, this'd be a millitary skill (or civillian, doesn't really matter), and it adds one extra square to your view field. So a survivor (or zombie) with this skill wouldn't see the 3x3 grid, he'd see a 4x4 grid of squares. IT might be a bit harder to locate your own building, but it'd be an excellent way for survivors and zombies alike to know this: Is there a group of 25 zombies next door to this place where I want to sleep? Zombies, they can find better places to go, making it easier for low level zombies to find safe places to sleep. Same again, for survivors. |
Left Queue: | 19:14, 3 August 2006 (BST) |
Random Events
Timestamp: | 20:59, 3 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Change in Gameplay |
Scope: | All Players |
Description: | This would add small events to the game that would be totally random. they can happen at set amounts of percentages, or at random percentages. if you don't get what I'm talking about right now (chances are, your not...yet) Here are some examples.
You have a 2% chance when moving to have the game say "you weren't looking where you were going, and stumble. You lose 1hp-2hp from the fall, and cost 1 ap to get up" You have a 3% chance (the percentages can be changed) of having e game say this when you attack."ouch,looks like the spot you shot at/hit was already wounded. The enemy loses 2 extra hp. Or maybe You have a 2% chance when biting a survivor to have it say "biting the survivor, you tear a huge chunk of flesh off, which you eat, and gain 2-3hp. These don't all have to be combat or hitpoint oriented, and can happen at any time. Please tell me if anything can be fixed or changes with this suggestion. |
Left Queue: | 07:51, 24 August 2006 (BST) |
Famous Last Words
Timestamp: | 22:08, 3 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Skill/Change |
Scope: | Zombies and Humans |
Description: | Well, some of you must not like me going at this again, but here's another one for both sides of the table.
When you're killed, it's rather unlikely that you're just going to die and fall to the ground silently. So here's what this is. It could be a skill or a basic trait, someone can decide that in the future, but in your profile, there is a text field. You add what you want your character to say should he or she be killed in battle. When you ARE killed, your character says whatever was in the profile or just screams generically if you didn't have anything filled out. Your character screaming can be a funny quote or whatever message you want, but the fact is this. People around you (meaning in buildings that are adjacent to you) will see this: You hear X screaming 'BLOODY MURDER!' as he is killed. This will alert fellow survivors that something dangerous's about. For zombies, it'd work similar to death rattle or just a groan if the zombie doesn't have Death Rattle. Zombies would see this: You hear X moaning as he is killed. It wouldn't give the exact LOCATION of the person who was screaming, but it would alert you that this might not be a safe place to stay the night. |
Left Queue: | 07:51, 24 August 2006 (BST) |
4th August 2006
Tracking with dogs
Timestamp: | 4 August 13:40 |
Type: | New item and skill |
Scope: | Survivors looking for people |
Description: | I'm aware that idea's involving dogs have been put forward before, but stay with me because this isn't an autodefense. The idea was inspired by reading a comment on an earlier suggestion that allowed zombies to identify others in their group. Someone asked for a survivor ability that allows then do the same thing, beyond just looking at their profile when you're stood next to them. This idea is similar, and allows survivors to find people on their contacts list.
To do this you need two things, a dog - which are treated as inventory items and can be found by searching outside buildings at about a 10% chance, and a new civilian skill - Dog Handler, which lets the character get something out of the animal besides companionship. Items that requires skills to use at all already exist within the gane, such as syringes and DNA extractors. If both of these prerequisits are met a button on the screen appear giving the option to 'Track' and a drop down menu of people on your contacts list. Tracking cost 1 AP. If the subject is beyond a 10 block radius the attempt fails and brings up a message saying "Your dog can't find a trail for (Subject)". If they are close enough a message comes up saying something like "Your dog wants to go towards the north east." This is the type of message recieved even if the person is actually only 1 square north and 7 east. The user has to decide whether to re-track each square, effectively doubling the AP cost of moving, or traveling several squares before retracking and risk heading in the wrong direction. If the subject is just out of sight, inside or out side the building you are at the message reads "The dog want to go outside/Inside the building". If your daft enough to use tracking on somebody in the same bulding the massage says "The dog walks up to (subject) and sits next to them." The information recieved is the same regardless of whether the subject is currently alive, dead or undead. If a survivor dies the dog runs off and is lost. Yes, this skill could be used by PKers to track down a victim. It could also be used by a Bounty hunter. |
Left Queue: | 15:55, 4 August 2006 (BST) |
Advanced Aiming
Timestamp: | 16:52, 4 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Skill |
Scope: | Zombie hunters |
Description: | This would be a new skill under the Headshot skill, but it would also require advanced shotgun training to work. The skill would be called "advanced aiming" (name can be changed) It would give you a 5%-10% chance(once again, this can be changed)to actually shoot a zombies arm off with a succesfull hit with a shotgun. If you do this twice, then both of the zombies arms are off, and may not use their claw attacks unless they: 1:die or 2: heal 10 (can be more, can be less) HP with their bite attacks. Note, the zombies arms regenerate when they die, so even if you kill them and their second arm is blown off, it will be there when they stand up. This would be an interesting addition to the game, and adds realism by choosing which appendage of the zombie to shoot. CLARIFICATION: This would not require adcanced shotgun training to purchase, but it would to use it. This would require the normal amount of XP to purchase. This would NOT carry over as a zombie. Place your |
Left Queue: | 15:55, 4 August 2006 (BST) |
Adrenaline Rush
Timestamp: | 18:56, 4 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Skill |
Scope: | Survivors |
Description: | As of right now, the punch attack is pretty useless. A new skill, called "adrenaline rush" (sorry if the NAME is a dupe, i couldn't come up with a better one) would require meelee training to use. If the survivor drops to 12hp or lower (the hp limit on when they can be dragged out onto the street), then the survivor goes into a severe panic. Adrenaline rushes to them, and they become frantic. Punches get +10% chance of hit and +2 damage. It is still not as powerful as the fireaxe, bit it can help players in an emergency situation if they don't have a weapon, of if they are a firearms type person without any ammoe in the middle of a siege. This would also help zombies as it would encourage survivors to stay in low hp ranges, and would make it EXREMLY EASY to drag people out onto the streets. This would benefit everyone, and is not overpowered. Place your |
Left Queue: | 22:01, 4 August 2006 (BST) |
5th August 2006
Scent Sweat
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New Zombie Skill |
Scope: | New survivor scent detection skill |
Description: | Scent Sweat
Subskill of "Scent Blood" on zombie skills tree. Adds no benefits to your human character. Your zombie has learned to associate the smell of sweat with a meal that may be easier to catch and eat... Survivors at your location with 20 or less AP have the status "exhausted" next to their name (in addition to any other scent related status.) Intended Game Enhancement This skill is meant to provide zombies with information relating to weakness, your zombie may have prescious few AP remaining after bypassing a barricade and may wish to choose to attack a survivor who may not be able to escape quickly.. or use their AP for an extended combat. This is also a "non-combat" related skill that doesn't enhance your zombie's damage dealing, accuracy, or infectability.. but it does (when stacked with scent fear) give you a choice of your favorite "kind" of meal. Possibly what kind of attack may be best (he has very little AP left and will run in away in 1 hit, time to bite and infect..) Besides, your zombie can (as screen refreshes) notice which survivors are "burning" their AP the quickest.. and decide to attack them "More barricades.. you must die harmanz!" |
Left Queue: | 07:59, 24 August 2006 (BST) |
6th August 2006
Flamethrower Construction
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New Survivor Skill |
Scope: | Allows for manufacture and use of a "flamethrower" |
Description: | Flamethrower Construction
Subskill of "Basic Firearms Training" on millitary skills tree. Adds no benefits to your zombie character. Allows you to manufacture a "Flamethrower" in either a powered auto-repair shop, powered junkyard, powered armory, or a powered mall (hardware store). Creating a flamethrowing will cost you 35 AP and a number of "parts" until completed. Game Mechanics
Item(s) that may be used in construction of a flamethrower: (not culmative, each item is tested seperately, then try the next one if needed..)
Flamethrower: Weapon
Re-fueling the flamethrower: Simply click on your flamethrower, and a gas can will be removed from your inventory to fill it (this does cost you 2 AP.. it takes a lot more care to refuel this weapon correctly.) Clicking on a fuel can will refuel portable generators. In this manner, the fuel can now has 2 main uses in the game (and as a possible component/cleaner to construct a flamethrower!) Risky Weapon If you are in a combat with an active zombie, and are using your flamethrower, be warned.. not a good weapon against active zombies! If you attack with a flamethrower and are hit by "tangling grasp" there is a 25% chance each time you attack (whether you hit or not..) while under tangling grasp that your flamethrower's fuel bursts! If this happens your flamethrower is gone (must make a new one, if you still love them..) you take 20 damage (16 in a flak jacket.) There is a message when the flamethrower explodes so all survivors and zombies at your location can witness the results. If you die from this ammo explosion you do not get any XP for killing yourself, nor the zombie who killed you even though it occurred from tangling grasp. Why? People have been wanting a flamethrower for some time, but really, it's not something you can just "find".. basic firearms training would give you enough knowledge of gas propulsion type weaponry to be able to construct one, given enough parts and time. This really is meant to be a "fun" weapon.. the ammo is so easy to find (makes certain buildings in the game actually relevant and useful, ex. auto shop and junkyard.) Additionally, "useless" items in the game, can actually be used for something! ("Clean that hose with alcohol, yeah, some beer for inspiration, jam some newspaper for a starting wick.. and a couple crucifixes for handles..) So instead of dropping these items a truly disturbed zombie hunter may find it satsifying to have such a weapon on hand. It takes up 4 spaces, but hold 15 shots.. a shotgun can only hold 2 shots at a time so 4 loaded shotguns would be 8 rounds.. plus reloading each shotgun is 1 AP per shot, whereas this weapon it's 2 AP to reload.. but you have to construct it to begin with. So enough of the math per se.. it doesn't do as much damage as a shotgun, but holds more shots, and the ammo is easy to find.. with a combat limitation vs active zombies. So, who wants to use one? |
Left Queue: | 05:13, 6 August 2006 (BST) |
Maim (Version1.1)
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New Zombie Skill |
Scope: | Wounded survivor gains temporary dehibilitating injury |
Description: | Maim
Subskill of "Rend Flesh" on zombie skills tree. Adds no benefits to your human character. Your zombie is able to inflict extremely grievous and dehibilitating injuries, often removing favorite body parts from the living. Survivors that you deal 30 life or greater damage during a single combat gained the "maimed" status and it impairs many of their skills.
Game Mechanics
Note: other survivors at your location with the "Diagnosis" skill will see that you are "maimed" and may be more likely to heal your injuries!
Maimed Pentalties The survivor who is maimed:
Intended Game Effect This is a "severe injury" effect, which adds to the "horror" aspect of the game. You have a really bad run-in with a zombie it may not just a simple matter of run like hell and slap up some FAK's. You may have to run 1 or 2 buildings then use all those FAK's. This also means survivors may have to dedicate more AP and inventory space to having several FAK's and possibly not always relying on other people's first aid skills or FAK's to heal them. Additionally, this is one situation where healing a lot of life quickly (ex. surgery in a powered hospital) is very preferable, making in many respects such skills more desirable and useful.. while balancing out the other skills to be more fair to the zombies. This zombie skill will make hospitals of greater importance, and in many cases a lot of maimed survivors will go there so science characters can harvest a lot of XP! "Jesus doc! It's head came right through the damn bookshelf and the mutha bit out my freakin' eye! I don't even know if the other guys made it out, I ran right here.. man..." |
Left Queue: | 12:27, 6 August 2006 (BST) |
Sense Entry Point (or Read Map)
Timestamp: | 16:13, 6 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Skill |
Scope: | Survivors |
Description: | One of the problems with the typical response to hordes such as the Big Bash is the extreme barricading that occurs. Survivors travelling through suburbs may want to attack zombies, but they must save a lot of AP just to search for an entry point that is not barricaded too heavily to enter. This works in the Zombies favor since would be zombie killers have to be parsimonious with AP, and if they are not, the survivors are stranded outside because they don't know where the entry points are.
Sense Entry Point (or Read Map) would tell the owner of the skill the nearest building with an open entry point. For example, clicking the button would reply "You sense an entry point 1 South, 2 East at X Building. |
Left Queue: | 18:27, 6 August 2006 (BST) |
Limited IP Sharing
Timestamp: | 15:38, 6 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Donation Reward |
Scope: | Players who share an IP |
Description: | In addition to the current no IP limit donation reward, I suggest an additional possible reward of permission to share an IP. A player with a paid account can pay an additional $5 to allow their character to be active in the same location as one other chosen character without penalty. This would make it possible for two player's characters (or three if they all donated and linked to each other circularly) to be active in the same areas, even if they play from the same location. For example: If two people moved in together and wanted to continue playing UD with each other(Behold my vested interest).
Only your character is submitted at the time of donation. Your update profile screen gains an additional field. You nominate the character you wish to share an IP with in this field. This is updated by the server without further interaction from Kevan. You may change your current link once per calender month, via this field. You may only select IP unlimited characters. You may only select mutual contacts. You may only ever have one character selected at a time. You may only ever be selected by one other character at a time. It follows that your character may only be exempt from countermeasures in relation to a max of two other characters at any one time. These two characters would be referenced by their ID numbers. You may view your current links in your profile screen. Other players cannot tell who you are currently linked to. If a character nominates you, you will gain a dropdown menu in your profile. You select the nomination you wish to accept from the list, and click accept. The list will contain all characters that nominated you since the start of the month. Accepting a nomination will clear your previous nomination and the list of failed nominations. You may only do this once per calendar month, as with nominating a character. All nominations following you accepting a nomination will be ignored untill the 1st of the following month. You may refuse all current nominations, clearing your nomination list. You may disable the ability to receive nominations via a checkbox. If someone nominates you and you reject their nomination, or accept a different nomination, they may make another nomination to any valid character. They may not make another nomination untill you reject their nomination. The above paragraph is to prevent unlikely but possible griefing in the form of spamming someone with offers from many people. Auto-accepting is not an option, due to the more likely possible griefing in the form of nominating a person to force their contact out of the relevant slot.
As it stands(I assume):
Friend1IDNumber Would be who you had nominated, Friend2IDNumber would be who had nominated you, and if either is unused they would be set to -1 (-1 is a nonexistant contact). ZergIDNumber would be the ID of the character causing the Zerg flag.
Edit: Proofreading |
Left Queue: | 08:04, 24 August 2006 (BST) |
7th August 2006
Seige Groan
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New zombie Skill |
Scope: | Groan of anger from attacking barricades |
Description: | Seige Groan
Appears on zombie skills tree as a subskill of "Feeding Groan", adds no benefits to your human characater. Any time your zombie has spent 35 or more AP in a row attacking a barricade(without any other actions in between) and the barricade of the building you have been attacking is STILL not down... a button is available that says "Seige Groan" if you have this skill (costs 1 AP to use.)
"You hear a zombie scream in furious anger from (X), (Y)!" the seige moan is the same as a maximum range feeding groan (6 blocks!)
This skill's intentions is to allow zombies to convey some degree of the only emotion they can express... anger. You also have to have feeding groan 1st just to but this skill, so it won't be available for so many zombie's until they have the spare XP to buy it. It should add to the sights and sounds of Malton's streets. |
Left Queue: | 12:18, 25 August 2006 (BST) |
Radio Volume V2.0
Timestamp: | 20:25, 7 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Item Change. |
Scope: | People who hate spamedy spam spam. |
Description: | Currently when the radio transmitter is on everyone can hear it, right? well I say adding a new button to the game when in a building with a Radio Transmitter called "Volume control" with a dropdown menu with "Low" "Medium" and "High" as choices. By setting the transmitter to "Low" only you and the first 4 or 5 people can hear it. At "Medium" only you and 25 people can hear it. And at "High" it is basically the same as it is now. |
Left Queue: | 12:18, 25 August 2006 (BST) |
8th August 2006
Cold-Blooded Killer
Timestamp: | 18:43, 8 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | New Class. |
Scope: | delicious flavor. |
Description: | This is to add the Killer class to Malton. Cold-Blooded Killer is a Civilian class that has Knife Proficiency and starts with a Knife and an Empty Pistol taken from a gaurd. This characters uniqueness is that it costs 115XP for civilian skills, haven been distanced from society, and 85XP for Military skills, because they have a natural talent for it. The starting location for a Cold-Blooded Killer is a PD or perhaps a Hotel, having hidden there. The Cold-Blooded Killer would be a nice flavorful class to have. |
Left Queue: | 12:26, 25 August 2006 (BST) |
9th August 2006
Give Chase
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New Zombie Skill |
Scope: | Zombie can "chase" after a survivor outdoors 1 square away! |
Description: | Give Chase
Appears on zombie skills tree just under "Digestion", adds no benefits to your human character. Your zombie occassionally gets very excited when it sees a survivor within 1 square of it while outdoors! Your zombie may click on the "Give Chase" button to risk life and limb chasing after this survivor through the rubble of the streets... this movement won't cost AP per square, but you will take significant damage using this skill! Game Mechanics: This is a cool skill, ever tried to chase a survivor around the streets of Malton? Doesn't work worth diddly does it? You just burned a lot of AP for nothing, they're always faster and they may have free running to boot.
The damage your zombie takes is a reflection of running "through" and "over" things to close the gap between yourself and your intended target.. you aren't faster than the human you're chasing, just a hell of a lot crazier. Zombies have been seen using this skill to run through wooden roadblocks, glass, street signs, wooden benches, etc. Why? Well, it hardly seems "fair" how bad the zombies have it for movement. They are slower of course, but they're "stuck" outdoors usually, and yet do not have a skill as of yet to help them "rule" the outdoors. This skill could help make survivors make mistakes, running away from 1 or more zombies on the move chasing after them. Really experienced survivors might even stand their ground, more than willing to plug a wounded zombie over a "fresh" one. (to get that "killing" XP bonus.. "Come here ya ugly..") Adds to the horror element of the game, hungry zombies running after ya and all that. |
Left Queue: | 00:34, 10 August 2006 (BST) |
Obscene Strength
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New Zombie Skill |
Scope: | Great physical strength |
Description: | Obscene Strength
Appears on zombie skills tree just under "Vigour Mortis", adds no benefits to your human character. Your zombie tends to splinter wood very easily, and at times yanks of entire planks of barricades bare handed! There is a 15% chance whenever you damage a barricade with a claw attack that the damage dealt is doubled! There is a 2% chance each time you are hit with a Fire Axe your attacker takes 1 point of damage! Why? The fireaxe currently is the best hand weapon available, but due to the heavy swinging action involved it seems reasonable a zombie with significant physical prowress might get a hold of this axe and give it a good twist and/or yank every now and again. "Agh, my freakin' wrist, sonova bitch!" This gives a little "bonus" of sorts to those nice "fast" hand weapons like the bat, pipe and the knife. Or just keep out of reach and use your guns. A good skill to encourage survivors to carry a variety of weapons. Having to rip down barricades is often dull and predicatable, this adds an element of "suprise" to it. (Maybe there's only 5 zombies outside your building, 4 of which have this skill.. that would explain why entire sections of wooden planks keep getting yanked out!) |
Left Queue: | 00:39, 10 August 2006 (BST) |
10th August 2006
Get rid of gun stores and first aid kits in malls
Timestamp: | 16:19, 10 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Game change |
Scope: | everyone |
Description: | Many people complain that most humans flock to the malls and just stay there becuase it has everything you need well if first aid kits and guns cannot be found in malls anymore then the survivors will have to move around more. In-game explanation " due to execeive looting gun and drug stores across malton now lie barren. Sure some people might get pissed but really its to easy to just in one day get everything you need for a huge raid from a mall. |
Left Queue: | 22:35, 10 August 2006 (BST) |
Crackshots V.1.5
Timestamp: | 21:58 9 August 2006 |
Type: | Skill |
Scope: | Survivors |
Description: | A crackshot is a critical shot from either a shotgun or handgun. The effects of a crackshot are double damage. To get a crackshot one most first fully master either a shotgun or handgun and pay 100xp for a new skill on the corresponding weapon tree.(If you want shotgun crackshot you must fully master shotgun and buy shotgun crackshot and vice versa)After purchasing it you must open up the attack options, there will be a new option called shotgun/handgun crackshot. When you attack you have a 35% chance of a hit and a 15% chance of a crackshot. So one of three things will happen. You miss. You get a regular shot. You get a crackshot.
The advantage of a crackshot is if you're low on ammo but are willing to risk you still have a chance to score a kill. The bad thing is you might also waste some ammo if you miss. .65 * 5 = 3.25 > .20 * 5 + .15 * 10 = 2.5, and .65 * 10 = 6.5 > .20 * 10 + .15 * 20 = 5. I'm not exactly sure what this says but I think it is something about the balanced hit % when fireing a crackshot. Thanks for the equation Burgan.
Left Queue: | 22:37, 10 August 2006 (BST) |
Timestamp: | 02:52, 10 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | New item. |
Scope: | Rotters |
Description: | Brain rot: The skill that never goes away. However, some purchased it by accident, others have changed paths, others simply didn't fully understand it. This is why I am suggesting this new item, the NecroTech Treatment (or vaccination, or necrotech vaccination, doesn't really matter in the end). This Item can be manufactured at the same cost as the syringe, however the find rate is half of the syringe, and can only be found in necrotech buildings. It requires NecroNet Acess to use. I know people do not want something that will completely delete a skill, or counter another's skill. So this is a simple item that cannot be used against people. Okay, now here's how it works...
The "treatment" can only be administered two ways. The first way is self-induced. Quite simply, the brain rotter that has received a powered revive injects himself with the needle he has aquired himself, as long as he has necronet acess. The second method is injection by another, however to make sure this isn't used against an unwilling target, the person administering the the treatment must be in the target's contacts, otherwise it has no effect, an AP is wasted, but not the treatment, and it says "You cannot treat an unwilling patient". This can be administered anywhere. As for what it does: Quite simple. A treated person has a new status appear in the box under the map, ex.: You are Rotter_1 and you are infected and treated(X) (or vaccinated). The X represents how many days are left for the treatment to be effective. Every treatment resets this at 7. What happens to a treated person? Nothing significant really, exept this: the treated rotter may now be revived as a normal zombie, and people scanning him detect the treatment. Scanning him no longer has the 50% miss chance.
Left Queue: | 12:43, 29 August 2006 (BST) |
11th August 2006
Nail Gun
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | Projectile weapon, "newbie" pistol of sorts. |
Scope: | Closest thing to an SMG permitted without overpowering things, lowest projectile weapon damage in the game! |
Description: | Just one suggestion today, so we won't have to read/type so much.
Nail Gun
Weight: The nailgun takes up 3 inventory spaces due to bulkiness of compressed gas tank, or heavier battery charging unit. Doesn't fit so easily on your gun belt either (tool belt maybe!) Reloading a nailgun costs 2 AP normally, 4 AP if you have at least 1 zombie in the same square as you "Non-combat efficient weapon" and uses up 1 box of nails. (Not as easy to do close quarters as a magazine clip, or loading individual shotgun shells.) Skills: The Nailgun isn't worth creating any new skills for... if you are good with a pistol, you are just as good with a nailgun ie. your current pistol hit % is used when firing this weapon. But this weapon is 5% more "accurate" than the pistol for the purpouses of this game.. this is not techically true you are able to fire off a lot more rounds in less time using a nailgun, that's why it hits more. To describe how it is used in combat, nail guns are used by spraying your target with a series of rounds until the zombie is no longer moving. Pistol rounds are carefully aimed and fired at the target in "telling" locations (you aren't wasting those prescious bullets, often waiting until your zombie is almost "point blank" before unloading the round.) Pistol headshots are a lot less messy, Nail Gun headshots are a disgusting mess. 13 "rounds" per nail gun is a polite way of saying your box of 75 nails, a lot of them will end up too bent in flight to puncture the skin, or fail to stick in well enough, until the zombie is close enough to put the rest of the rounds in manually.. like a hand weapon. "Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!" If you wish you can say your character is carrying a staple gun, rivet gun (fires one round at a time for same damage) or some other hardware improvised ranged weapon (sawblade launcher?), smaller hand held crossbow, whatever.. the Nail Gun is the most feasible projectile tool that can kill.. eventually. Box Of Nails
Weight: A box of nails is 1 inventory space. Boxes of nails are soooo easy to find, even in apartment buildings, schools, anywhere! Just go to the janitor's room and you'll find at least a few.. Intended game Effect: The nail gun is intended to be a "noob" pistol, or a "fun" projectile weapon (what's more fun than pelting the walking dead with projectile nail rounds?) But this weapon fills a "niche" that makes it very different from the pistol.. it's easy to find pistols themselves but the ammunition takes a lot of AP to get together a more than sufficient "stock", just to be effective. Additionally, many police stations and even malls may be overbarricaded preventing new characters from being able to arm themselves suffiently (ex. you make a new character based on the pistol or firearms as 1st skill.. and you start in a part of Malton you can't even get anywhere near some ammo. makes the game kind of boring for new gun players...) With the nailgun, the killing potential is much weaker than a bullet.. but ammo is so easy to find, especially in locations that are rarely even barricaded or fought over. A "virgin trenchcoatter" may very well use this weapon to harvest XP faster and still enjoy their shooting of Z's. They might not boast about their early days once they have a "real" gun, but they lived long enough to get those 20 shotguns... For some, this may even be a fun "holdout" weapon.. when they find a zombie they don't even feel like using their bullets, or shotguns shells on. or the player may just feel like being very, very mean today.. |
Left Queue: | 12:49, 29 August 2006 (BST) |
12th August 2006
Free Running Difficulty To EHB Buildings
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | In game effect |
Scope: | Maxed out barricading prevents free running travel |
Description: | Free Running Difficulty To EHB Buildings
Moving into an Extremely Heavily Barricaded Building with free running should have a "fair" limitation placed upon it. After all if the building is a fortress that should also screw up survivors outside of that building as well.
It does not seem possible to move from one building to another if the other building is barricaded to the teeth. (One could use a cellphone or radio to ask survivors in the building to take it down a notch so you can all enter.. so there are "in game" options around it if they work with you. "There's 20 of us, and the area is overrun! let us in ya bastards!") This new limitation has no effect of moving "out" of an EHB building, you have "inside" knowledge of which doors and windows can be opened and you're on the "lockable" side of these latches. You can still leave easily enough. Moving to a EHB trying to use free running should cost 1 AP for the attempt but you do get a message "that building is overbarricaded you couldn't get inside". You stay where you are and lost the 1 AP.. but you at least aren't trapped outside (zombiefood) because of this. One way to avoid "wasting" 1 AP here and there is to keep track which buildings are overly barricaded.. you may even have to use a different route to get where you're going because of these buildings. But them's the breaks. |
Left Queue: | 03:17, 15 August 2006 (BST) |
Civil Defence training
Timestamp: | 00:07, 12 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | skill |
Scope: | maintaining safehouses |
Description: | Malton looks pretty much like a city on war now. And like in a 'normal' war lights inside a building can be dangerous for people in it. A zombie group won't miss the chance to check a house which looks inhabited. But in 'normal' war the danger of electricity can be reduced by light screening. How came it that there is no people who know what words 'Civil Defence' mean in Malton?
So I suggest adding a new civilian skill 'Civil Defence training'. It would allow to screen the lights of a building with running generator inside for the cost of 1 AP. After this is done, the building will look from outside like it is not powered. It also will be possible to destroy the light screening like a generator or a radio transmitter. |
Left Queue: | 06:31, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
Timestamp: | 23:15, 12 August 2006 (ENG) |
Type: | Skill |
Scope: | Zombie Hunters or NT |
Description: | Understand Death Rattle
Lets face it, we aren't gonna get outa here so why not try and learn about the Zombies? This Skill aims to let people understand what the Zombies are saying (Those with death rattle). The 2 classes this could be for are either Zombie Hunter or Scientific. ZH because of the being around Zombies all day and getting used to them and the NT for researching them and finding out what happens when one says a regular saying. If an NT skill it would be at the bottom of the tree as it's got a hard to aquire (RP wise). It doesn't modify anything or change anything that's important so I don't really see a problem with it. It may also help survivors in malls because Zombies have spies to hear survivor tactics so (some) survivors should be able to hear Zombie tactics (but only in battle so not really as useful as spies). |
Left Queue: | 06:31, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
13th August 2006
Hearing Things
Timestamp: | 20:37, 13 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Skill, balance change |
Scope: | Zombies |
Description: | When standing outside any building, a zombie with this skill will be able to press a "Listen" button. If there are several survivors inside, perhaps 10 or more, the zombie will receive a message such as:
"You shamble over to a boarded-up window and hear a faint murmur from within." If there is nobody inside, or less than the minimum number of survivors, the zombie will receive a message such as: "You shamble over to a boarded-up window, but hear nothing." If there are one or more zombies inside the building along with survivors, the zombie listening at the window will receive a message such as: "You shamble over to a boarded-up window and hear screams and groans from within."
It will also keep us lazy survivors on our toes a little more; I know personally that I haven't been killed inside a building by a zombie for weeks, even when staying in unbarricaded buildings overnight. Making survivor strongholds a little more noticeable to the undead will put a bit more variety into the game in buildings that aren't under regular siege from the zombie hordes (thus making currently laughably ineffective ferals a little more dangerous), and as a side effect it might help reduce the number of survivors such as myself resorting to preying on other survivors out of boredom. |
Left Queue: | 22:42, 13 August 2006 (BST) |
Vaccination v2
Timestamp: | 18:02, 13 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Item |
Scope: | The Brain-Rotted |
Description: | Seeing as how most people liked the concept of the version made on the 10th-Aug-2006, but all disliked the same aspects, I've taken them out and am resubmitting it.
Quick return on why I made this skill: Some people purchase brain rot by accident, some because they didn't fully understand it, and others later decide they are tired of playing a zombie and would like to play a survivor, and to use some of that xp under their belt to start out with decent skills. While some may say "BRRC", that is not very useful. Wait for a single zombie mob to attack them and they will be out of service, not to mention going to their remote clinic every week is not enjoyable. The skill should not be taken away, and I don't believe in a way to remove from the character, but this suggestion is to allow to temporarely supress it... So this is what I am suggesting...
The "NecroTech Vaccine" would be a one-use item that cannot be found, it needs to be manufactured by someone with Necronet Acess (in a powered necrotech building), at the same cost as the syringe.
This item can only be used on yourself, and has no effect if you do not have brain rot, and would display something among the lines of "You do not need this treatment" and would not cost an AP, the item would remain in the inventory.
Using this item (if you are rotter) would display is your "status box" that you are "treated", ex.: You are Rotter_1 and you are infected and treated(X). X represents the number of days left to your treatment, to a maximum of 7, as every time you use the item, it restores it to 7. Now, if you are killed, and the treatment is still in effect, you may be revived as any other zombie (that does not have brain rot). As per requested, you may only stand up once before this item loses it's effect. In other words, if you get killed while treated, it stays when you get up. If you get revived or killed, the treatment goes away. |
Left Queue: | 06:33, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
Power Down
Timestamp: | C138 23:08, 13 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Added Functionality |
Scope: | Survivors |
Description: | Add a button to switch the generator off. Thus, safehouses can be camouflaged as disused buildings with the lights off temporarily, and empty buildings with generators running inside can have them switched off by zombie-sympathetic survivors or revived zombies without wasting AP destroying them, as a solution to zombie griefing (leaving generators running in empty buildings as decoys).
Obviously, a building with the generator turned off is effectively an unpowered building, so for powered searches in Malls, rotter revival, surgery, etc. you'd need your generator to be switched on. |
Left Queue: | 06:33, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
Timestamp: | 23:12, 13 August 2006 (PST) |
Type: | New Skill |
Scope: | Zombie Hand Attack |
Description: | As further developement of the zombie hand attacks, I would like to suggest Hobble as a new skill.
This skill would follow after Vigour Mortis, Death Grip, and Tangling Grasp. The effect of landing this hand attack would be to cause survivors to move at half speed (double the AP cost as with new zombies) until such time as they are healed. Mostly useful in open terrain against multiple targets to either escape or finish them off. |
Left Queue: | 06:33, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
14th August 2006
NecroNet Satellite Bio-Scan V1.2
Timestamp: | 22:18 August 13 2006 |
Type: | Improvement |
Scope: | Survivors |
Description: | In a powered NT building in which if you have all necronet employment you can hack into Necronet stellites by clicking a new satellite scan button. It will come up with what looks like necronet acsess but no zombies will be displayed. Instead you click on a square and then the satellite will scan for zombies. The satellite scans inside and outside buildings so if a zombie was inside they couldn't escape the scan. It will log it's findings in the necronet acsess and then return to the main menu(in game, not site)and display the amount of zombies inside and outside the scanned area. THIS IS NOT A DNA EXTRACTION, you still gain xp if you dna extract a satellite scanned zombie's dna.
Clarifiaction-You have to use 1 ap to use this. |
Left Queue: | 05:36, 14 August 2006 (BST) |
Scent: Tears
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New Zombie Skill |
Scope: | Scents out most wounded, in order.. |
Description: | Secent Tears
Subskill of Memories Of Life (believe it or not!), adds no benefits to your human character. This skill doesn't just scent "tears", it's all the smells and sounds made by seriously injured human beings as well as heightened fear (why do you think bees always go after people who are allergic to them, the scent!) You are attracted by certain sounds and scents people give off, mainly when they are seriously wounded or terrified. You will always see the most wounded survivors at the top of the stack, provided your other skills allow you to know they are wounded.
So this skill doesn't allow you to see anything you couldn't "see" normally, it just organizes it more easily. By itself, it has no effect unless you have the other skills to know the aprox. Life of the survivors. Ex. Scent Fear you'd see all "dying" survivors at the top of the list.. but you wouldn't know if the one at the top of the list had the lowest Life total. Then all of those with life 14 to 25 would be next as "wounded", again in no specific order, so you have no advantage that you didn't before, just easier to see faster.
Left Queue: | 15:18, 14 August 2006 (BST) |
Making NecroNet more useful V2.0
Timestamp: | 00:34, 14 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Skill Change. |
Scope: | Faster Revive and Rotter Avoidance. |
Description: | This would make a slight change to NecroNet. when in a powered up NT building there would be a new button for those with NecroNet Access. The button would be called "NecroNet Census" (Say in voting if you know of a better name) upon clicking it a list of zombies are listed, along with their name so you could put it in yoour contacts list. Also while viewing the list you could add zombies on your contacts list to the list, also the NT building the name was added is next to the name. The list does not show zombie names from other suburbs, though. Upon being revived the name is removed from the list. The list automatically refreshes daily. This would obviously have the use for putting names of Mrh? Cows on a list for quicker revive ability, while avoiding Rotters (One Reviver tags the entire group, and puts the entire list on the NecroNet, for quicker revives) Also this would help breath life back into NecroNet, which would still be required to add and view names. This hopefully will be better, would it use GMT time or what? |
Left Queue: | 06:38, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
Brain Rot Anonymity
Timestamp: | ShadowScope 03:33, 14 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | improvement |
Scope: | Brain Rotters |
Description: | Before I start, let me bring up what Kevan wrote for the description of the recent change:
"DNA extractions now permit a full readout of specimen information in the form of a profile link. This real-time access means that scanned specimens can now be revived immediately if necessary, rather than being lost in the crowd." As you can see, this change is to allow for people to be revived quicker. It is not meant for people to find and kill brain rotters clogging revive points. Clogging revive points is one of the draws of Brain Rot...and now that it is nerfed. What I propose is that those with Brain Rot, when scanned, do not come with a profile. The reason? Their Brain has rotted so much that DNA Scanners can't read anything useful. This allows for Brain Rotters to still clog revive points, giving use to a skill once more. Now, one can cause suriviors to spend an extra AP to "skip" the Brain Rotters. Brain Rotters could also, if lucky, be able to clog the DNA Scanner Line, forcing Suriviors to use the regural Revive Queue. This suggestion will restore allure to Brain Rot once more, and give it some more. Don't want suriviors to see your sacred profile? Get your brain rotted |
Left Queue: | 06:38, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
15th August 2006
16th August 2006
Paint Supplies
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | Tagging Related Item |
Scope: | Increased tagging duration, improved usefullness... |
Description: | Paint Supplies
Locations: Mall Hardware stores 4% (6%) ; Junkyards 1%; Auto Repair shops 3% (lots of primer and autobody paint); Tower 2%, Warehouse 2%. Game Mechanics:
New Tagging Bonuses: These stack with the existing tagging bonuses (do not prevent getting XP from the other buildings), but these new bonuses are all for 1 XP, and apply in many cases to different buildings, or only to the interior of some buildings.
Why? This is an item that allows for easy low XP harvesting for doing tagging of buildings, even if you don't have the tagging skill. In short, if you have a "nonviolent" or "noncombat" character and you spend a lot of time free running between buildings spraypainting messages, this item can reward you with XP in many buildings for your efforts (and risks.) This item also doubles the duration of a painted message, but this isn't something for nothing, because it does get used up, quickly.. spray cans are unpredictable (you may run out of paint before completing your "route"), and you may have to spend a lot of time searching for cans, paint supplies, or both to be able to maintain your "message." So for those who love the work, but feel it isn't worth buying a "painter" skill, this is the easiest way to apply this effect to the game. Even a noob character may find use in this, helping "define" things in their territory until they reach a level they can do something for a larger audience, like radio. |
Left Queue: | 02:40, 17 August 2006 (BST) |
17th August 2006
A fine way to estimate barricade age
Timestamp: | Ron Burgundy 04:39, 17 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | flavor, ways to tell how active a suburb is, ways to amuse Ron Burgundy |
Scope: | {{{suggest_scope}}} |
Description: | Here's the plan: add a timestamp to all barricades and ranscaks in the game and add a sentence in the room description about the state of the barricade or ransackness.
If the barricade hasn't been brought below "quite strongly" in a day or two, it should appear dusty to survivors and should smell mildly of human to zombies. If it has stood for three or more days, it should appear very dusty and smell strongly of human. If it's been brought down and built back up, it should appear clean and smell strongly of humans. The opposite would hold true for ransacked buildings, which would appear dustier and more abandoned, depending how long they'd been ransacked. I know, I know, the last thing you'd be doing in a zombie apocalypse is sweeping, but dust tends to settle when there are no people stirring it up and really abandoned buildings tend to be distinguishable from buildings with squatters. This sort of thing would help people on the ground by showing them where the action is. It's also a fine way to measure whether or not something is barricade strafed (which is a problem, if you look at the suburb page and the difficulty pinpointing Ridleybank's danger level). What's more, it'd be a good measure of survivor or zombie effectiveness- and that's especially helpful to the zombies. They'd know which places they'd hit recently and which places have seen recent survivor activity. That can go a long way toward making more zombies, and I think we can all agree that the game still isn't balanced. |
Left Queue: | 06:44, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
Point Blank Shot (Re-vamped)
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | Zombie Hunter Skill |
Scope: | Flare gun buff, outdoors vs zombies only! |
Description: | Point Blank Shot
Zombie Hunter Skill (survivors only), requires level 10+ survivor to purchase. Adds no benefits to your zombie character. Game Mechanics:
Left Queue: | 06:44, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
Necrotech Security
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New Science Character Class |
Scope: | The "rank and file" non-lab NT employees |
Description: | * This character class is intended to be the "flipside" of the millitary character class: "medic" in that the medic is a Millitary starting character who starts with a science skill. Whereas this starting character is a science class character who starts with a millitary skill.
Necrotech Security
This character starts with basic firearms skill, but will have to spend more XP for it's millitary skills development.. and yet will be able to take full advantages of the science skills (Necrotech employment, and so forth.) Background: This is the "less friendly" more "hands on" arm of the NecroTech company.. in many instances employed to be the "front lines" against zombie incursions into their valuable research, and to prevent the loss of lab findings before they are uploaded to the company database. A typical NT Security uniform is usually consisting of a dark navy blue corporate guard uniform, with a "silver" NT badge. Their "rank" tends to be one based on their current employment position and salary, rather than millitary or police ranking based on years of service and accomplishment. Many NT security rise in the ranks based on who and what they know, and can exploit, as opposed to lifetime achievement, but there are exceptions. Many NT security forces are former "rent-a-cops", young thugs and criminals, and inspiring conspirators who were "normal" citizens of Malton prior to the outbreak. Many of which hope a connection to the NT company may save them from the ultimate fate of Malton. Malton's police forces and NT Security don't usually get along so well.. but at times they do have "official" and "unofficial" ties, primarily because they need one another more than either side would admit. |
Left Queue: | 06:44, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New Millitary Skill |
Scope: | The ammunion finding equivilent of "bargain hunting" |
Description: | This skill is meant to be a more advanced knowledge of Ordnance, and to some degree Ballistics, and ammunition storage. In this game's application it means your character has advanced knowledge of ammunition for firearms and where best to find them throughout Malton. Not just what building to search in, but how to find what you're looking for more accurately (ledgers, reading ammunition boxes, shipping manifests, finding the right key for the heavily locked storage rooms, etc.) And in many instances piecing together "single" rounds scattered around to make a full "clip."
This is the ammunition finding equivilent of "Bargain Hunting." Ordnance Appears on Millitary skills tree as a sub-skill of "Basic Firearms Training", adds no benefits to your zombie character. Your character is very well suited to finding the correct kind of ammunition, in less time. All ammunition related searches are increased by 15% in malls, 25% in police stations and armouries, and 50% in junkyards and any "other" location where ammunition finding is possible (even if not yet known.)
Intentions: This skill, in and of itself does nothing to make you any more effective in combat, but it can save you some AP wasted on ammunition searching. It will also cut down on the frustration associated with having so many extra weapons in your inventory, only to drop many of them later after being emptied. |
Left Queue: | 06:44, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
Reinforce barricade communication
Timestamp: | 23:20 17 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Improvement |
Scope: | All buildings with barricades |
Description: | When barricades are reinforced, a line should appear stating who reinforced them, when, and to which level, QSB, EHB etc. So when you log in, you can immediately see who has been altering the barricades. Extremely important as survivor groups are having problems with humans changing barricade levels, making entry points disappear and leaving survivors stranded out in the open. This way we will know who changed the barricade levels and chase them out of the suburb. |
Left Queue: | 06:44, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
18th August 2006
Graffiti communication
Timestamp: | 23:24 17 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Improvement |
Scope: | All areas, internal and external, that can be sprayed |
Description: | A lot of the time, important messages are sprayed that need to remain for the benefit of all survivors. If they are repeatedly sprayed over, it becomes frustrating that humans are trying to stop all the good you are trying to do. So when your message is sprayed over, a line will appear stating who sprayed over the first message and when. |
Left Queue: | 04:12, 18 August 2006 (BST) |
Scent Life
Timestamp: | 05:05, 18 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Skill |
Scope: | Zombies |
Description: | Right now we have two skills that work as x-ray vision, Scent Trail and Scent Death. A zombie can smell a survivor that recently attacked him. Why is it that no survivor is up in arms about this? Probably because they're too ignorant to know it exists. Scent Death allows a zombie to find large zombie hordes without searching them out, x-ray vision indeed. Then survivors have the NecroNet where they can find zombies without searching. Once again x-ray vision. Players can also see the barricade levels from outside and see lights that are on. Why? Why is this allowed but any skill that says you can tell if a survivor was here in the past 3 days is shot down?
My suggestion goes like this. It counters the uneven balance in UD griefing. Zombies can no longer clog revive points because of the recent update. However survivors can still combat revive zombies, with the penalty of being PKed as a counter grief, and they can barricade strafe. This suggestion allows zombies with the skill Scent Life be able to smell a building to see if it has survivors in it. "ZOMG x-ray!" Guess what? Zombies could use spy accounts they wanted to. This saves you the trouble of worrying about a free runner capturing you and your buddies. 1 AP - You can sniff a building to see if it has 25+ people in it. This is usually obvious because PDs, Hospitals, NTs, and Malls have these kind of numbers. 2 AP - You can sniff a building for 20 survivors. 3 AP - You can sniff for 15 survivors. 4 AP - You can sniff for 10 survivors. 5 AP - You can sniff for 5 survivors.
The point in sniffing taking up more AP as it goes on is because it's easier to catch the scent of a lot of survivors than a few. I think this is a fair suggestion. It costs a lot of AP to find out if there are survivors in a building. If the building is EH and you sniff all the way to 5 survivors you won't have enough AP to take it down by yourself. This would mean you'll need to be coordinated, or you can wait until tomorrow to attack. This eliminates zombie spies and barricade strafing. |
Left Queue: | 06:50, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
Howl Of The Slaughter
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New Zombie Skill |
Scope: | An enourmous howl when you kill a survivor! |
Description: | Howl Of The Slaughter
Appears on zombie skills tree under "Feeding Groan", it adds no benefits to your human character. Whenever you zombie kills a survivor, you may utter a "Howl" for 1 AP.
Why? It will feel more like there are zombies out there killing people if you get to hear about it periodically. Even survivors may wish to know if people are being slaughtered nearby: ..and again, and again, and again. |
Left Queue: | 06:50, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
19th August 2006
20th August 2006
Memories Of Death
Timestamp: | ShinobiSlider 22:13, 19 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Human Skill |
Scope: | Survivor Characters with zombie scent skills. |
Description: | "Memories Of Death" would be a human skill, under the zombie hunter tree. It would allow a human character to use any of the zombie skills that he has purchased from the zombie "Scent" tree. For example, if my character, as a zombie, buys Scent Death, and my character, as a human, buys Memories Of Death, my chracter, as a human, can use Scent Death. Again, this would be a Zombie Hunter skill, as it seems to me that an experienced Zombie Hunter would know how to track zombies, in this case using the skills that he learned while a zombie. |
Left Queue: | 01:37, 20 August 2006 (BST) |
Happy Birthday!
Timestamp: | Waluigi Freak 99 01:17, 20 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | New Feature |
Scope: | Everyone |
Description: | What I propose is that every user gets ONE opportunity to imput their birthdate. They don't have to give the year, just the month and date, if they want to. Every user who is currently playing will get the opportunity the next time they sign on. Every user who signs up after the suggestion is implented will have the opportunity to imput it when they sign up. What it is, is that every user, on their birthdate, recieves a certain amount of XP. Not an obscene amount, mind you, just, like, 50 or something. But that number is flexible. Anyway, users should only have the opportunity once, or else they might try to change their birthdate to the current day every day. Anyway, it would also show up in their profile or something.
Of course, the gift for the user's special day could be changed to healing them to max HP or something. It doesn't have to be XP. |
Left Queue: | 02:46, 20 August 2006 (BST) |
Chainsaw, Chainsaw skill
Timestamp: | 03:42, 20 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Item, Skill |
Scope: | Survivors |
Description: | There are no Centaurs here.
At this point you are doing 8 damage, with a 15% chance, fuel is basically used like weapon ammo. It is currently better than basic axe, but it does not have infinite ammo. It is not as good as guns, but it doesn't use a bullet up with each attack.
At this point you are doing 8 damage, with a 35% chance to hit. It does not have the best hit rate, but it does have the third best damage (after flare and shotguns) and you only need to watch your fuel while doing other actions. I think the fact that it is not infinite use, and uses up ammo if you leave it idling makes it fit in well with the current weapons. |
Left Queue: | 04:02, 20 August 2006 (BST) |
Tire Iron
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | 1 new hand weapon |
Scope: | Just to broaden your selection... |
Description: | This hand weapon selection is mainly to add "fun" to the game, useful, but hardly game breaking.
Tire Iron
Locations Auto Repair Shops (6%), Mall Hardware Stores (4%/5%), Factories (2%), Junkyards (1.5%)
Reason: The crowbar does 2x damage to barricades (but has a lower hit %), it seems reasonable that the tire iron should be an excellent "skull cracker" worth finding. It's no fireaxe, but satisfying nonetheless. (And, zombies can amuse themselves by bashing rival faction's skulls in using a tire iron if they so choose!) |
Left Queue: | 23:07, 20 August 2006 (BST) |
Timestamp: | Canuhearmenow 17:20, 20 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | New Skill. |
Scope: | Flare Gun Usefulness. |
Description: | This would be a 100XP Civilian skill (Because this is a privately learned skill) Called "Survivalist" This means you took basic survival training, increasing the accuracy of the Flare Gun by 10%, making it then up to 25% Hit Probability. This skill would obviously be useful for those who want the Flare Gun's power while making it hit a little better. |
Left Queue: | 19:19, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
21st August 2006
Restless Dead (With the cap! "Oops")
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New zombie skill |
Scope: | Feeding groans make you stir as a body |
Description: | Restless Dead
Appears on zombie skills tree under "Vigour Mortis", adds no benefits to your human character. Feeding groans make your dead body stir in anticipation of a meal! While a zombie body you recover 1 AP each time you hear a feeding groan.
Left Queue: | 00:12, 21 August 2006 (BST)
Brain Bash
Timestamp: | Canuhearmenow 16:08, 21 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | New Skill, new item use. |
Scope: | people (And Zombies!) who want melee headshots. |
Description: | Ok, read this fully first please. This would add a new 100XP Zombie Hunter Skill called Brain Bash (Weird name, if you have something better, say it in your vote) you must be level +10 to have this. This enables the Crowbar and Baseball Bat, two overlooked weapons, the ability to cause a headshot-like attack called Brain Bash. This behaves like headshot in every way, yet the Brain Bash does not occur always, Crowbars have a 10% chance of BB (Brain Bash) while BaseBall Bats have a 5% chance of BB. This works for people and even zombies! Making these weapons more desireably to our Somnambulist brethren (Now those Trenchcoating Mall monkeys shall feel my pain, HA!) and even make interest in melee weapons besides Fire Axe's! The message is "You hit dude for 2 damage, you bash their head, they die." So, quick recap; BB Bat-5% chance, Crowbar-10%, causes an extra 5 AP to get up, Zombies can use this. |
Left Queue: | 20:56, 21 August 2006 (BST) |
The Hunting Rifle (Returns!)
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New ranged weapon |
Scope: | Zombie headshot goodness. |
Description: | Many thanks to all for their support and creative "tweaks" to the final suggestion. Your help (and even, periodic abuse) was delicious!
Hunting Rifle
Hunting Rifle Ammo Boxes
Hunting Rifle Skills Tree: Civilian weapon, so all of it's skills are under the civilian skills tree. And yes, science characters won't get "dinged" so much learning to use it.
Intended game effects, and purpouse: This weapon's intent is to provide a highly damaging round, with a higher degree of accuracy, for those who are willing to accept it's limitations. However, this weapon deliberately costs 1 more skill slot (compared to the pistol and shotgun) to get it's accuracy up to that maximum. This is balanced out by the sheer bulkiness and combat limitations associated with this weapon. If you want to get "on the go" sooner specialize in the pistol, or maybe the shotgun... if you are willing to spend more XP... get yourself a hunting rifle! Noone masters the rifle very quickly, it takes a lot of practice, patience, self control, and skill. So this firearm is the "middle" weapon between the pistol's easy reloading / lower damage, and the shotgun's expensive reloading / massive damage potential. There is, of course, also the flare gun, as a 4th "firearm", but it's useage is mainly for more gameplay enjoyment. This is not a very good "newbie" weapon, even if you know where to look for it. This is however, the "sniper" weapon so many have been looking for. This weapon's larger size makes it very badly suited to carrying more than 1 rifle (unless you are very specialized with them, if so... carry on!) The payback for the obvious combat limitations of the hunting rifle is, when you do find an ammo box, it doesn't take up very much inventory space.. this is how it is similar to the pistol, ammo doesn't waste inventory space. And hunting rifle ammo boxes always have a bit more rounds than you need (in case you drop a few...) Just remember, this is a hunting rifle, not a combat rifle.. it is a very accurate ranged weapon but not something so well suited for enemies up close (hanging on your arm with "tangling grasp", or wearing a flak jacket!) It does make for a wonderful weapon for "zombie hunting", and it does make for very lovely headshots. "Over there! Jay Leno!" <THOOOP!> "Oh.. he's good." ~ Dawn Of The Dead. |
Left Queue: | 12:49, 21 August 2006 (BST) |
Timestamp: | The Mad Axeman 13:34, 21 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Zombie hunter skill |
Scope: | High level survivors wishing to help low levels |
Description: | Generosity is a zombie hunter skill (So only available once you reach level 11+) that allows survivors to give away items to other people. The gifter recieves gets nothing in return, and its not possible to give away items that are currently useless within the game, such as newspapers, wirecutter and whatever else. Furthermore it isn't possible for characters on the same IP address to trade with each other.
If the item is a permanent one that doesn't vanish after use - such as a weapon, flak jacket, ect - then it costs 5 AP's to give it away. Ammo, first aid kits and the like cost 3 AP's to pass on. When someone recieves a gift they also get a message telling them what they've just been given and who by. If they don't want it, they can drop the item for 0 AP's as usual. I'm aware that trading suggestions come up on a regular basis and usually fail because of concerns over zerging or lack of utility. I will try an pacify such fear. Antizerging measures include both the high level requirement and also the same ip address ban. If a zerger has maaged to set up multiple accounts with different ip address then they could use secondary characters with this skill to supply a primary... but its worth considering than that such an individual would not be suffering from zerging penalties within the game anyway, and copying this behavior would actually reduce their impact, because all those high level zergling are searching all the time rather than barricading or attacking. Can one 40th level character with loads of ammo do more damage than a group of 11th levels with typical equipment? So, zerging aside, what use is this to anyone? There aren't a huge number of very useful items in the game. However if you've maxed out and you're part of a group you want to help, why not use this skill to give the low levels a helping hand? Got a whole load of ammo? Well you could use it yourself, gain a lots of experience when you've got nothing to send it on.. or you could give it to the 1st level cop and watch him get more powerful, which helps your group out as a whole, as well as making yourself a friend. Of course, if the suburb is under attack from a lot of zombies the high level will want to use his possesion to there best effect, which probably means keeping them, but during quieter periods, help your group grow stronger. If people are helping them out, it might encourage new players to stick with the game for longer, which is good for the urbandeads health in general. It can also help with group communication by giving away mobile phones, spray cans and gps units. The final reason I'm going to give for this skill is this:- A lot of people might just find it fun to use. Part of what makes playing a healer or reviver fun is that is helping other people. This skill will give them one more way of doing so. This suggestion spent some time on the talk page, here [[1]]. Take a look if you like. |
Left Queue: | 19:23, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
22nd August 2006
23rd August 2006
Suggestion name
Timestamp: | 00:05, 22 August 2006 (GMT) |
Type: | improvement, |
Scope: | survivors |
Description: | Basicaly make a skill or it can be added on to Construction.You will be able to make wall or fences surronding a building or square,and it give you the option to connect them so you could have a large area with out zeds.The zeds couldent pass the Barricades.This would realy help The Two Forts.
addition 1. -Also for Kevans choice,The only way pass the fences for Survivours are gates,ropes,grapeling hooks or if the fence is torn down.Also addition 2.You cannot cross to build that has a wall around it. ((please when you vote add a mini vote for addition 1 and 2 like keep-blah blah blah -add 1 spam -add 2 Kill )) |
Left Queue: | 01:57, 23 August 2006 (BST) |
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New Science Skill |
Scope: | New usage for books, newspapers, powered libraries & museums, etc. |
Description: | Please be a little open minded, this one isn't just about getting XP, and killing zombies, it's about flavour.
Research Your character is involved on a personal quest to discover the true nature of the zombie phenomenon. Possibly for reasons of increased understanding, or to glean some kind of usable advantage that for humanity. In any case, every unexpected piece of information you find may bring you that much closer to the answers you seek. Appears under science skills tree, adds no benefits to your zombie character. Game Mechanics: This skill allows several minor benefits to your character by using the following items in the following buildings for an additional benefit:
The XP benefits is a direct result of what you have "learned, studied, absorbed, considered, forgiven or forgotten" that somehow made you stronger and better suited for facing the zombie menace. This one skill is meant to recover all the possibilities of: scientific research, spiritual research, historical research, supernatural/paranormal research, and propoganda/conspiracy research... additionally this skill creates a variety of RP possibilities! (maybe you know "too much") One might say this skill also required faith, well.... maybe a little faith in something be it: science, religion, humanity, or perhaps yourself! It doesn't matter because this skill does not apply any effect to anything else in the game, just your character's own personal self development (XP). |
Left Queue: | 19:38, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
24th August 2006
Hail of Bullets
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | "Barrage of gunfire" from 2 pistols |
Scope: | 2 or more pistols are good against zombie mobs |
Description: | Hail Of Bullets
Appears on millitary skills tree just under "Advanced pistol training", adds no benefits to your zombie character. So long as your survivor has at least 2 fully loaded pistols in their inventory: any time they fire and miss with a pistol shot into a large group of zombies, there is a chance that bullet will end up hitting the 2nd zombie in the stack!
When you hit the 2nd zombie in the stack: you deal damage/gain XP as normal... but you do not get to see how much Life that zombie had left (prevents X-ray effect, it was an unintentional target.. you were aiming at the 1st!) If the zombie dies, including gets headshot, it is still treated normally. This skill is meant to allow a benefit for carrying so many pistols, in combination with your maxed out pistol hit %. It mainly gives your character a chance to "gun them down" possibly being able to kill up to 2 zombies a day, but usually outdoors. This skill may be a favorite of zombie hunters who like to "step outside" and do some damage to the zombies going after their safehouse. This will make constantly finding pistols in searches a little less boring.. even welcome. |
Left Queue: | 22:41, 24 August 2006 (BST) |
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New "very noisy" close combat weapon |
Scope: | Does more damage than the fireaxe, but it's risky |
Description: | The lovely, hard-working, "we all want it", chainsaw... but we want it done right! Let's see if what I have is the "paletable" version we've all been looking for.
Search Chances: Mall Hardware Store (5%/6.25%), The City Zoo (3%), Mansion (2%), Auto Repair Shop (1%), Junkyard (1%), Warehouse (0.5%) It's best suited for outdoors, but not so easy to get your hands on so easily without getting into a mall. Then again the fuel is very easy to find outside of malls! You only ever need to get one chainsaw and you're ready.
Action buttons with chainsaw:
Why? In order to balance the killing potential of a chainsaw, it needed a low hit %, and several disadvantages to make it accurate. This weapon also is a nuisance to other survivors when used indoors at a location, but especially if it's not at a powered building! You may ignore your fellow survivors cursing you, or you may take your zombie hunting outdoors if you wish. But tactically speaking this weapon is better suited for outdoors combat. Even then, it is still very effective at what it does.. and if you find yourself stuck outside and need to get into a particular VH barricaded building... not a problem. If you're "on a roll" and keep hitting with it, it will burn through fuel very quickly... but that is why the damage is so high and it can hold 20 "units" of fuel. |
Left Queue: | 19:44, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
Dual Wield
Timestamp: | 22:15, 24 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Combat skill |
Scope: | Survivors, Kinves/Pistols |
Description: | Dual Wield: You have become so proficient with the use of certain weapons that you are able to wield two of them at the same time. However, the accuracy of certain weapons decreases somewhat.
Dual Wielding allows your character to use two small weapons at a time (for example, two knives or two pistols). In addition to the standard attack options, the following options would appear in the "attack with" menu, so long as the character has at least two of the weapons in question:
(If there are other weapons that might work for dual wielding, please let me know.) |
Left Queue: | 19:44, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
Tracking Gun 2.0
Timestamp: | 10:10, 24 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Non-combat gun |
Scope: | Everyone |
Description: | I decided to remake this, since people gave some feedback.
Tracking Gun would be found in Nt Buildings(0.5%) and Zoos(3%). Its ammo (tags) would be found there as well, with 1% and 5% chances respectively. It is found fully loaded, and holds two tags. Once a zombie or player is shot with a tag, the person who shot them can click their gun to see a list of all their targets' general direction and location (ie, "Player is far to the east." "Player2 is close to the south-west"). Note that it does not have to be the same gun.
Left Queue: | 19:44, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
25th August 2006
Mind Of The Horde
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New Zombie Skill |
Scope: | Your zombie helps organize your fellow zombies. |
Description: | Mind Of The Horde
Appears on zombie skills as a "Man-Hunter Skill" (the zombie equivilent of "zombie hunter", your zombie must be at least level 10+ to purchase this skill. Adds no benefits to your human character. Your zombie's presence adds a sense of unity and single-mindedness to your fellow zombies. As long as your zombie is standing at the same location as a number of zombie bodies... when those zombies rise it will cost them 1 less AP to do so! Game Mechanics:
Why? It's not such a big deal, you can provide up to 5 AP worth of just standing up to your fellow zombies, if you yourself are standing to do so. This skill would be a good idea to use in conjunction with bodybuilding, and digestion to keep your life total high enough you can help others. M.O.T.H. ~ It is the 1st official "zombie mob" skill, and it works well but even multiply by a billion it isn't such a big deal. A billion zombies could save 5 billion AP to other zombies getting up. |
Left Queue: | 07:55, 25 August 2006 (BST) |
Lie In Wait... (version 2.1)
Timestamp: | 07:42, 25 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Zombie Skill |
Scope: | Zombies |
Description: | "Lie In Wait"
Lie In Wait is a new 100xp zombie skill. When outside, a zombie can Lie In Wait for 2 AP. The zombie immediately huddles amidst the rubble and refuse on the street, waiting for the opportune moment... The effect: a zombie who is Lying In Wait is not visible to players in neighboring blocks. For example if a square has 3 zombies Lying In Wait, and 1 zombie standing in the open, the square will read "1 zombie" on the interfaces of players in neighboring squares. The exception to this is that players who are currently zombies and possess the Scent Death skill are not fooled and perceive the square normally. However, as zombies are basically stiff corpses, they're not really that good at hiding or crouching anywhere. Any player (survivor or zombie) who enters the square itself is able to see zombies in the open and any zombies in that block who are Lying In Wait. These two groups are two different items on the target dropdown list. A zombie immediately stops Lying In Wait if a hit is landed on him with a weapon. Alternately a zombie may voluntarily stop Lying In Wait, and come out into the open, at a 1 AP cost. This is necessary before he can perform any other actions (such as attacking, moving to other blocks, etc). So... is that square empty - or is a horde of zombies waiting to launch an attack? Is your suburb safe - or is it about to be hit by a very sneaky horde? Dun-dun dun-dun dun-dun dun-dun.... |
Left Queue: | 19:47, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
Extended Map
Timestamp: | 3:12 AM (EST), 25 August 2006 |
Type: | Improvement |
Scope: | "map.cgi" content change for all players |
Description: | This is a modification of a few other suggestions. The main one I stole the idea from proposed a "Map" as an item. I thought this would be somewhat unbalanced, as zombies cannot use items or search for them. I'm new to the game and the Wiki, and this is my first attempt at a useful contribution. If it's a duplicate of something I didn't find, please let me know and I'll delete it myself.
At least one browser extension provides you with a "map of the surrounding area". So, obviously, this information is available on the server (or possibly on another server, but still available). Why not make the feature standard for all players? A link or button to this map would be better than having it displayed by default, for several reasons. 1. Players with slower Internet connections may not want to wait for more content to load if they don't need it. 2. Requiring a click to show the map would allow map access to be logged as an IP hit, thus negating any increased server load. I can't see any realistic difference in data flow between reloading the "map.cgi" page and loading an extended-area map. For max functionality, I would think a map of your location and the 48 surrounding squares would be sufficient. You in the center, and 3 squares to the N, S, E and W. Any less really isn't much more useful than what's currently shown. Any more would be confusing for some. Keep in mind that this map should NOT show any information beyond building names and the same color legend used in the current 3X3 map. No zombie counts, no surivors. All of the extra information provided is currently available through the Wiki. No advantage would be given to anyone, as all players would have access. No change would be made to gameplay. As I said previously, any information provided by this feature is available elsewhere for a few clicks. If you don't want to see, you just don't click. |
Left Queue: | 19:47, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
Flashlight Version 2.0
Timestamp: | 19:50, 25 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Item |
Scope: | Survivors |
Description: | My flashlight idea will be slightly different then the one that was suggested on November 12. The flashlight will enable your character to have a better chance at finding things in a building without a generator. It will increase the search rate by 2%. The flashlight will only be found at Mall Hardware stores and Police Stations with a 5% chance of finding them. It will also be available at junkyards, NecroTech buildings, warehouses, and regular buildings with a find rate of 2%. However, there is a catch. The flashlight will only last for 5 searches. |
Left Queue: | 19:47, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
26th August 2006
Yet Another Storage
Timestamp: | ShadowScope 16:29, 16 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Item |
Scope: | Suriviors, |
Description: | Alright. I got inspired by previous suggestions, and I hope this does not stink or get spammed. My idea is Portable Safes and Locked Safe.
A Portable Safe would be found only in Banks (10%). When you get a Portable Safe, you'll see it weighs 11 Pounds. This is because it holds 10 bits of information, 10 "bits" for the 10 items it can store inside. You can place a Safe in any safe per Bank. You set up the Safe as you would a Generator. There is a rusted, Portable Safe here. Now, the person can deposit all the items he wants into that safe, filling it up. When he drops an item into the safe, he gets a 70% chance of that item getting into the safe. (If the person fails, it says: You try to place the item into the safe, but it drops and is lost on the floor) I know 100% sounds reasonable, but it would aid zerging too much. A zerger doesn't need to make a seperate account to trade to his other account. All a Zerger can do is basically drop all the items he want into the said safe, and then have legit players use those items. The Zergers helped out Humanity, and the legit players has unwittingly cheated. If the Safe is full, he gets the message: The Safe is full. You cannot put any more items in, and he does not lose the Item that he was trying to place into the Safe. Here is where the mandatory anti-zerg protection comes in. You have a base 50% chance to find something inside of the safe (Bumped to 55% with Gennys). [These odds are a bit better than searching in Malls, but not much more] If you trip up the zerg flag, you have a 0% chance to search inside of the Safe. The Zerger will spend all his AP searching in the safe, and then realizes...he cannot get it. The anti-zerg protection extends to the Player dropping items into the Safe, for he will get a 0% chance to drop anything inside of the Safe. When you find something in the Safe, that item is taken away from the Safe Inventory and is given to you. If you don't want it, you may have to give it back to the Safe for 1 AP, having a small chance that it might be lost, or just drop it and save the trouble of using 1 AP. You do not choose what item you get to find in the Safe. The player searching inside of the Safe will not get any message knowing if the Safe is full, or if it is empty or anything. This is to allow for people to waste AP searching in an empty safe, thinking they are almost close, just a little close to grabbing something in that Safe, while blaming the RNG for not being friendly today. It's a risk you take. Of course, one could just try to place an Item inside of the safe, to see if the Safe is indeed full, before they start looting it. But what if the Safe is only half-full? Is that still good? And you also lose a valuable item...unless you throw away a DNA Extractor. Then everyone will hate you for clogging the safe with useless stuff. Safes can hold anything, as long as the total it holds is 10 "bits". This can cause some overflowing, especially with the Radio. The only way to destroy a Safe is by Ransacking the Bank. When the Bank is ransacked, the Safe, and all items located inside of the Safe, is destroyed. |
Left Queue: | 00:59, 27 August 2006 (BST) |
2 Pistol Attack
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | Variation of regular pistol attack |
Scope: | Bust a couple "caps" in them zombies |
Description: | There have been quite a number of dual wield and 2 weapon wield suggestions, this one is about pistols only. So please don't confuse your "Dupe" votes with ones that use 2 close combat weapons and the like.
2 Pistol Attack
You are able to make a "both guns blazing" attack using 2 pistols at once!
Game Mechanics:
Usefulness: 2PA is well suited for when you are "pressed for time" ex. active zombies attacking you, you want to do as much damage as quickly as possible.. etc. It is also better suited for when you have "ammo to burn", obviously single shot pistol rounds are more accurate and better XP in the long run. But this is a lot more fun and exciting, and can allow you to harvest more XP from your zombie targets with that last shot. |
Left Queue: | 20:10, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
Shoot From the Hip
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | Variation of regular shotgun attack |
Scope: | 2 "rapid fire" shotgun blasts! |
Description: | This suggestion is about firing off 2 shotgun rounds in rapid succession. It wouldn't be very sporting of me to offer a pistol improvement suggestion and leave our beloved shotguns out of the loop.
Shoot From the Hip Appears on millitary skills tree under "Advanced Shotgun Training", adds no benefits to your zombie character. You are able to fire off 2 shotgun blasts in rapid succession at the same target!
Game Mechanics:
Usefulness: SFTH is well suited for when you are "pressed for time" ex. active zombies attacking you, you want to do as much damage as quickly as possible.. etc. It also is a very effective use of having several fully loaded shotguns in your inventory. It is also a means of harvesting extra XP from zombies (with that last "Bang! Bang!") It is much more effective of course to use single shot shotgun blasts 1 AP at a time... but this skill can be more "rewarding" in other ways (especially up close against a zombie who didn't know you were active!) |
Left Queue: | 20:10, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
Ease of Movement
Timestamp: | 22:27, 26 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Minor 'Large Buildings' change. |
Scope: | Large buildings, new Zombie players. |
Description: | I have noticed that while there have been a large number of improvements that have especially helped new human players inside malls, such as generators improvin search odds, which when coupled with shopping helps consumers, the most difficult starting class for humans. But the zombies most recent helpful additions such as Feeding Groan and Feeding Drag apply to all situations and zombies of all levels. What my suggestion is proposing is that when a new zombie player without Lurching Gait enters a large building the cost of moving around inside that building only is reduced to 1 AP. This will save AP and allow them to have a greater part in mall sieges.
Optional: I am not sure of whether to include this bonus to apply to when moving around the fort spaces. Please tell me if you think that would be a good addition. |
Left Queue: | 20:10, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
27th August 2006
28th August 2006
Corpse Mutilation
Timestamp: | 17:03, 28 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Knife Skill |
Scope: | Survivors, people with knives |
Description: | Basaically, if there is at least one corpse in the area, and the survivor has a knife, they are given the option to mutilate the corpse. They would not be able to choose who to mutilate, except if they had just killed the person (similar to how you cannot choose who to revive unless you have just extracted their DNA). Mutilating costs 2 AP per level, and there are three levels of mutilation:
Partially mutilated: costs 3 AP extra to stand up, and stands up with 5 less HP Very Mutilated:costs 6 AP extra to stand, and stands up with 10 less HP Extremely mutilated: costs 9 AP extra to stand up, and stands with 15 less HP It would require a knife, hand to hand combat and knife combat skills. It can only be done by survivors. If you did it to someone, you would see: You mutilate a corpse with your knife. It is now partially/very/extremely mutilated. If someone did it to you, you would see: X Mutilated you partially/moderately/heavily if you were standing in the middle of 100 bodies, and 50 of them were partially mutilated,25 were very, and 10 were extremely, then you would see: around you are 100 bodies, 75 of which are in varying states of mutilation You would get 2XP per level of mutilation it would not stack with headshot, unless the corpse had ankle grab. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SUGGESTION IS VERY FLEXIBLE, AND THE DETAILS CAN BE CHANGED VERY EASILY, IF THEY ARE OVER/UNDERPOWERED, NEED TWEAKING, OR ANY OTHER VALID REASON |
Left Queue: | 20:13, 28 August 2006 (BST) |
Power Station Purpose(Revised)
Timestamp: | 16:29, 28 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Power Station Purpose +2 New Skill |
Scope: | Power Station |
Description: | The power station will power the city for a total of 30 minutes due to excessive amount of energy needed. Krinks Power Station will power the western half of the city while Tolman Power Station will power the eastern half. Ransacked buildings will not be powered until the building damage is repaired. In order for a power station to work, generators must be placed in all parts of the power station. If a generator already exist in a building before the power station comes online, that generator will stop working until the power station dies. Not everyone will be able to place a generator in power stations. They need the skill "Electrician". The "Electrician" skill enables you to hook up a generator in power stations. However, to purchase the "Electrician" skill, you must be at least Level 10. But to fuel the generator, you need the skill "Power Operator". "Power Operator" enables you to fuel the generator, but you cannot get the skill until you are at least Level 20. |
Left Queue: | 20:22, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
29th August 2006
Brain Hunting (was Zombie Stalking)
Timestamp: | 22:33, 28 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Skill. |
Scope: | Zombies with Memories of Life. |
Description: | A skill to increase the fear and paranoia ambience. I changed it as suggested and made it simpler.
1. It allows ONE zombie per building to get out sight. The cost is 1 AP to hide, 3 AP to reveal himself. 2. To be able to hide, the block must be devoid of survivors and powered down. 3. At powered down buildings, any regular search will reveal the zombie. 4. When the building is powered again, any hidden zombie is revealed. 5. The hidden zombie won't see survivors or barricades, but he will be able to hear the talk. He won't be able to perform any action before being revealed or revealing himself. 6. Scent Blood will allow the zombie to know when there's living beings inside. 7. Hidden zombies can't block the barricades. 8. A message will alert when a hidden zombie reveals himself or is revealed. Also zombies will smell the hidden zombies. |
Left Queue: | 02:37, 29 August 2006 (BST) |
Chemical Engineering
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | NecroTech Lab Skill |
Scope: | Mass production of revives saves a bit of AP |
Description: | Chemical Engineering:
Appears on science skills tree just below "Necronet Access", adds no benefits to your zombie character. Allows for "mass production" of revive syringes within a powered, non-ransacked NT building .
Make 1 revive ~ 20 AP, Make 2 revives ~ 37 AP; and Make 3 Revives ~ 53 AP.
Making 2 revives instead of 1 saves you 3 AP, and making 3 saves you 7 AP. This skill's intended use is literally to "stock up" on just the production of revives.. your character may have to do a little "lab cleaning" 1st. Intentions: For those who would like to make several revives over the course of a few days or a week.. and go to town reviving several zombies per day when completed. |
Left Queue: | 04:40, 29 August 2006 (BST) |
NT Cadavder DNA Analysis Unit (NT CDA Unit)
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | New NecroTech Scanner |
Scope: | Powerful & sophisticated enough to scan bodies |
Description: | NT Cadavder DNA Analysis Unit (NT CDA Unit)
Mobile computer analysis device that works in conjunction with DNA Extractors. Briefcase style analysis unit, looks a lot like a self contained computer, very durable, with a number of signalling devices when opened. Search Accuracy: Necro Tech Buildings 2% (1/3 that of NT scanner!) Weight: 3 Inventory spaces (not heavy, but a bulky.)
Intended use: To provide more accuate information for the NecroNet as to zombie populations, as well as another method of harvesting XP from scans. The other use is to have another use for all those "extra" NT scanners you keep finding (you can insert 5 of them into each NT CDA unit to fill them to capacity, and you can carry several NT CDA Units if you find that many.) So in a manner of speaking these are an "XP battery" much like ammunition is an "AP battery" you spend some AP now to lock & load so you have plenty of ammo for XP harvesting later.. especially in large combat areas of Malton! |
Left Queue: | 04:53, 29 August 2006 (BST) |
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | Punching skill bonus |
Scope: | A good newbie skill, has another benefit |
Description: | Fisticuffs
"zombies that bite you with the 'digestion' skill gain only 3 points of Life per bite hit". This skill represents your character being more "hands on" and not afraid of some grappling and shoving (when nessesary.) But he doesn't like to be so "touchy feelie" when it comes to the living dead, and doesn't make for an easy meal. This skill could be a good option for "guns" characters when they're low on ammo. And science characters who don't want to spend a lot of points on millitary skills... yet. Don't tell me it nerfs digestion, because you still gain 3 life instead of 4! Boo freaking hoo! |
Left Queue: | 05:07, 29 August 2006 (BST) |
Circuit Breaker (Fuse Box)
Timestamp: | Rheingold 22:16, 29 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | New Skill, New Item |
Scope: | Survivors |
Description: | Circuit Breaker
The Circuit Breaker is a new item found in all buildings. Circuit Breakers can be broken just like Generators. However when broken they are not removed from the building’s description. A survivor may fix a Circuit Breaker and restore it to its original condition given the following:
This restores the Circuit Breaker from Broken to Operational. The advantage of an Operational Circuit Breaker is that it boosts search rates by +1% so long as the building is lit. The electricity-savvy survivors have managed to route power to more lights in the building instead of just powering a portion of the circuitry with a manual hookup. The corresponding disadvantage to so many lights is that the building becomes Well Lit. A building that is Well Lit is visibly lit from the exterior of its block AND from the exteriors of neighboring blocks. |
Left Queue: | 20:35, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
30th August 2006
Knife Poison
Timestamp: | 23:15, 29 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | New Skill |
Scope: | Survivors |
Description: | Knives are currently the worst weapon in the game, next to fists. I was thinking on this, and I also was thinking of the Infectuous Bite. So, I thought of a way to both make knives slightly stronger and give a survivor counter to the Infectuous Bite. Knife poison would be a new 150 xp Zombie Hunter skill under Advanced Knife Combat. Twice a day, a survivor is able to Poison their knife, with something similar to the Syringe serum, for 2 ap. When the knife used against zombies (and only zombies), the zombie takes 1 damage each AP spent, up to a total of 10 AP. After that, the effect wears off. No xp is gained for the poison damage. After 3 uses, the Poison on the knife is completely rubbed off and the poisoning effect is nullified until the survivor repoisons his knife. In the drop-down menu, it will say Attack ---- with... Knife (Poisoned). I've been working on this for almost a week. What do you think? |
Left Queue: | 15:57, 30 August 2006 (BST) |
Power Station Item ~ Mass Generator
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | Power station's permanent "Mass Generator" |
Scope: | Attackable gigantic barricade "item", but it's HUGE!!! |
Description: | Mass Generator
In each of Malton's power stations is the "Mass Generator", it is a permanent item in the building's interior that nothing short of large construction equipment or heavy artillery can hope to completely destroy . These mass generators can be "attacked" normally, but damaging them is very difficult and attracts the attention of bystanders. In order to function these generators still require fuel, which without real usable vehicle routes proves often difficult. Not A Power Suggestion (yet):
Game Mechanics:
As you can see the Mass Generator is huge, and hard to break. But once added as a building feature to Malton's Power Stations, they will be good "practice" for the survivors and zombies until some kind of possible "power restoration rules" are in effect. These will undoubtedly be based on things like fueling the Mass Generator, the current working condition of the mass generator (is it damaged, maybe it's "range" is based on how damaged it is, or isn't), and other things like the "established power lines" in various parts of Malton. Just to do 1st things 1st, making the generators themselves seemed very logical.. one could consider it's implimentation the "1st stage" of getting power restored (to some degree) in Malton. For now we'll do it one step at a time, so everyone can carefully consider the implications of each step. We also get to "play out the story" as it happens, while power is attempted to be restored to Malton so long after that 1st outbreak. |
Left Queue: | 17:23, 30 August 2006 (BST) |
Single out zombie
Timestamp: | Grossaffe1:31 PM (EST) 30 August 2006 |
Type: | improvement |
Scope: | Survivor with DNA Extractor |
Description: | Gives survivors with DNA Extractor/Necrotech employment the ability to choose which zombie to attack (after having extracted his DNA.) Instead of having to attack "a zombie" that is at the top of the pile, you can attack whichever zombie you want assuming you have gotten a DNA scan on that zombie. |
Left Queue: | 19:33, 30 August 2006 (BST) |
A Way For Zombies To Inform Other Zombies Of Their New Position
Timestamp: | 03:54, 30 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Skill |
Scope: | Zombies |
Description: | A zombie with the skill Trail Scent smells distinctive due to its own pattern of decay. The player would have a button "Release Scent", which would cost 1AP and spread their own odor to allow other zombies to identify and track them. What zombies (and only zombies) in that location would see would be:
A zombie's unique scent reveals it as ZedMan (now 3n 4w). This kind of ability fits in with the bestial enhanced senses zombies in this game has been given so far. It doesn't hurt zombie anonymity because it is only detectable by other zombies and the player reveals their name willingly. This skill would prove extremely useful. Let's say you're planning on sieging a hospital a few spaces away and you want your allies to follow. You'd release your scent and upon logging they'd see that you moved. It'd also be useful if one zombie wanted to go exploring and wasn't quite sure where they'd end up but wanted to be assured their allies could find them. To prevent spam multiple scents released from a single zombie would only show up as one message. |
Left Queue: | 20:39, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
Timestamp: | 20:05, 30 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Interface. |
Scope: | Everybody. |
Description: | You probably noticed the drop menu now shows only one of each item you carry.
If you miss like me to know when you are carrying duplicate items by just looking at the drop down menu, you'll understand this suggestion. Which is: just add an item count after the item name. If you carry two fire axes, the menu will show Fire axe (2), and so on. |
Left Queue: | 20:39, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
31st August 2006
Timestamp: | 02:16, 31 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Searches |
Scope: | Useless Items |
Description: | Quarentined malton has passed a few winters already (atleast 1 anyways), along with plenty of rain (one would assume) and other bad weather. Simply, what this skill suggests, is lowering the % chance of finding useless junk such as newspapers, poetry books, and the like. This aint really complicated, nobody really cares about those, so no one takes care of them, dropping them anywhere to be demolished by water, reducing the chance of finding such items by 50%, with a 1% max for newpapers. People who want to read what's in those can always look at the wiki, though I doubt many people care, and those simply drain our daily alotted IP hits. |
Left Queue: | 20:43, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
Timestamp: | 04:35, 31 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Skill |
Scope: | All who have died and are level 10+. |
Description: | It seems that the binocs could have a two-fold impact on the game beyond their current implementation. So, this comes in two parts.
This will allow for the possibility that attentive zoms could note that they are being spied upon. Seeing multiple "glints of light" could mean that there's one very interested human, that there are many interested humans, or -- now the fun part -- that they've merely seen a reflection from the sun striking a surviving sliver of glass in a high-rise building. All 10%. (Why make it an absolute pointer to flesh, eh?)
Also, the skill will only pertain to sufficiently tall buildings; Useless with regards to low-rise buildings. (A side-effect of the characteristics of binoculars, not to mention the reflectivity of the glass of low-rise buildings -- which is almost certainly non-existent.) |
Left Queue: | 20:43, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
Timestamp: | 10:40, 31 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Human skill |
Scope: | Zombie hunters |
Description: | Considering that zombie hunters can headshot zombies using melee weapons, perhaps another skill can be added to better fit melee weapons (after all, headshot is something that related more readily with guns). In this case, when zombie hunters with this skill finish off a zombie with a melee weapon, a message like “You hit the zombie for X hp. They take a bashing and die.” The result being that instead of having to spend 6AP standing up, the zombie stands up using only 1AP, but has less HP. The HP loss is determined by the amount of HP that the zombie had been overkilled by multiplied by 3. At best, killing a 1HP zombie with a fire axe results in a maximum loss of 9HP. Would add an interesting style of gameplay for melee weapons as well as zombie killing. |
Left Queue: | 20:43, 10 October 2006 (BST) |