Talk:Amish Liberation Front
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Historical Group Talk Page |
This talk page belongs to a historical group that is no longer active. However, its wiki page is preserved to reflect the group's significance in Urban Dead history. Please do not edit this page or the corresponding group page without good reason. |
the yellow dart is in vimpany auto repair!---tonberryspoon field surgeon of the east boundwood area
Silly kids, ALF isn't the only PK group in town. --Radoteur 08:25, 26 Oct 2005 (BST)
dont you realize that Amish people don't use computers. Diggs 04:30, 29 Oct 2005 (BST)
Out of interest, are your members refraining from using firearms and generators and phones, and so on? Or is it just that you think the Amish are funny? --Spiro 22:04, 23 Nov 2005 (GMT)
- We don't use phones, and we destroy generators whenever possible. We do use firearms, though. I can't remember the exact rationale. CthulhuFhtagn 23:59, 8 Dec 2005 (GMT)
- Fight fire with fire? --Qwako 17:25, 16 Dec 2005 (GMT)
I was going to ask what Spiro asked but he asked too quickly (ie. two months earlier). And I think the Amish /are/ allowed to use guns.. --Zaknrfama 02:59, 10 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Dear ALF,
Recently, we had the pleasure of meeting a member of your group in East Becktown. I hope you are interested in property there; Zombie Inc. is an equal opportunity realtor and has no problem converting buildings to meet the high Amish standards of home quality and efficiency. Just as soon as those pesky PLEB members with their generator powered big screen TV's and microwave ovens are evicted. Sincerly,
Zombie Inc Jan. 10, 2006 [printed on hand milled 100% natural paper]
- I've heard you (or at least some of you) have returned to your homeland in Bale Mall. I'm curious to know how your group views the Yagoton Revivification Clinic. While we don't discriminate (we pride ourselvse on it) in our treatments, our use of syringes and now the NecroNet may draw your ire. Just would like to know where we stand. --MorthBabid 07:09, 19 Jan 2006 (GMT)
- You killed my locked-up alt Manny, so I posted on your Wiki page that PK'ers suck. In response you killed my locked-up alt Nate. And then you killed my Probational Abandoned member Mick. You win. You beat me. I rued the day I posted on your Wiki page. I promise to never do it again, if you promise to never kill me again. --NathanDansforth 05:52, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
- It would help if you didn't have 3 alts in the same suburb... --Qwako 16:39, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
- Manny and Nate were already locked-up and unable to be used. So I have 1 Character now. Mick. I have already been punished.--NathanDansforth 18:44, 20 Jan 2006 (GMT)
- ALF removed from NMDF Wiki Page--NathanDansforth 01:00, 23 Jan 2006 (GMT)
Note to the Amish: Your cowardly crimes against the citizians of Quarlesbank and surrounding areas will not go with out punishment.
- We seem to have that effect on people. --The Yellow Dart 23:32, 30 Jan 2006 (GMT)
- Were you going to update you main page at any point? You came back to Yagoton, and then left before Mall Tour '06, and now you have once again returned. Yet your page only lists your actions from Craiger and before.--NathanDansforth 20:32, 7 Feb 2006 (GMT)
I commend your maturity, guys. You sure showed me by calling me gay. Also, The Neon Knights really aren't a PKing club. We're honestly not here just to kill anyone, and we also kill idiots so, uhh, go die. --Zaknrfama 23:22, 10 Feb 2006 (GMT)
- That wasn't the ALF, Zak. Its a vandal pissed at ALF doing it. He messed with almost all the Yagoton group sites...even this one! Check the history to see for yourself. --MorthBabid 13:10, 11 Feb 2006 (GMT)
Yellow Dart, AmIDead just PK'ed Valaraukar (An Abandoned member). [1] Have ALF declared war on The Abandoned? --NathanDansforth 20:21, 8 Feb 2006 (GMT)
Looks like the ALF left Brooksville with their tails between there legs. I guess they got tired of getting crushed by my brother (Fath3r0f4) and I. PKers are not welcome anywhere near South Blythville. Keep your retarded PKing up north!!!
- Oh boo hoo, blah blah. Whatever. Blue Wild Angel 14:35, 16 March 2006 (GMT)
M Tek
Some while ago a person claiming to be AmIDead has posted on The Abandoned's group forum, claiming that M Tek is a member of Amish Liberation Front.
I am still unsure whether this was the same AmIDead as here on the Wiki or just someone who stole his name, so am asking to receive an official confirmation or denial of this claim.
FYI, M Tek has been associated with Team Marathon PKer group and there has been something that suggests him to be a zerger as well. When M Tek has been killed, it was Filial Justice (another Team Marathon member)who came in to whine about why did I kill him. Quite obvious that both are the same person.
M Tek has also been repeatedly vandalizing the Wiki page of Bale Mall Elite, and there are some further traces showing him to be merely a zerg of one particular "Denzel Washington" (who happens to have been vandalizing BME's Wiki page as well).
Associating yourselves with this kind of person might prove harmful for your reputation in the longer run. --The Fifth Horseman 09:13, 29 May 2006 (BST)
- I wasn't too clear with my wording. The occurence had place a short period before Filial Justice was considered to be our enemy - so, when he comes in and starts "the fifth horseman, why have you shot me?" next day after I shot M Tek (and, at the time, never attacked Filial before), it isn't hard to figure out they are one and the same zerger.--The Fifth Horseman 10:20, 30 May 2006 (BST)
Hey Horseman, it was me that reported the attack as witnessed by another member. At some point in the game M Tek was a part of ALF. For the sake of "Just in Case" I checked it out, and for some reason he was still on our roster from being added in April, before any of the above ballyhoo.
Anyway, The Yellow Dart has looked into and made the appropriate changes as far as I know.
I know this has already been mentioned previously but I thought it worthy of rekindling the point. Are you retards? Firstly, the'Amish' don't use computers, beleiving modern day technology to be work of the devil (Or something along those lines). Secondly, PKers are annoying enough, they come up with bewilderingly idiotic excuses for PKing, when truely they just have nothing better to do than irrate other survivors. On a slightly brighter note though, hey!! .. At least you never chose to be Mourmons! (If that's even the correct spelling)...
- What are you doing sitting at a computer? This is the zombie apocalypse you could be killed any minute! No wait that’s that's your character in the stupid zombie game, in reality you’re some jerk sitting behind a computer. Learn to differentiate between in character and out of character. The Yellow Dart 01:16, 14 June 2006 (GMT)
- -Are all members of this dwindling and lame assed group as blatantly homosexual as Yellow Dart or is he the exception to the rule? --Legend X
- - No, we all are, it's helps when we are lonely and thinking of you. Why did you leave us? Why? We cared soooooo much for you and your group. Wait, I know what happened to your group, we killed them. Someday, and someday soon the BME will make a triumphant come back right? Right? Right? Hmmm, we still have 20+ members, how about you? Dam, I answered that already. Way to go on protecting Bale Mall, no really, good job!!! AmIDead 05:04, 28 June 2006 (GMT)
- - LOL. Legend X was banned from the wiki - not the game. Ha! And legend X isn't even BME anymore. He joined The Abanadoned a long time ago. We at BME thought ALF had been dead for almost half a year. Legend X was in Bale Mall 10 minutes ago and over 12 active BME members are there as i speak. I never would have even come here except 4 of our members reported being killed by The Yellow Dart (a zerging alt character who hasn't been seen in Bale mall for over 5 months) Welcome back to the game boys! Terrible Man 16:28, 14 May 2007 (BST)
That reply was made a long time ago, most of the ALF was part of the zombie group The Scourge and have moved to Nexus wars or quit, I and some others still play from time to time however. I am glad you're keeping Legend Xs' 'interesting' leadership style alive by randomly accuseing anyone you don't like of zerging with absolutely no evidence to support it. Still at least every other word you type isn't in CAPITALS. The Yellow Dart 15:18, 26 May 2007 (GMT)
Well, I don't know if we are retarded as much as you people are illiterate. I more then explained all of the technology stuff on our wiki page. The Amish do not "hate" technology or think of it as a devil's tool. In fact most Amish group tend to use modern devices in limited fashion including driving cars, taking rides, even using gasoline powered machines and low voltage tools. We are annoying, that is part of the whole point. It also serves to mix things up in the game as well as provide a little variety to a very stale game. No one really compains about the zombie hordes or protection groups, same result, different purpose.
Most of all, and this is the most inportant thing to remember, it is just a game.
Next time, sign your name, it is not as though we would track you down and kill you.
An Offer
Here it is. Cease actions against my group or we will take it as an act of war. My Group is only after killing certain enimies, And pose no threat to your group unless you continue to threaten ours. Even before LDY was formed I never attacked any of your members for the fact that you kill the same people as me (Basically the BME and The Abandoned). That is my offer. --DarkStar2374383 Talk | LDY | LOE 02:43, 20 August 2006 (BST)
- Please respond to the message, Or after one week We may or may not Authorise the killing of your members in our group. --DarkStar2374383 Talk | LDY | LOE 06:07, 5 September 2006 (BST)
- First of all, that doesn't sound like an offer to me, sounds more like a threat and I don't do well with threats. However, it has been brought to my attention that your group is indeed helping the cause in and around Bale Mall and for that reason alone, I will refrain from killing anyone with your group name in their profile. -1524 05:08, 6 September 2006 (BST)
- Sorry if it came out that way, Thank you. Much Abliged. --DarkStar2374383 Talk | LDY | LOE 05:34, 6 September 2006 (BST)
thanks a lot, asshole
"We have few rules, these being- Concentrate on high level survivors as they are the ones that matter the most and low level characters may become disinheartend" yeah, so killing a level 2 character with no group affiliations and an already lowered hp was "a great deal more challenging and interesting" in what way?
- What is your character name and who killed you? You probably deserved it.-1524 18:56, 10 September 2006 (BST)
Yeah, I can totally tell he deserved it.......bastard AmIDead 01:39, 08 October 2006 (FSMYYST)
Cybele's Children Says Hello!
On behalf of all of the Children, I would like to extend a hearty hello. So hello from all 1 of us! :) I hope that one day we may meet and work together... Either that, or you avoid taking me out. I'm just a simple psychiatrist trying to advance the presence of women in Malton.
It seems I have a lot of greeting to do, so I may talk to you all later. Until then, *nods her head* Torec T 20:17, 8 November 2006 (UTC)
A Caiger-Zombie Apologizes
Ha, I just want to say "Sorry" to Yellow Dart. During the big breach of Caiger's defenses, I kept biting and infecting you. Like, a lot. I didn't realize you were working to pull down Caiger, I just noticed you were active so I was trying my best to slow you (Or any OTHER harmanz) from being active and re-barricading. But huzzah, we both got our jobs done. Thanks for your help at Caiger last week. And yes, your Amish spices were quite delicious.User:Bassander
Heh it's alright, I found the whole thing qute amusing actualy and finaly seeing Caiger fall was great fun. --The Yellow Dart 15:19, 6 December 2006 (GMT)
Maybe I am misunderstanding your wiki page, but...
- "low level characters may become disinheartend"?
- It looks like you say you have a strategy which includes attacking low level characters, which is to say Newbies, in a specific attempt to dishearten them. Is this to say your goal is to discourage new players from becoming involved in and developing an interest in the game of Urban Dead?
- I give your group some credit for developing an RP rationale for GKing... not sure why destroying generators is your goal, but okay, whatever... but if your stated purpose also includes discouraging new players from joining the Urban Dead community, that is not just bad for survivors. I don't see how anyone, anywhere in Malton benefits from any behavior, the stated goal of which is lowering the number of people involved in Urban Dead. Fewer new players means fewer brains for the zombies, fewer folks paying for characters (which de-funds the game), fewer defenders to fight alongside the still living, fewer people setting up gennies for you to destroy, fewer targets for PKers and, ultimately, fewer new people to join your own group.
- Stated plainly: does the section on your wiki which says you hope to dishearten new characters mean you are trying to dissuade new players from playing? Nosimplehiway --Nosimplehiway 17:45, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
Actualy the oposite is true, we tend to avoide killing low levels and concentrate on the higher level players, it's more of a guideline than anything though and enemies will be killed regardless of level. --The Yellow Dart 15:19, 6 December 2006 (GMT)
- Thanks for the clarification.--Nosimplehiway 16:04, 9 December 2006 (UTC)
Is the Amish Liberation Front still active ? I would love to see this group under the Historical Groups category if not. --People's Commissar Hagnat [cloned] [mod] 16:10, 21 January 2007 (UTC)
Some of us are still around, I totally agree on the historical thing. AmIDead 23:40, 21 June 2007 (FSMYYST)
I thought we had an agreement
From what I remember, we were not supposed to attack you, and you were not supposed to attack The Abandoned and the YRC, no? I remember that we settled it this way a year ago, but AmIDead just killed me ( --Abi79 AB 06:48, 22 June 2007 (BST)