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Multiple suggestions by one author

What happened to that rule that each person could only make one suggestion per day? In the last few days, a number of authors have put down more than one suggestion. They weren't of the highest quality. --Rhebus 09:33, 25 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Sadly, that was never a hard and fast rule, but more of a honorable code. As displayed by the quality of the suggestions themselves, you can guess how much this person respects such codes--Spellbinder 20:10, 25 Nov 2005 (GMT)
How about we make it a hard and fast rule then? Any suggestion beyond the first by the same author in one day can be deleted. If the suggestions are good, we can wait another day for them. --Rhebus 20:17, 25 Nov 2005 (GMT)
The system will probably crumble when everyone looks at the Author instead of the merrit of the suggestion. I believe it pretty much defies the spirit of the entire process. This is the reason suggestions aren't SIGNED until someone votes for their own. It's a suggestion, not a vehicle for judgement of the author. -- Amazing 01:40, 26 Nov 2005 (GMT)
I support this since really most people don't have more than one really good idea a day, and if they do it can wait 24 hours. Gives you a chance to reflect and polish things too. I have lots of ideas I think would be awsome and then upon further review wonder what the hell I was thinking. Sadly we can hardly enforce the rules as they are, and this would be nearly impossible. Also, lots of people are bound to hate this. --Zaruthustra 23:26, 25 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Disagree. I think it's a needless regulation since 100 suggestions in one day would be spread out into 100 in 100 days. Doesn't reduce clutter, just spreads it out. -- Amazing 01:38, 26 Nov 2005 (GMT)

This is not a bad thing - a flood of clutter is more of a pain to clean up than a trickle. -- Odd Starter 05:37, 26 Nov 2005 (GMT)


  • Thoughts: change it to Civilian, put it above bodybuilding (which sorta makes sense, and works for gameplay reasons without expanding the skill tree horizontally), and make it +20% to hit with blunt objects (pipe, crowbar, baseball bat). Crossover (Zombie functional) skill. Note that this gives a brawler with hand-to-hand 50% chance to do 2 damage, with zombie crossover for 30% chance to do 2 damage. Implement a new knife (I'm partial to my dual wield proposal) to bring that up to speed and you've got a combat system to be proud of...I mean:
  1. Axe: 3 damage, 40% chance, standard issue. (1.2 dmg/AP)
  2. Knife: 2 damage, 30% chance x2, for the risk-loving. (1.2 dmg/AP)
  3. Blunt: 2 damage, 50% chance + zombie 2 damage 30% chance, for players who die a lot but never get enough xp as a zombie to get vigor mortis. (1 dmg/AP + .6 dmg/AP)
  • New Zombie class: Armed Zombie. Starts with Brawling, a baseball bat and a bad attitude.

--RSquared 21:09, 25 Nov 2005 (GMT)

  • I wouldn't want to change it that drastically at this point.. I would have earlier, though. I fully support these changes and all I can think of is that I can make a note to check this in the Description, and if/when the current incarnation is killed, you or I can re-submit the revised version. Sound like a plan? -- Amazing 01:12, 26 Nov 2005 (GMT)
  • I'm still not quite happy with it, because VM gives a zombie 2 damage at 30%, which means that getting blunt would be on par with getting VM. If HtH is crossover skill, this might be an even better alteration, since two skills gets you 50% 2 damage with blunt or 50% 2 damage with VM/Death Grip, and three skills gives you the superior 50% 3 damage with VM/Rend Flesh/Death Grip. But...yeah, something like this --RSquared 01:30, 26 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Death v4.whatever

Someone suggested 0 HP for a dead zed, and +10 HP for each AP regened since death. Nice, but I'm guessing you have to timestamp the death (love them timestamp ideas!), cuz if the zed were at 50 AP and couldn't regen any, bad things happen. I like the half-hour delay, becuase that would cut down on zerging zed/player users (I kill my zed character, he revives, I kill him again...rinse, repeat). Needs to be balanced with zed skills/more fun zeds - right now zombie characters are being deserted in DROVES --RSquared 21:18, 25 Nov 2005 (GMT)

  • i dunno about it at all, i haven't really read it yet, but damnit could you at least have the decency to deleat your old suggestions and reprint them? good lord--Spellbinder 21:20, 25 Nov 2005 (GMT)
Not my suggestion. I'm just tacking on improvement ideas here, because I don't think it's worthwhile to substantially alter an idea in my vote explanation - better to do significant mods here and get some voter input. --RSquared 21:30, 25 Nov 2005 (GMT)