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Burn XP For Glorious Battles

Timestamp: Jon Pyre 06:20, 31 December 2006 (UTC)
Type: Several Skills
Scope: Everybody
Description: XP just piles up and there's no use for it. I think I have 5000 spare xp. This isn't an entirely new idea but I suggest letting people burn some xp for temporary boosts in different areas. This wouldn't be used by newbies but instead by advanced players with nothing to spend their stash of xp on. You'd only use these during major battles and sieges, times when you want an extra edge. Each boost would cost 100xp to use and last for 24 hours, and each different boost would need to be unlocked by buying a different skill for it. You could use several different boosts at once, but each would cost a seperate 100xp. You could not use the same bonus more than once in the 24 hour period. To toggle the boost you'd use a drop-down menu listing all your available options. These below skills are only suggestions to use in this 100xp for 24hours of benefit model, and could be altered or replaced at Kevan's discretion. I was only able to think of four for each side now but in theory there's no limit to the number of bonuses there could be.

Survivor Boosts

  • Rousing Speech: Increases the amount of text you can say each time you speak by 50%.
  • Steady Hand: Accuracy with firearms increases by 5%.
  • Endurance: Raises your maximum health by 5 and gives you 5 health.
  • Close Combat: Knife accuracy is increased by 20% (making it slightly better than the axe if you've maxed out all your skills, 14 damage per 10AP spent attacking compared to 12 damage per 10 AP.)

Zombie Boosts

  • Frantic Grab: Odds of a successful hand attack when you are not holding someone with Tangling Grasp go up by 5%.
  • Feeding Frenzy: Bite attacks increase in accuracy by 5%. If you have Digestion it restores 6 health instead of 4.
  • Regeneration: When under 25hp if your last action was a successful bite attack on a survivor you'll regain 1hp every half an hour until you reach 25hp.
  • Inhuman Hearing Allows you to hear Feeding Groans from as far as 10 spaces.


Nobody could afford to use these bonuses all the time. But if the battle was uncertain and you really really wanted to win it might be worth it to pay for a few of these. They're useful but not super powerful considering it costs 100xp just for one day of use. These could come in handy for huge battles pitting group against group, when victory is a matter of pride.--Jon Pyre 06:24, 31 December 2006 (UTC)
Hmm. At first blush these seem overpowered. I would say you need to raise the XP cost, say to 150 or 200. But hey, they buff Bites, so I'm not complaining. -- Ashnazg 0205, 31 December 2006 (GMT)
I had a vague idea along similar lines (burn 100XP for a one off +5% to hit) but these seem far more balanced. The idea behind gets an absolute strong keep from me, though I'll leave the number crunching and such like to others. Nice work! --The Supreme Court RR 16:35, 31 December 2006 (UTC)

Sounds good, but the XP cost should be increased to probably 200 or so, like what Ashnazg wrote. This is just a thought, but I think "fast talker" would be more fitting than "rousing speech". --Zombie slay3r 16:49, 31 December 2006 (UTC)

I like the idea (especially the 'Inhuman Hearing' part, that makes a lot of flavor sense for zombies and is decently useful) and I'd vote for it in a heartbeat, even if it doesn't affect me (it gives me something to look forward to, though!)--Lachryma 00:15, 1 January 2007 (UTC)

Sounds a bit okay. A bit worried about having the XP cost higher, and also that combat boosts means that during this unspecified interval when you bought the skill (please specify how long the bonus will last) may be able to make up the XP cost. The reason I liked The Supreme Court's idea of boosting search and barricade rating with 100 XP cost is because both actions do not let the player gain XP, therefore, you really do lose 100 XP. Here, you may be spending 200 XP...only to gain back the 200 XP and some more, creating a profit.--ShadowScope 02:02, 1 January 2007 (UTC)

View attacks as they happen

Timestamp: Jon Pyre 04:57, 2 January 2007 (UTC)
Type: Improvement
Scope: Survivors/Zombies
Description: Seeing every attack performed would cause a great deal of spam. However sometime it's important to see it so you can come to the aid of an ally. Therefore I suggest leaving this spam-free message that consolidates all the attacks into one message:

A zombie/SurvivorName attacked a zombie/SurvivorName X times for X total damage. (timestamp of most recent attack)

If the person is target is killed just change the message to this:

A zombie/SurvivorName killed zombie/SurvivorName with X attacks for X total damage.


Useful and spam free! --Jon Pyre 04:57, 2 January 2007 (UTC)

How would this work LIVE? Wouldn't it be better if I could see a zombie attack you while it is attacking you instead of just a sum up at the end? What, really, would be the difference between this and what is already in the game, other than, knowing if the attacker doesn't actually KILL the target. It was commented on below that something like this would be good with regards to PKers. Sure, it wouldn't be realistic that I could see a PKer attack you, but not a zombie, but part of the discussion on PKing was getting OTHERs involved in defense and such (if I don't know the PKer is active in the building until it is too late, well that doesn't do anything for me in stopping the PKer or helping the victim).--Pesatyel 21:30, 2 January 2007 (UTC)

This would be both live and a sum up. If you log on while the attack is underway the most recent message will be SurvivorName attacked Survivor name for X total damage (this minute). --Jon Pyre 01:19, 3 January 2007 (UTC)

I'd vote keep on this, it's spam free, as most of the time, a PKer/zombie/ballet dancer is much more likely to kill you instead. Cap'n Silly 13:26, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

Favorite Weapon

Timestamp: Uncle Bill 05:16, 2 January 2007 (UTC)
Type: Vanity/leaderboards
Scope: Everyone
Description: A counter would be added to your profile that counts the number of kills by each weapon type. (This also includes punches, bites, and claws.) The count for each attack would show up when you view your own profile, but when you view anyone else's profile you would only see "favorite weapon" or perhaps "weapon of choice." This counter could optionally be used on the stats page to show the top 10 kills by each weapon. (It would be interesting to see who can get the most flare gun kills.) Please note it doesn't matter if you kill a survivor or a zombie, they each count as a "kill."


This suggestion isn't meant to identify any particular group, but it is possible that it would identify a career zombie. That being said, a long list of zombie skills already has the same effect. --Uncle Bill 05:16, 2 January 2007 (UTC)

I like it, not sure about identifing zombies thought, but I would vote keep. --Deras 16:51, 2 January 2007 (UTC)

On second thought, we might be able to get around that by listing your favorite attacks based on your current form (i.e. dead or alive). --Uncle Bill 00:07, 3 January 2007 (UTC)

Ooh, I bet mine would be pistol! Good suggestion, a keep from me.Cap'n Silly 19:14, 5 January 2007 (UTC)

If somebody has a favorite weapon, they can say so in thier description- and just who are you to argue with them? On what basis would you contest their claim? Past behavior that occurred out of sight should not be part of visible information on a character profile- Malton is not a city full of psychic detectives. If you allow this, why not just tell everybody who the character has been attacking while at it? --Swiers 22:30, 6 January 2007 (UTC)

Swiers, knowing someone's favourite weapon is more realistic than zombies, doctors randomly healing people, buildings with limitless numbers of pistol clips, jumping from roof to roof despite the fact a zombie tore out your intestines, Revivification Syringes, spraypaint messages giving links to websites, being able so carry 20 shotguns and 3 portable generators plus fuel, zombies telling you to grab their testacles, Mrh cows, survivors outnumbering zombies by about 3 to 1, zergers, being able to take four or five shotgun blasts and be healed by a couple of first aid kits, zombie spies, trenchcoaters, talking using the same amount of AP used to walk a block, idling out, the fact that one in every three buildings is an NT, NecroTech, people saying "STFU NOOB", using DNA extractors gives you XP to spend on shotgun training, first aid kits in churches, cops starting with Flak Jackets, despite the fact they haven't been used scince WW2, there are no automatic pistols, only revolvers, only double-barreled shotguns, military personnel armed only with a pistol and ammo, the amount of wasteland, lack of any sort of food, people taking 300 headshots while zombie, get revived and are good as new, firearms are more acurrate than melee weapons, no vehicles, sticking a syringe into someone taking the same amount of AP to walk 10 blocks, radio spam, STREETS IS WATCHIN', or people named "Ubah 1337 Serviva" Get the point? Cap'n Silly 14:55, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

And THAT is why this page is on my watch list. Quality response, Cap'n S.! --Uncle Bill 22:49, 10 January 2007 (UTC)
Thankyouverymuch. --Cap'n Silly 03:35, 12 January 2007 (UTC)