Talk:VZW/Malton Running Man Competition

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Rules Discussion

Please post any Rules comments here and make sure you sign them.

One Run per Day Rule

I have decided to add some additional commentary on the 'one run per day rule' for the Running Man to answer some questions I have gotten recently:

Question: My Running Man began his run at 8:00 am this morning, and while reviewing my maps and checking the Wiki for danger zones I found it was now 9:00 am and I had accumulated (2) more AP. Can I use these additional AP to move further?

Answer: NO -- the Competition is designed for the Running Man to make a single 50 AP 'run' each day. Once a Running Man has posted his 'Ping' point for the day he cannot expend ANY additional AP on movement until 8:00 am the following day. That being said, if you wanted to burn the extra AP you had accumulated searching, barricading, speaking, transmitting, reloading, or attacking, then that would be acceptable.

Question: I have moved my Running Man expending all of my 50 AP allotted for the day and due to bad luck I could not find a way to get back 'inside' before my points were used up. Can I wait until I accumulate more AP and get inside as long as I stay within the defined 'ping' zone?

Answer: NO -- Once a Running Man has used 50 AP or posted his 'Ping' point he cannot expend ANY additional AP on movement until 8:00 am the following day. If you are stuck outside, too bad.

Question: When I am the Running Man, say I sign online before 8:00 am and find that a Hunter has found me and is in the process of shooting me dead - can I haul ass and get out of there?

Answer: NO The Running Man cannot expend ANY additional AP on movement until AFTER 8:00 am the following day. Just remember that the Hunter likely only has a few AP himself and administering a few FAKs to yourself could likely put your HP beyond his ability to deplete. Just be careful mindful that he may 'call-in' your location to other Hunters. Anyway, as long as it is before 8:00 am you are stuck where you are.

Question: When I am the Running Man, can I just stay online 24 hours a day and hit 'refresh' every 60 seconds so that if and when a Hunter finds me I can start shooting him?

Answer: Sure. As long as you don't move before 8:00 am you can do whatever you want.

Let me know if you have any other questions. --Shazzelim 21:42, 28 September 2007 (BST)

Clothes Points Clarification

Question: How do I score points as a Runner for collecting clothes items?

Answer: Runners earn 4 points each time they acquire a new clothing item. They can only score once for each unique type of clothing. Furthermore, you may only score once per clothing location, with the following exception: if a Runner returns to Clatworthy Arms and speaks to a registered game official, then his clothes items are 'reset' and he may score additional points for other unique items. This is tricky, so follow these examples:

  1. Runner grabs a Zoo Keepers Hat (scores 4 points), returns to Clatworthy Arms and speaks to a Game Official, then grabs a Fedora (scores additional 4 points).
  2. Runner grabs a Zoo Keepers Hat (scores 4 points), does not return to Clatworthy Arms, then grabs a Fedora (scores 0 points). No additional points are awarded because you may only score once for each clothing item slot without first returning to Clatworthy Arms and speaking to a Game Official.
  3. Runner grabs a Black Robe from a Puppet Museum (scores 4 points), returns to Clatworthy Arms and speaks to a Game Official, then grabs another Black Robe from a different Puppet Museum (scores 0 points). No additional points are awarded because you may only score once for each type of unique clothing item, regardless of where it was acquired.

Wounds Points Clarification

Points awarded for a Hunter wounding a Runner, and a Runner wounding a Hunter are rounded down. For example, a Runner damages a Hunter for 36 points, this would score 1 point (36 divided by 20, rounded down).

if you have more questions, just let me know! --Shazzelim 03:21, 26 June 2008 (BST)

Stupid lazy questions

Whats 8am/pm EST for us brits?--RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 17:50, 20 May 2008 (BST)

How does scoring work. If i hut the running man is it IWitness screen shots? --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 20:01, 20 May 2008 (BST)

Rosslessness, I believe US Eastern Time is 5 hours behind you Brits, so 8 am EST is 1 pm your time. Scoring does not require IWitness (but it is helpful). It is incumbent upon the Runner and the Hunter to report accurate information. Luckily, for most every situation, the Runner and Hunter can back each other up on claims. Hope this helps answer your questions -- of course, if you have ideas they are welcome! We will be starting up a new 2008 Running Man in a few weeks, if you want to participate, let me know. --Shazzelim 13:44, 21 May 2008 (BST)