The Blackhawk Nation/FAQ
This page is under construction. Please have a look at our forums or ask a Blackhawk Nation member if you have any questions. Member FAQ
ForumOur forum can be found here Member ranksYou'll notice that we do not require our leaders to have all of the Survivor skills. This is because we do not believe the skills that your character has, is an accurate reflection of you as a member of the Blackhawk Nation or your ability to lead. Your participation and cooperation in both Urban Dead and the forums, along with your history with us, will prove this for us.' Guide for New RecruitsAdvice for low level charactersAll low-level members should hang around the safehouse, getting XP while focusing on gaining the Free Running, Diagnosis, First Aid, NecroTech Employment, and Construction skills (important!). It is also good to get a Toolbox, a DNA Extractor, and your Basic Firearms Training skills, along with a Pistol, a Shotgun, some ammo, and First Aid Kits (FAK's). Experience will help you learn what you need and what you don't but if you have questions about anything, please ask us on the forum. You should make an account in our forums, and check at least the News and Events section on a somewhat regular basis. New members start as Recruits before they advance up to Guajiros. Remember to put Blackhawk Nation into your Urban Dead profile group box.