The Hidden Tower

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The Hidden Tower
Abbreviation: HT
Group Numbers: 5
Leadership: The Faerie Queen
Goals: Make the game child friendly by being overbearing Nazis that protect your internet rights by taking away freedom of speech while being politically correct at the same time.
Recruitment Policy: Play Neopets and fight anything that is for those over the age of 12
Contact: You can contact this group from the Faerie Queen's talk page

We at the Hidden Tower fight everything that is adult orientated or mean. We want to protect the children from foul mouths and things that are not nice. To do this we will report you to The Neopets Team and try to get your account frozen.

We are humble Faeries that just want to have fun without people who are rude, mean, and naughty. We especially hate that evil Balthazar that tries to capture us Faeries.

Our Leader

The Faerie Queen is our always loving leader. She cares for us and helps us bring peace to Neopia by getting rid of the filth.

Our Ranks

King Altador, who tries to remove the nasty Neopians from our grounds.

Our Enemy

Balthazar is an evil Faerie Catcher that wants to spread hate and stop us from helping the children. Please, won't somebody think of the children?

The Pant Devil is another enemy of the Faerie Reich. We fight him and his trollish ways. He plays many pranks on people and causes mischief.

Dr Frank Sloth wants to build Neopia in his own image. He's got robots.

Commander Garoo is a commander under Dr Sloth and fights for evil. We suspect he has infiltrated the Faerie ranks by putting on fake cardboard wings.

Count Von Roo an evil vampire Neopian that sucks the nice out of Neopians and makes them evil and mean. We have last seen him in the Haunted Woods. Beware!

Malkus Vile, an evil Skieth that likes to steal Neopets' lunch money.

Lord Darigan, a noble neopian who was twisted by foul magic that corrupted his once honest heart. The desire for power drove him to plot the destruction of all Neopia.

Hubrid Nox. This evil, nefarious, scheming Chia makes his home atop a desolate mountain in the Haunted Woods. He lives alone, as he prefers his devilish plans not to be interrupted. Whether its conquering just one city, or the whole of Neopia, whether he uses ghosts, aliens, zombies or mutants - Hubrid has an evil plan for every day of the week.

Our Home

Faerie Land is home to all that is good and nice. We do not allow swearing and enforce it fiercely. Anyone found not being nice is tossed into Concentration Cam...I mean Cloud Camps. The guilty will be forced to play endless Crossword Puzzles.

We also have the Healing Fountain that helps us every time we battle the evil creatures of Neopia.


Wooden Spoon Award: This award is given to Commander Garoo for having the nerve to stand up to The Faerie Queen. Seriously, Commander Garoo has no right to stand up to the Queen.

Free Omelette: This free omelette is given to the Faerie Queen for her dedication to helping spread peace and love by stopping evil doers.