The Kilt Store/testimonials
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We have the finest kilts available anywhere, much less in a sequestered siege city and our customer service is the finest of any industry, but don't just take our word for it. Hear what the customers of The Kilt Store have to say.
- Bob Fortune -- May I just say, sir, what an excellent service your Kilt Store provides. Since young Joe purchased his kilt, he's had several admiring comments - even one from a Bounty Hunter. Also, although his other clothing has become sullied by the rough-and-tumble of Malton life, his kilt remains in good condition. Quality workmanship if ever I saw it! --Bob Fortune RR 12:20, 12 October 2007 (BST)
- Goolina Gore Corps -- The RRF Gore Corps sure do love your kilts. They keep our special areas covered without the need for loathsome pants. We always feel oh-so-fashionable in our kilts. Some might even call us jaunty! Your service, quality and supply guarantee that we'll be repeat customers. --Goolina Gore Corps 20:41, 17 October 2007 (BST)
- City of Malton Pipes and Drums -- We were very happy to learn of the Kilt Store's re-opening. Great quality, great service, and a great article of clothing for the quarantine. Now if only we could find decent balmorals somewhere in Malton rather than having to wear these silly berets. We'll be back to perform a concert for the owner.--Cmpd 13:21, 23 October 2007 (BST)
- Zaklal The Kilt Store, and it's owner, are awesome!! 29 October 2007 (CST)
- Lockon said "Yo, appears that my grey tartan kilt prevents zeds from making me their lunch. I'm impressed. I guess you guys should sell kilts of invincibility." 01 June 2008 13:10 (GMT)
- Earl Boris -- Upon entering the kilt store to give a stern graahing to a foolish young harman on the perils of combat reviving, i noticed how stylish the kilts looked on many of the other patrons. Sadly, the bananas attached to my jacket seemed to be some cause for concern amongst certain harmans and i was promptly deposited outside. Clawing my way back into the mall in my natural state, a friendly member of staff, Goolina to be precise, noticed me clawing at the display window and revived me for a fitting. She picked out a lovely purple colour that i quite fancy myself in and introduced me to the Kilt Store Owner for a chat about the customer protection plan. Whilst i was promptly deposited outside again shortly after, I was very impressed with the customer service and quality. Barhah, Kilt Store! --Earl Boris 11:11, 4 September 2008 (AEST)
- Ed Readman -- All the our group, dobroSquad, really loves your kilts. These red tartans are so convenient, and the fresh air always blows your crutch slightly. We appreciate your job saving the shop from the horde of hungry zeds and you can always count on us in this harsh business.
Ed Readman T | D 20:27, 9 June 2010 (BST)