Spambit Hunters

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Asdxiao makes his debut on the UDWiki, before being squashed by the towering Link.

Spambot - An automated computer program designed to assist in the sending of spam.

Spambit - A new breed of Spambots that was created after Cheese accidentally pressed the 'I' key instead of the 'O' key.


The Spambit Hunters are an elite squad of UDWikipedians put together for one sole purpose: to stop the menace of the rampant Spambit war machine once and for all and restore peace to the Wiki. Their task is not an easy one and they face many dangers as they attempt to carry out their mission.

The Spambits have the advantage of the element of surprise and may strike at any time and on any page. However the team will utilise the latest technology in order to quickly suppress any Spambit positions. After they have been identified and suppressed, the team will undertake daring flanking manoeuvres in order to take out their enemy.

The Hunters

Feigning sleep, a prepared DDR lures Asdxiao1 back for another edit.

The team is comprised of several of the wiki's best and most experienced Spambit hunters but new recruits are welcome to help combat the scourge of the Spambits.

Current Team

Want to join? Head for the recruitment office and sign up. First 5 recruits get a free t-shirt and a Spambit hunting knife.



Asdxiao3 rides confidently towards an unforgiving boxy.

Because of their elitism, the Spambit Hunters have to keep a detailed record of every Spambit they have killed in order to show it to the world. At the end of a completely arbitrarily decided time limit the Hunter with the most kills will win a suitably large and obnoxious looking medal/badge/ribbon/bit of bling in order to reinforce their superiority over everyone else.

Current Scores

  1. Harrison - 369
  2. DDR - 310 (8)
  3. Yonn - 180
  4. Than - 149
  5. Mazu - 78
  6. Cheese - 54
  7. Hawk- 27
  8. sannok - 21
  9. Mis - 19
  10. Seagull - 12
  11. DDR - 310 (8)
  12. Giles - 10
  13. hagnat - 5
  14. Ross - 4 (1)
  15. Rooster - 3 (1)
  16. Link - 1 (3)
  17. Cory - 0
  18. Hax - ∞


In late May of 2012, Kevan, by the guiding insight of Vapor scored a crippling blow against the tides of menacing spambits. Using previously unknown technology, a fair amount of research, and a minor amount of guesswork and hope, a shield of pure anti-spam was raised. And while some residual spambitism remained, spambit assaults on UDWiki were reduced by an excess of 500%. And the people did then rejoice. And the sysops did then sigh deeply. And the Recent Changes did then become legible. The remaining hunters remain vigilant, waiting with trained patience and determination for potential new threats to arise. Only the passing of time will tell if the hunters shall be summoned again.


The Spambit Hunters now have a suitably large and obnoxious template that can be plastered all over the place to show just how elite they are:

Nospam.gif Spambit Hunter
This user hunts spambits for fun and profit.
