User:BWS Radio

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Short Welcome

Welcome to BWS Radio! we are currently not working but this problem is getting fixed as soon as possible!


  • Broadcast information about Houldenbank and Dentonside
  • Help out any Malls or resource buildings within the suburb that are under attack
  • Set up radio stations in the suburbs listed below!

List of suburbs that will be or is being broadcasted in

  • Houldenbank (inactive)
  • Dentonside (Setting up)

News and Information


  • 28th* - BWS Radio members start moving into the temporary HQ of BWS radio!

Group Rules

  • WE DO NOT PK OR DESTROY GENERATORS IN ANY WAY! as we believe that if we are to stop the zombie threat humans must work together in harmony
  • WE DONT SPAM THE AIRWAVES! we add This is BWS Radio at the beginning of every transmission so you know its one of the members transmitting!
  • WE DO NOT HUNT PKERS! this is so we dont get hunted as revenge for the killing of the Pker!

Templates we have decided to use

NoLOL.png Grammar
This user or group supports the use of proper grammar and spelling on the Wiki.
Nocaiger.JPG Just Die Already!
This user is hoping that Caiger Mall falls soon, because it's about damn time!
GeorgeBush.jpg The President
Bush is a fucking retard
Nobrain.png Ban Stupidity
This user or group does not tolerate stupid people.
Dogturd.jpg This user > poo
BSW Radio claims to be better than crap.
Mpd.png Report PKers!
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery. (Dead Link)
Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)
Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.
GeorgeBush.jpg The President
Bush should be kicked out of office then fed to the zombies of Malton as he will taste better than homeless people that Malton zombies are eating currently!
ZJLovesYou.jpg Blessed by Zombie Jesus
This user or group has the blessing of Zombie Jesus. Do you?
Bbticon.jpg Templates
BWS Radio has 11 types different templates on the page as of 28th of december.