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Malton Forensics Unit |
Klairi is a member of the MFU. |
Name: Klairi Mara Lickstine
Age: 17
Origin: Unknown, but probably born in Malton
Parentage: Seabastian and Claire Lickstine
Appearance: Medium height, with short midnight-black hair that would not stay down no matter what she tries. Not that that is her priority these days. Right now it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep her cat fed. On clean food. Her loyal black cat, Seabastian, has been mostly feeding on zombie brain for the past year and a half. Though he seems pretty content, Klairi is quite concerned about the affects of infected brain tissue on healthy cats. Fortunately, at least currently there seems to be no symptoms, and Seabastian is his usual secretive and sleek self and has been very happy recently because Klairi is able to obtain Fancy Feasts from the MFU coffee bar and her MFU colleagues.
Current Mission
As the Head Coroner of DEM's Northwest District 5, Klairi is hard at work seeking syringes and maintaining the RP's around Havercroft, Richmond Hills, Ketcheblbank and Barrville. Overall, she's leading a very exciting life at the MFU.
Policies Supported
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Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter |
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard. |
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Sacred Ground Policy Supporter |
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points. |

Life Development
Klairi was orphaned when she was 3 years old. A car accident forever took away her parents, whom she only vaguely remembers now, even with the locket she had been wearing since the day of the accident. Both her parents had dark blond hair and features that look very different from her own, which would later cause her to doubt her true origin. Klairi had been with a close friend of her mother's, Ann, the day they died. Due to the lack of any close relatives in town (her parents had been from Germany), Ann, in a spurt of generosity, took her in and raised her.But not entirely as her own.
Ann had been a single, young woman when she decided to adopt Klairi. 4 years later, she married a moody man who for some reason didn't like Klairi very much. Ann's attention to Klairi diminished daily and disappeared altogether when she had a baby of her own. Klairi was left to roam around the town at will. Most times she would go and stand by her parents's grave in a cemetery in Eastonwood and dream about what they would be like if they were there with her. Sometimes she would spend so much time at the cemetery that it would get dark. One day she decided to just bring a sleeping bag and spend the night near her parents' tombstones. It made her feel extra safe to know her parents were literally with her. The next day when she returned to Ann's house, she was relieved but also a bit disappointed that no one had noticed her absence.
During one such cemetery visits, she heard a pathetic meow coming from bushes. Upon investigating it, she found a bag of kittens.. When she opened the sack, she found that most of the kittens had already died from starvation. There was only one left alive, a dirty tiny ball of black fur with green eyes. She fell right in love and adopted the kitten on the spot and named him after her father, Seabastian. While she dug graves for his siblings, he watched intently.
Raising Sea from food nicked from Ann's fridge hadn't been easy, especially with that dark husband of hers watching. But the baby was still young and no one could afford that much attention for Klairi. She started liking the cemetery more and more and would roam the city with Sea once he was old enough to take such hikes.
When Klairi entered secondary school, she finally discovered the one thing she actually liked in school- biology. The life sciences just amazed her. And frightened her a bit, how fragile a life is and where the conscious go to after death. When NecroTech, the uprising pharmaceutical corporation, invaded Malton and spread out its branches of laboratories, Klairi volunteered her time there and picked up some quite useful skills.
Then the outbreaks hit. No one knows from which laboratory the infection first came out, but it is inferred that the infection is indeed associated with NecroTech. It hardly matters now. People were dying left and right, and it seemed Malton would soon be a zombie town that would spread its disease to the rest of Britain. The government quarantined the city and even healthy survivors could not leave the hellish suburbs. Klairi came home from the cemetery one day to find Ann and her little family sprawled on the floor while 4 zombies chewed on them. Klairi and Sea backed very quietly out of the room and moved to the deserted cemetery, where earlier Klairi had constructed a shelter of some sort against a boulder and brought some supplies, including some of her experimentation equipment from NecroTech.
But soon she started seeing traces of disturbance around the cemetery as well. To her astonishment and great alarm, one day she found her parents' grave jaggedly open. The infection had reached even the dead. One night, she was awakened by languid, dragging footsteps and found herself cornered by 2 zombies. Fishing around for a weapon, she first chopped at them with a kitchen knife. That kept them back a bit, but did not completely disable them. When one of the zombies lunged particularly close, Klairi grabbed the first thing on the floor and stabbed him. To her utter shock, the zombie fluttered and fell over and stayed stilled. His gory skin started to repair itself. The other zombie was momentarily stunned, so Klairi took the moment to shine a flashlight on the still zombie. It was a NT syringe that she had grabbed.
Klairi quickly reached for another syringe and stabbed the other zombie as well. Then she dragged the 2 still bodies outside the cemetery and observed them for the next few days. They gradually re-acquired human appearances and eventually stood up as normal, though weak, humans. Klairi was amazed.
It turned out all over Malton people who have worked in the NT labs were making the same discovery. Klairi soon moved out of the cemetery and into a barricaded NT building to search for as many syringes as she could find, though Sea was a bit reluctant to live in a dangerously dark and ominous building. Even with all her cunning, there were times when she was killed by zombies in her sleep and turned into a zombie herself. But with her thin consciousness as a zombie and with Sea's help, she was able to drag her body to a Revivification Point and get that life-giving injection.
One of these times, the injection came from a Latino man who introduced himself as Nicodemus Velazquez and told her about Department of Emergency Management, or DEM. He told her she could help people with her skills and count on others to help her, and she joined without hesitation. After a few weeks of training, Klairi became an officer for Malton Forensics Unit, a subdivision of DEM, and served as the toxicologist for Barrville.
Through the months afterward, Klairi worked hard to maintain several RPs around the area and had been promoted to the position of Head Coroner of Northwest Division 5. She is quite content with her comrades in DEM and her life in general, though she is still looking for her parents, whom she thinks she saw earlier, limping around in a zombie trance. She is trying to revive them and see what the NT syringes can do to previously dead people. Sea's undernourishment is still a cause for her concern, and she is seen going from clubs to arms to malls to look for cans of tuna for him. If you have any spares or know where to find some, please contact her. She will be very grateful.