Cet utilisateur ou groupe est québécois et supporte sa souveraineté politique.
I am the founder of the Urban Guerillas.
Urban Guerilla
This user is part of ongoing the armed struggle in the streets of Malton and will fight the enemies of the people until the revolution is achieved.
Templates I created
Cet utilisateur ou groupe est québécois et supporte sa souveraineté politique.
If you managed to stay out of debts without having to sell your possessions, then you aren't Jean Charest.
If you live in the 21st century, then you aren't prime minister Stephen Harper.
This user or group hates fascists and will do everything in their power to feed them to the zombies.
This user or group will give a medal to anyone who gets Duce Nauks banned.
This page contains a heavy load of propaganda. The information stated here might be the truth, might be somewhat similar to the truth, or might be an all out lie. The reader is warned to keep this in mind when reading the matters below.
Liberal Party of Canada
If you never, EVER, stole anything, then you can be sure you aren't eligible to be in the Liberal Party of Canada.
(User) just served you a lame comeback.
Firing Squad
This User is willing to act as an arbitrator and send your foes to the firing squad.
Kim Jong-Il
This User believes that he is Kim Jong-Il. If you don't obey to his every whim, he'll drop the bomb on you.
This User is a veteran of the greatest revolution ever. Don't mess with him.
This muchacho downloads mucho communism. Gracias Microsoft for reminding him!
This user thinks that the wiki was a communist creation. He also thinks all those who use the wiki will eventually become communists. Therefore, he fully supports the use of wikipedia until the whole damn world turns communist.
It's true!!!
Communists do make better lovers!
The Communist Party
This is gonna be one hell of a party, and this user intends to join it!
Anti-Copyright User
This user hates copyrights.
Spread Communism
This user thinks Malton lacks significant communist influence, therefore does everything he can to make Malton turn red.
Blood Sucking Lawyers
This user thinks all lawyers should all just drop dead.
Urban Guerilla
This user is part of ongoing the armed struggle in the streets of Malton and will fight the enemies of the people until the revolution is achieved.
This User or Group supports the belief that zombies are the true revolutionnary force in Malton, created by the capitalists to destroy capitalism.
Mario is Stalin?
This User thinks that the famous plumber might not really be some random italian, but Comrade Stalin himself!
Red Army Choir
This User or Group believes the Red Army totally knew how to rock the world, and all modern bands are wannabe sissies. Kalinka, my love, come back to me!
Scorched Earth Policy
This user or groups believes that very dangerous areas should be abandoned to the zombies to prevent them from feeding and to minimalize casualties.
Other Templates
This User or Group supports the concept and ideals of Socialism, and their induction into Malton society, through the maelstrom of the Zombie epidemic.
The Ropes
The Ropes
This user thinks we should show Duce Nauks the ropes.
The Ropes
This user thinks we should show Akule the ropes.
Monty Python
Burn Her! She's a Witch!
This user is on a witch hunt and will burn any witch they find.
How do you know she is a witch?
This user was turned into a Newt...