A young man, about mid-twenties proudly wearing a new Malton PD uniform, carefully stepping over rubble and bodies to keep the creases in his trousers and the shine on his boots.
Proud To Be Alive
This user is a survivor and proud of it.
Malton Police Department
Dean Reese is a member of the MPD.
Malton Police Departments Group
This user or group supports the MPDG in their attempt at restoring law and order in Malton.
DEM Ally
<Dean Reese> is an ally of the DEM
Firefox User
This user uses Firefox, and so should you, because Microsoft sucks.
PK Reporting
This User or Group supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.
River Tactics Supporter
This User or Group supports River Tactics.
Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.
This user thinks that adding 1 AP to the revive cycle is pointless.
This User drinks entirely too much and should probably quit before they die.
Happy Birthday
This user was born on January 29th
--Dean Reese 17:47, 14 January 2009 (UTC)