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DuxDucis ............................................................................................................................................................... The Surrealists
Dux Alleius ................................................................................................................................................... The Zone Defenders
Pestilence MK2 ................................................................................................................................................. brainROT RUM
DuxDucis was the former security contractor for the city of Malton during the outbreak. He is known to wear classy suits and designer sunglasses, even if it seems to be at odds with the apocalyptic surroundings. Despite his previous heavy involvement with the Survivor Security Zone, he is now a shadowy figure, known to be involved with several underworld groups.
Dozens of reports have been made of his alleged killings and many have gone unpunished. It is also rumored that he is now somehow involved with the murderous group Red Rum, and the sinister Surrealists. Whether he has become unhinged or there is a plan to these seemingly random murders is yet to be seen.
On the right side of his throat there is a strangely ornate tattoo.
Dux Alleius
A young, recently employed Necrotech scientist who is constantly neurotic about the zombie outbreak and quarantine in Malton. Still wearing his name badge, lab coat, gloves and surgery equipment, he tries to distance himself from zombies at all times.
He found his autopsy skills useful as a surgeon, and was originally seen with Ghetto Cow, holding many Necrotech buildings. The only weapon he uses (and indeed is skilled at) is his scalpel, which is of little effect against anything.
He is now with the Zone Defenders, securing NecroTech buildings and holding Malls. He is regularly seen patching up wounded survivors, no matter if they are friend or foe.
Pestilence MK2
The haggard eyes of this survivor look left and right, seeking out its chosen targets. Several pistols adorn his belt and there seems to be little intended room for anything else. His tight-fitting clothes are drenched with sweat from a permanent fever, and his eyes have a yellow tinge to them. He wears a bandanna to keep the sweat from pouring down his face and blurring his vision.
This zombie has a large figure and appears to be a past gym-junkie and steroid-taker. Soaked with blood and sweat, He is wearing tight-fitting clothes. Calculatedly choosing his targets, He seems kill with a cunning intelligence absent from most other zombies.
I like things to be clean, neat and pleasing to the eye. I don't like jarring things, especially colors. I'm not gay, I just like things to... work. Fit together. Hence why I have a sort of color scheme to my userspace and sig. Hence why I bothered to learn not only wiki code, but also some beginner XHTML. Hence why I have an oganised talk page (if you haven't already, check it out now).
Things Best Forgotten
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The Signature Race
This user is a part of the signature race; are you going to let them be more popular than you? Start today!
Kudos to Goebi