User:Fifth Element/WIP2

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Well traveled and well fed, that's a zombie's life for me. And wow does this page need work!


ZombieLUE.jpg Life, the Universe, and Everything
DJ Deadbeat is a member of LUE.
Militant Order of Barhah.gif Militant Order of Barhah
The MOB is coming...
Teacup.jpg Teacups
This user or group supports teacups.
TeamA.jpg TeamAmerica
DJ Deadbeat is a member of TeamAmerica

Fuck yeah!

Don't believe the LIES!
Holmes rand 1995.jpg Bitter and Heartless
This user likely hates your guts, even if they don't know you.
The pitcher.jpg New interior paint job
Ask how. Ask now. And stand still, we WANT the paint to splash!
MTTemplate6.JPG Mall Tour 2009
This User or Group is a member of the Mall Tour 2009, and will be coming to your local mall soon! Please have lots of fresh brains ready when they arrive with all their friends.
10ksociety.gif 10k Society
This user is a proud member of the 10k Society