
Name: Jack Reyner
Age: 27
Birthplace: Somewhere in Germany
Strengths: Strategist, Honorable, Loyal to true friends and comrades (some may consider this a weakness)
Weaknesses: snacks, women (Don't worry, ladies... I behave... Mostly...)
Loves: friends/family, strategic and Roleplay games, music, reading, japanese pop culture, animals
Hates: unfairness, dishonesty, racism, bullying
Appearance: To be added later
The Arrival
As the situation in Malton began, Jack came fresh from the acadamy in germany. He was on vacation with some friends doing a road trip throughout the whole UK. Sheer curiosity was what brought him into this neverending nightmare. It was by then when the news were full of the reports of city raids and violent situations in some cites. When one of his friends came up with the idea to take a peek on the situation in Malton... It sounded thrilling, but none of them could have dreamed of what would await them there.
On their first day, they arrived late in the evening, they arrived in Malton and stayed over night at the Willmott Motel. But as they slept eagerly and well the city gates closed behind them to be never opened again. Late at night they woke up, awakened by the hell on earth as the zombies made their way to the Motel. People ran for their lifes, escaping from the terror of the undead. It was then when one of his friends stormed into the room, armed with a baseball bat. whatever was heavy and big was pushed against the only door to the room but Jack came up to the feeling that a bed, a cupboard, a table and some chairs won't hold the hordes outside that long. As the groaning came closer to the door, slamming and scratching let the door shake. And as he pointed towards the window, his friends shook their heads. Obviously they wanted to bet their luck on the barricades they raised.
But Jack didn't trust these loose obsticals as much as he could had thrown them. He dared the jump... And was lucky enough to hit the swimming pool. As he climbed out of it, he could hear loud banging and screams out of the window he jumped several seconds before. He crunched with the teeth and clenched the fists. He knew those guys a long time... Good old buddies... But all the sorrow wouldn't prevent him from being eaten alive himself. He ran south. So there Jack was... In a city of ruin. In front of a Police Department in a Suburb the locals call "Gatcombeton". The only thought Jack came up as he took a gulp and walked up the steps to the PD, was: "Welcome to the worst assignment of your life, cadet..."
Survival impossible
As he entered the Police Department, Jack found some survivors. From the look of them, they were sleeping or somehow traumatized. But the psychic disorders of others meant nothing right now. He had to prepare himself for "close encounters" in the future. He soon found a flak jacket and a pistol with some ammo, which he loaded with some found ammo. Also he found a shotgun, some shells for it and a radio to keep in contact with other breathing souls. But it shouldn't be too long when his search for further equipment was to be disturbed by more zombies, slamming at the very strong barricades of the building. Having a comparison at the zombie hordes outside and the ammunition he found, he knew he would never be able to stand alone. So he yelled through the PD that if no one gets up and helps him to defend this building, it was going to fall to the zombie hordes. He saw to the shaking barricades as no survivor replied to him.
And then it happened. A lone zombie smashed through the barricades and climbed over the obstacles. As Jack rose his pistol, he forced himself not to hesitate. "No human anymore..." he thought. The shot was loud, but the zombie still stood. Jack's eyes opened wide as he stared at the zombie in wonder. "How can you still standing?" He crunched with the teeth and shot several times. some shots missed, some hit the zombie in the heart. "Die! Why won't you fall down already?" he shouted in anger as he was forced to fall back and reload. Other zombies crawled inside through the broken barricades. And still none of the other survivors moved to aid Jack in his fight. Jack cursed them. "I'm not going to die here because you already gave up, you morons!" So he ran towards a window and jumped through it, landing on a police car. "windows and me", he thought... "This seems to become a habit here!" Again he only survived by leaving others behind. But did he had another choice?
As he ran down the streets, he only found buildings barricaded so high, he was never able to enter. With the zombies after him,he had not much time left. But it should be in front of a library, a place of wisdom, where Jack Reyner was cought by the zombies. Darkness surrounded him.
A new hope
His thoughts were gone... almost... with his undead body, somehow his brain managed to provide the last bit of common sense with the one and only thought: "The dead must rest in peace on a cemetary." Only a few memories overstayed this status of undead. Later Jack only remembered standing in front of a statue of Saint Mary and sitting down in front of it. Like a lost child in hope to be found again in the darkness. And then... someone came. As the blurry sight of an undead could tell, it was a person dressed in complete white coming towards to Jack. This being... who was that? And why did it raised Jack's arm? A short sting occured and the person nodded with a smile. "I see you're not lost... Are you ready?" Ready? Ready for what? To die once and for all? To get out of this misery? Jack's lips wanted to ask, but all they could pronounce was a mere "Mhr?" It felt so dumb, yet another smile raised in the face of the white person and it nodded again. "I see... then let's get you patched up..." Next there was another sting in the neck and a sharp pain. As Jack's body was layed on the ground, the strange person bowed over his face and nodded again. "Don't worry... everything will be ok..." Darkness surrounded Jack another time.
Hours passed... Maybe a day... As Jack finally came back to consciousness. He saw up into the cloudless sky. Was this heaven? His eyes looked around. No! Still zombies around. If this was paradise, he'd been screwed! His body felt numb and as he moved and stood up, a sudden sickness befelt him. The sting on his neck... It hurted... And his guts felt like pudding... He bent over a gravestone and puked. Then he saw the cause. A syringe? Could that caused his sickness? Whatever this shot was, the effects were striking! After his stomach was empty, he catched his breath. Man this was a weird shit! As his legs felt more solid, he grabbed the syringe. "Property of NecroTech..." Jack looked up. Maybe there was still hope. If he could be revived from the dead, others could as well! As he left the cemetary, he saw a sprayed tag on a wall. "Department of Emergency Managment - head south!" Sounded like a major organization... And a plan as well! "Alright!" he yelled. "That's where I go next!"
Getting started
A day passed as Jack finally reached the DEM-Base. behind big and sturdy barricades was a well-guarded base with watchtowers, lots of military Field tents, a Field hospital and an armory. People were doing exercises, all looking very busy. At least these people breathed... As he entered one of the first tents, he reported to a young but quite tough looking woman. On the desktop in front of her, there was a sign. "Chairperson Blackmoor" He arched an eyebrow. "Important person..." he thought. as she saw up to him, he explained himself and that he wanted to help the other survivors in the duty of a police officer. She noted something and nodded, then pointed to another tent and told him to report there for his duty assignment. he nodded and went right into the pointed tent. Many people stood here in a line. Obviously waiting for their assignment. But as he got in line, it was his turn in very short time. At the desktop in front of him sat a highly decorated woman writing notes onto a map. As she saw up, she took a look at Jack and nodded. "You are being assigned to Little Fawn Campus in the Northwest Division." she handed a map and a sheet of paper to him. "This is the current campus location and this will be your campus guideline with the things we want you to learn before you can be considered as graduated. As he went outside the tent, he studied the sheet with a sight of curiousity. "The Malton Police Department Core Curriculum" he wondered. He stocked up some food before he hurried out of the base and went towards the campus area shown on the map.
Campus work
Some time passed as he reached the located area. It was a group of buildings in the suburb known as Barrville.As he entered one by climbing through the barricades, he fell down inside and as soon as he was laying on the ground, several guns were pointed to his nose. Just as he thought he would die again, he heard a simple "Hold it!". A few of the men above him were tossed aside by a man in his late 40s, wearing a noticable tattered bunker coat and a silver griffin pendant around his neck. As he offered his hand, Jack took it and he helped him standing up. "M'name's Griff - one of your two AI's here at the Campus. Good t'meetcha." He took a look at Jack and nodded. As he returned to some other high ranked officers, Jack followed him with the eyes. Quite an interesting person. Little Fawn Campus. The toughest ones should come out from here they said in the DEM base. Maybe just rumors... Maybe the truth... From the look of the fellow cadets, Jack recognized firefighters as well as policemen, military personnel and scientists.
After getting along with his fellow cadets the work started. Weeks passed and Jack learned how the survivors moved between the highly barricaded buildings, the fabrics of generators and how to build even the strongest barricades. His aiming improved as well as he fought against several zombies. Survival had become more and more easier in the group and with the proper skills. As the days went on, it was Jack's turn to be Squadleader. With a gulp he prepared his first orders yet he couldn't imagine how well it turned out. As the praising continued, especially from the higher ranks, he felt more and more confident. It turned out Jack was quite good in map duty and leading people well. At least that's what the others said. And after quite some time Jack graduated with honors, staying in the Northwest of Malton to perform his duty as a police seargant.
Climbing the ladder of the career
After a long duty and countless deaths and syringes later, Jack got promoted into the rank of an Inspector. There was a time though when he was inactive on the ground for several months. Yet the rumors about his permanent death were premature. Soon he rejoined the ranks of the DEM and the MPD, only to be greeted once again with the same comradeship as before. Now being in action once more, he choose Moseley Plaza Police Dept to be his place to look after. A choice in cooperation with Ackland Mall in order to restore order and supplies for the people of Havercroft.
More to be added later...
DEM Merits and Ribbons
Reconnaissance Specialist Merit
Engineer's Ribbon
The Weaponmaster Ribbon
Acquisition Ribbon