Joshua Kennendy
2009-01-13 03:14:38
Character class:
Civilian (Cop), Zombie Hunter
Favorite equipment:
Pistol, Shotgun and Axe
Character profile:
Urban Dead profile
Current status:
Character group:
Red Guards of Williamsville
Character stats:
No journal for Joshua Kennendy
Group: Red Guards of Williamsville
* Basic Firearms Training (Player gets +25% to hit with all firearms attacks.)
o Pistol Training (An extra +25% to hit with a pistol.)
+ Advanced Pistol Training (An extra +10% to hit.)
o Shotgun Training (An extra +25% to hit with a shotgun.)
+ Advanced Shotgun Training (An extra +10% to hit.)
* Hand-to-Hand Combat (+15% to melee attacks.)
o Axe Proficiency (An extra +15% when attacking with an axe.)
* Free Running (Can move between adjacent buildings without stepping outside.)
* NecroTech Employment (Player is able to operate DNA Extractors, and can identify NecroTech offices from the street.)
* First Aid (Player is able to heal an extra 5HP when using a first-aid kit.)
o Surgery (Player can heal a further 5HP if working in a hospital with power.)
* Diagnosis (The HP values of nearby survivors are displayed next to their name.)
* Shopping (Player may choose which stores to loot, when searching a mall.)
* Body Building (Player has a maximum of 60 Hit Points instead of 50.)
* Tagging (Player's spraycans last longer. XP bonuses are awarded for tagging certain buildings.)
* Construction (Player is able to build barricades, repair machinery and restore ruined buildings.)
* Radio Operation (Player is able to broadcast within the restricted 26.00-28.00 MHz range.)
* Headshot (If the player delivers a killing blow to a zombie, it must spend an extra 5AP to stand up.)
![Mercinaries.jpg](/images/thumb/b/b0/Mercinaries.jpg/60px-Mercinaries.jpg) |
Heavy Arms
This user or group has Heavy Arms and will use them if provoked.
Weapon of Choice
This user's weapon of choice is his Custom Pistol.
![Policebadge.jpg](/images/9/93/Policebadge.jpg) |
This user is a Cop and is probably off shooting a zombie.