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Lostcauseman's Journal - You discover this journal in the coat pocket of a headless zombie.

I am writing under the alias 'lostcauseman' because every member of my family is dead, slaughtered by the zeds beseiging Monroeville. The only thing I have left is to maintain an account of my experiences attempting to escape from the relentless pursuit of the undead. I've always been a writer, having been employed by several newspapers in Newtown, and eventhough I've lost everything I just can't remove the part of my humanity that wants to 'tell the story.' I pray that whoever is reading this journal has killed me, for I will most likely be one of those shambling monstrousities I've been trying so desperately to avoid.

July 10, 2008

Immediately entered a firehouse in newtown and scrounged for a fireaxe. Hacked at a zombie following me outside and then free ran my way over to east newtown, where I hear that zombies are attacking from the nearby fields.

July 12, 2008

Decided to stop at Foxworthy Police Department and the surrounding buildings which lie on the border between Newtown and Outside the City. I was shocked at the numbers of survivors here, I counted over 210 in four buildings! As night fell I made myself a small space and began writing, confident in the barricades I'd seen setup outside. I figured they would be enough to discourage any curious undead that happened to wonder by our safehouse. However, as I finish writing the groans outside start getting louder and several zombies are knocking outside.

July 14, 2008 - 7:00 AM EST

I awoke to a horrific sight... several zombies had broken into the building, despite the tireless efforts of the survivors manning the barricades. I hacked away at the first zombie to enter the room and finished him off. I dumped the body and attacked the next zombie. Several zeds were killed by other survivors and no casualties were reported. I hope that none were bitten and hid their wounds. Eventhough we had won the fight, the barricades still remained down because no one had the strength to rebuild them. Twenty of the seventy-eight survivors fled for nearby buildings and I feared a fresh zombie attack was imminent. In search of help I moved west to the Hyginus General Hospital and asked the seventy+ people inside to help Foxworthy police department with barricading. I returned to the PD and prepared myself for the next wave of undead. There are so few of us left and Newtown appears to be the last beacon of hope for the whole area. If Foxworthy and Hyginus can stand their ground then the hordes will be forced back into the fields from which they crawled, and thus stopping them from laying waste to Newtown.

July 14, 2008 - 9:00 AM EST The last of the zombies have been killed and dumped. None of the people in here are zombie hunters so the dumped bodies will probably be up and shambling within a day's time. Now if only some people would come and help with the barricades. I'm beginning to realize that my little axe just isn't cutting it (no pun intended) compared to the numerous police officers with shotguns and small arms. If another wave of zombies attacks I'm going to run into Hyginus, stock up on first aid kits, and then heal the injured within Foxworthy PD. Whenever I move between the two buildings I will pass on information to the beseiged.

July 14, 2008 - 10:11 AM EST Officer Bale heroicly worked at barricading the entrance to our building while zombies attempted to ruin his efforts. A lone zombie managed to push past Officer Bale's initial barricade but was immediately silenced by the roar of five officers' weapons. Bale continued to work and managed to get the building up to a very strong level. With so many survivors within a two block radius I fear that the buildings will become a magnet for zed attention. I only hope that we can attract enough survivors before we are forced to raise the barricades to a level that no one, living or dead, will be able to enter without free running.

July 14, 2008 - 10:50 AM EST I snuck out the back of Foxworthy and around the building to take a look at the zombie numbers outside. I worked my way around the building, hiding behind trash cans and debris as I moved. There were a total of eleven zombies milling about, with an unknown number of bodies scattered around the parking lots and streets. I decided it was becoming too dangerous to be outside and headed back into Foxworthy. As I exited via the back entrance I looked across the street and parking lots at Hyginus Hospital. There, laying on the pavement was a man, pinned down by a zombie and struggling furiously. I was going to rush to his aid when I saw a crowd of zombies pulling away from the surrounding buildings and hobbling over to the doomed man. I cursed the inadequecy of my axe and shut the door, dragging a dumpster in front of the entrance as I prepared to close it. I just couldn't shut the door, and instead kept it cracked open while I stared, fixated on the thrashing figure across the street. I will never forget that moment when I saw the zombies tear into that helpless man, lieing on quickly turning red pavement and struggling violently against his murderers. After a few minutes I just couldn't watch anymore, especially wary that the once living soul was bound to stand up soon enough and I finally closed the door shut. I told the other survivors inside Foxworthy about the zeds and then returned to my sleeping area, leaving out what I'd seen across the street. The last thing I wanted was people panicing and fleeing, especially with the strategic importance of the Foxworthy Police Department to Newtown. Luckily the area I'm sleeping in has a small window, allowing me to write in my journal. Don't know what I would do if I couldn't write these events down, and maybe someday someone will pull this journal from my corpse and learn what the people of Monroeville went through. I'll try to catch some shut eye before the zombies strike again at the barricades, but it's hard to sleep with the banging and scraping getting closer, despite the efforts of Bale and the others.

July 14, 2008 - 11:23 AM EST The zombies brought down the barricades again but none managed to get inside as of yet. Thank god for the steel doors, but it's only a matter of time before they manage to break them open again. Bale and the others had locked the heavy doors using lengths of pipe, but even those break under extreme stress. As we were barricading again, a man managed to climb up an escape ladder and enter one of our second floor windows. He was panting and out of breadth, but when he was able to speak he had dreadful news for our beseiged community: "about a dozen followed me here from the southwest, and more are sure to hear their groans!" He told us that he was going to head to the hospital and warn them as well, and before we could offer him some water he said "Keep the cades up, and good luck to us all," and quickly left out the window he crawled through not two minutes before. I am beginning to fear that these survivors will panic and attempt to flee as the hordes outside grow larger and the moans get louder. As long as these people stand and fight we have an almost unlimitted amount of ammunition within the police department, as well as a stocked hospital next door for the wounded. As far as I know the zombies are concentrating on our building and the hospital has maintained a very strong level of barricades throughout the day. The man I saw being mauled earlier was probably wounded and attempting to reach the safety of the hospital.

July 14, 2008 - 2:02 PM EST Once again I awoke to zombies breaking through our barricades. The few zeds that got through were quickly dispatched by the survivors manning our measly defenses. I hacked at one that got close to me but let the others do most of the killing. As I saw that we were winning the fight I ran to the doorway and closed it shut once again, in the hope that this would buy our people more time to build up the barricades once again. After all the zeds were dispatched I helped dump their bodies out the second story window onto the heads of the growing horde outside. I decided to use my free running to move about between Hyginus General Hospital and Johnson Boulevard Fire Station, letting everyone in both buildings know that Foxworthy Police Department required more people to man its barricades and keep the zombies out. I dare not go outside to take a look like I did earlier, since the groans and moans from the undead have become overwhelming. The fear is almost unbearable, I want to just free run half a town away and hide, but I know that I would only be prolonging the inevitable. We must stay and fight, or else be hunted down by those that have the unfair advantage of not having to sleep.

July 14, 2008 - 10:02 PM EST I'm sitting in the ER room of Hyginus General Hospital, unscratched but badly shaken up. I can barely write about the hell I have just witnessed unleashed upon the doomed defenders of Foxworthy. The zeds were everywhere, tearing at their victims and dragging the dying men and women to the streets for lesser zombies to feed upon. I did what I could, hacking away at the undead, but with each I cut down another two rose up against us. It took all my courage to stand and fight, but most of the other survivors fled, leaving but a few twenty to fight a losing battle. If only panic had not set in, if only those that had left yesterday would of stayed and faught! When the end seemed near and I had had one too many brushes with death, I succumbed to my cowardice and left Foxworthy through the back entrance I had used earlier in the day. It was easy to run across the street with so many undead focused on Foxworthy's main entrance. Once inside Hyginus I wept bitterly. The adreneline and emotion was just too much for me, not to mention the haunting memories of what I had just witnessed plagued my tired mind. I must think, and fast. Maybe, just maybe another location could be used for a more suitable defense. For now I must rest, and attempt to ignore the cries for help across the street, as well as the unsettling satisfied moans of the feeding zeds.

July 15, 2008 - 6:49 AM EST

After the events of yesterday Hyginus hospital became flooded with scared, tired survivors who flocked to the logical place to go when wounded. Coincidentally, it's also the next most likely location that the zombies will attack. Counted the survivors while picking up a few first aid kits and there appears to be around seventy people here. They're disorganized and have that crazy look of having just been inches from death. God, how will this horror end? Maybe I don't want to know the answer to that question.

July 15, 2008 - 12:32 PM EST Some resemblence of order is returning to the ward, especially since no zombies have knocked on our doors (obviously due to the fact that they are feeding their faces across the street). We are coming up with a plan to head for Weaver mall. It's a desperate plan and most of the survivors will probably stay put and die in this hospital. Tempers run high and everyone is too scared to think straight. I'm afraid of fighting breaking out amongst us, even as the zombies prepare to tear us to shreds in the morning.

July 16, 2008 - 8:28 AM EST

We changed the plan at the last moment; instead of Weaver Mall we decided to head to Linzby Library. While we were still gathering equipment and making one last search for weapons/ammo, the zombies crashed through our barricades. Survivors fired round after round into the devils, but they kept coming. One officer fired through a zombie with his shotgun, but the round went straight through and hit another man in the side. Amidst the chaos I shouted the plan to everyone again and headed for the streets. With all the zombies pouring in through the main entrance, it was easy to sneak out the back undetected. I looked back at Hyginus and instead of focusing on the building, the zombies, or the chaotic fighting, I instead found myself fixated on a puddle of red between two abandoned cars. It was where I'd seen the man being eaten by zeds yesterday, only now he was amongst those storming Hyginus. As of right now only myself and another survivor have made it out. We can't repair the library and unless some more people show up we'll have to rely on remaining quiet to stay alive. I'm beginning to think that many of the survivors of Hyginus are going to scatter to other locations out of fear of making themselves a larger target. I can't blame them.

July 17, 2008 - 12:16 AM EST

Stragglers have been coming in all day, seven in all. One of the survivors was able to barricade the building up to VSB which helped a ton with the wandering zombies scratching at our door all day. I took it upon myself to name the next location for the survivors to rally at, ***********, which I scouted myself before deciding it was the best spot to barricade and hide in.

July 17, 2008 - 12:30 AM EST I made it to the new hideout, but a zombie greeted me! He was standing in the corner of one of the building's rooms, swaying slightly with a glazed look in his eyes. I hacked at him repeatedly but, weakened from running so many city blocks to get here, decided to lock myself in a closet and rest. Strangely, the zombie didn't come banging on the door like I expected him to. Seems he's comatose or something, which is quite strange. I pray that the other survivors will leave the temporary safety of the library and head to **********.

July 17, 2008 - 11:15 AM EST Almost every person who made it to the rally point managed to get to *********. I am overwhelmed by relief after the horrors of the past few days and have been working hard to organize the band of survivors before me. Hopefully we can link up with other groups soon, as well as pick up some toolboxes so that more members can start repairing and barricading (myself included). Hope seems to fill the building even if it is only a fool's hope.

July 18, 2008 8:50 AM EST

Once again we were forced to move. So far 4/15 of the people in our group have moved to the new rally point and the location looks extremely promising. However, I'm finding it difficult to write in my journal because of the frequent moving and activity required to survive. Waiting on the others to join up before we discuss taking the fight back to the zeds! We're all still very emotional over Foxworthy and Hyginus.

July 18, 2008 12:26 PM EST

So far 9 are present in our safe house, that leaves six people unaccounted for. We can't afford to lose any survivors with how dangerous the streets are getting. I'm afraid to even look outside for fear of a zombie spotting me, and the others are also staying away from the windows. Communication, morale, and coordination are increasing in the group. If all the survivors can make it to ******** before the day is out then we have an excellent chance of fortifying/defending this location for quite some time. When I left ******* earlier today I had seen over twenty zombies milling about and banging on the barricades, so if the survivors aren't here by nightfall I will have to presume they have all been killed. I hear zombies outside, we must keep quiet.